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What do you need the avatars for? post link if a forum.

(although I doubt it as another forum may/is [be] using them; with permission)

Also People should be banned for those link garbage. (I know they will be from now on)

But stuff like that pisses me off, especially that link (you are an idiot hahahahaha) I had to shut off computer (3 months ago), and there were other ones that I did too.



:) ;) :D ;D >:( :( :O 8) ??? ::) :P :-[ :-X :- :-* :'( ^-^ O0 >:D

Oh man I like these smilies so much more!! Hella-cool! ;)


i hate the new smilies

they look all washed-out and unprofessional

i recommend you get rid of them immediately, they are gonna give this site a goofy, silly, stupid look.


Honestly, I liked the old ones better. For one, these aren't animated. And two, Nav's right, they look a little too goofy. And you forgot to add the code to let you select the hidden smilies.


No you can not use the avatars I made as you have not said what they will be used for.

The new smilies are not that good. are there only 4 new ones to select from when replying?


Another thing annoying is the signatures...they are huge!!look at dukeleto's or Sardaukar Elite or slaphapy5..they are too big! Remember the controversy over little banners?? well these are 3 times as big..which means more loading time and scrolling..make them shorter!!

(possibly ban blobs, unless that is all in the persons sig)


Uploaded a new set of smilies. Do a Ctrl-R refresh if you don't see them. Or empty your cache.

Err Gobalopper, do you still have the original set of smilies? Would it be possible to still use them instead of the new ones, if we don't like or want to use the new smilies?


I agree about the sigs getting so BIG, some are just gaudy ??? and painful on the eyes :'( at least the images/banners in the sigs looked nice :D

Oh and btw don't ya just love these smiles ;D I DO! O0


Gob, can't you recolour and resize those smilies? They don't fit in AT ALL and if you can't do those things.... you can always ask me to give you the old smilies back as i have them too


haha ;D :P :-*


The smileys look maybe too much like the msn smileys. And you must never have that. Msn smileys are the worst ever drawn.

However, they would be alot better if they got some animation?

Do you mind, Gob, if I put some work at them and make them somewhat more alive?


I noticed it too, though, half of the topics are closed by the started of the thread or it's posted in the wrong board or it's a junk topic (anti-n00b topic or cheat topic for example)

Is it just me or has this happened before?


No you can not use the avatars I made as you have not said what they will be used for.

The new smilies are not that good. are there only 4 new ones to select from when replying?


Another thing annoying is the signatures...they are huge!!look at dukeleto's or Sardaukar Elite or slaphapy5..they are too big! Remember the controversy over little banners?? well these are 3 times as big..which means more loading time and scrolling..make them shorter!!

(possibly ban blobs, unless that is all in the persons sig)

check a few posts up and ypull probably see my actual question


ahh, so you only want the dune 2000 avatars..after your first post it seemed like you wanted to use other ones too. dune2k is the website, so when you say you want to use its avatars I assumed the whole site.

Sorry for misunderstanding.

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