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The following are some things you should avoid doing while using our forum. In most cases if you abuse these rules you will be warned before being banned but we always reserve the right to ban someone if we feel it is appropriate.

  • Unless you are a moderator do not reply to threads acting as one. If the moderators feel a thread is improper or should be moved they will do it themselves.
  • Posts that contain one word responses or rude remarks will be deleted.
  • There is no need to reply to a thread, especially those older then a month, unless you have something to contribute to the discussion.
  • If you need to contact someone directly send them a message.
  • Avoid repeated use of the same character or smiley.
  • Discussion of obtaining pirated software is not allowed.
  • Do not post links to sites that cause your browser/computer to crash.
  • When appropriate use the modify button instead of posting two or more messages in a row.
  • When replying to an older message in a thread quote that message in your reply so everyone knows what you are talking about.
  • Do not bump topics; your post will just be deleted.
  • Try to stay on-topic, if you want to post something that is off-topic start another thread instead.
  • Harassing, threatening, intimidating, or discriminating remarks toward other members will not be tolerated.
  • If you wish to promote your site please do so in your signature or elsewhere. Posting about special events is acceptable.
  • If you are going to post a spoiler from either a game, movie, or novel please use the spoiler tags.
  • Avoid using images in your signature and if you must make them as small as possible.
  • You are only allowed to have one account on the forum.
  • If you think someone is abusing the forum rules please use the report post or report member options.


  • Can I be a moderator or staff member?
    • No, if we are looking for new moderators we will ask.
  • I forgot my password; can you send it to me?
    • No. Passwords are encrypted once entered in the database. You will have to request a new password to be sent to your email address. If your email is no longer working contact Gobalopper.
  • What about a huge signature image?
    • No, try to limit signature images to max 400 pixel width and max 100 pixel height. People are here to read messages not look at your signature images.
  • Why was my account deleted?
    • We occasionally delete accounts with 0 posts who have not logged in within the last month or within two weeks after creating their account.
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