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For me it get's even weirder.. When I have visited this forum, almost all internet sites show the problem. As soon as I clear the cookies, all is fine again. When I then browse to other sites for several minutes, without visiting here, all stays fine. As soon as I set step in here and browse to those same sites again, I have the problem again.

I've seen a lot of weird problems, but this one beats all...

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I didn't mention earlier because I was unsure about it, however I noticed that some of other websites I visit partially don't load the images, I don't know if it's because the problem at this forum, I don't know yet if it happens if I visit this forum before open those other sites, but certanly this bugs started at the same time.

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just a thought so don't pay much attention to it .. just if it's really late and you'd like to give it a try. . could any one who has problems with the site use an anonymous proxy [ most ISP have one for there subcribers if you don't know where to look ] and see if the problem still occurs. . ..

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QIL (Quiet inside laughter)

I have the same problem, but restarting the browser solves it for about 4 minutes depending how much im trying to view. But now it stopped working altogether.

It doesnt load pics!! Me angry (had this problem almost as soon as i got home and on dialup about a month ago.)

Should split this into a thread in Tech Board.

Some new avatars, but only 8.

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This is just my evil plan to get everyone to stop using IE actually. :)

But really I have no clue why it would just stop working, I haven't done anything that would cause it code wise but it might be something to do with the server.

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hmzl. . guess what, I just went to one of my neigbourgs [ they are connection via my server ] and looked at this site with IE .. guess what. . after 10 pages or so it get's stuck when trying to download the specific country flags or one of the house avatars [ ordos in my case ]. After that the page doesn't continue to load and skips all images from that moment on. Usually the avatars or country flags.

The weird thing is my computer has non of these errors using Opera. And we are both connected via my server and network. Only differance is the brouwser we use.

[ I first thought of a bad or slow connection to the server, so using a proxy could improve your connectin as they usually handel the traffic a little better, although my neigbours and myself are connected throught my proxy .. so if it handels it ok for me, it should do so for them ]

I'm really strarting to believe you'r trying to get us with Mozilla . . if so .. I like the idea. . . ;D

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Internet Explorer does weird things, but I am inclined to think it has something to do with your account Nyar. Since you have the same problem at work as you do on the home system. Have you tried logging out and logging back in to the Forum?

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Looking at the people that just posted earlier, I'm not the only one :)

And yes, as soon as you delete your cookies, you need to login again. To make it even better, I also tried to logout manually, delete all cookies and files, close all off, restart IE and log back in again. Problem remains...

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About a month ago I had a problem staying logged in. Every time I would try to go to a new thread or make a post I would get logged out. I ended up going to Windows and IE update and got a few downloads and the problem has ceased. Is it possible there is an update you are lacking? ???

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Have you tried another web browser? I would try Netscape or Opera and see if the problem goes away. Another thing you might want to try in IE is try changing your security settings around. Try going to low security. It's not like IE is all that secure anyway.

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@ Nyarlathotep

I have no clue [ no real one that is ]. I used to visit Fed2K on brief intervalls from school where I'm using IE. Although havn't been there for a month or so. And just before I posted it, [ 2 post back ] I didn't know any computer on my net was effected by it.

With my own computers behind the same server and without the error is just as you've mentioned more then weird. ...

There was a IE patch a few weeks back [ think 2 ] that MS has recalled because it had serious errors in it [ more then usuall ;) ]. There are a number of newsgroup messages warning about a more then usuall amount of server-use and bandwidth-use on the Net. Last as with the white background you can sometimes get on Fed2K, thought it was when the server compleats the request to fast and incompleat, sort of that although then with a different result. As it could take to long loading certain things. The first would be strange as the computer I used was running IE 5.something and the only update it got was the high-encryption one from MS. So non of the newer ones are installed there.

About accounts .. I didn't log into mine using IE this day and it still occured.

Thought of IE using to much open connections at ones with keep alive enabled or something so the server would get to-much open ports refusing the rest and no ore pictures are transmitted. . although that also isn't really logical.

Anyway, a lot of thinkin. . .just no answers. . ..besides it's IE related. And you shouldn't be needing another browser just because it does things you don't want and more important understand.. .it should do what you know it does and why. In this case, we don not.

Now I'd say the same as DjCID. . .thinking updates or patches. Gon'na have a look at MS in a while see if there's anything there.

And don't know if it's needed, although mayby split this topic before we wast the site updates and move the remaining part to Tech support ?

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Sorry for the double post, but I wanted this to show up as new.

I think I've solved it. As I was convinced (for myself) that it had to be something account, or site related, I looked everytime where the browser stopped responding. I noticed it was usually a flag in a signature that stopped responding first. The one that stopped most was this one. I believe it's from Duke Leto.

Due to my believes stated earlier, I started to play with my profile. I first cleared all my cookies and files, closed my browser and restarted it again and went into my profile. I thicked Show signature images to No and started browsing again. At a certain point (longer then normal) it stopped loading images again. I then deleted all cookies and files again, closed my browser, restarted it, went back into my profile and thicked show images in signatures to Yes again.

Since then everything still works fine. I browsed 5 times longer then I normally could and so far so good. Maybe all who suffered the same problem could try the above and let me know if it solved it for you.


Only thing that's causing me "long" wait time before a thread is loaded, is this flag from Ex' signature. It's due to the fact that it's linked to Nationstates, which isn't the fastest server on the net. Ex, if you can, try to download the image on your own server if you have one, or ask Gob if he can store it locally :)


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