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the old ranking system was just fine, except for a few people. most people should be ranked by post counts exactly as they were in the old system, but certain guys who have ludicrously high posts counts due to nothing other than incessant spamming - perfect example = loweezee - those guys should have their posts counts manually adjusted.

it's a shame that the whole ranking system was scrapped simply because a few bad apples (everyone who won the Most Heinous Spammer Award in the last Fed2K Awards) have a BS post count/ranking due to spam. the best solution would be to deal the spammers individually instead of making the whole site suffer, as has happened with the current decision.

the answer is simple: manually switch the posts count of guys like loweezee to -2000 Posts every 4 months. then everything would be in balance again.

Before you posted this, I was thinking the same thing. :D The old system was working perfectly until maybe 2-3 people abused the system somehow. The old system shoudl be put back in place and not a complicated thing people are proposing.

Less spam is better.

(especially when has nothing to do with site updates)

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A little off topi, but:

Gob, you never seem to get any older. You've been 21 as long as I can remember... ???

If you have some kind of anti-aging secret, I'm sure you could sell it to Merck or GSK for big money. ;D

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The only person I would give a negative vote for is NAVigator...

BTW,I think this site should allow us to display our own avatars.

No because Gobalopper is responsible for faul pictures being displayed in his forum.

And what about the 11yr olds that visit fed2k? I don't think their parents would like them to stare at p0rn. :D

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I thought the British Flag was the Union Jack?


I thought the cross design currently in use here was for England only. ???

You can choose to choose between the english flag (st. Georges cross) or the britsh flag (the scotish, Northan Island and English flag combined). Since I live in england I chose to have a english flag.

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Mahdi's Ice truck ran over an Apache Indian and the rest at the servers Aussie compound refused to serve the pages ... damn indian givers.

On top of that my wife spit her coke on my keyboard, now it's all sticky. The 'g' key especially

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On top of that my wife spit her coke on my keyboard, now it's all sticky. The 'g' key especially

A friend of my mom's keyboard had that problem. She stuck it in the dishwasher.

According to her, it worked fine once she let it dry.

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btw. Gob, you really should place the registration agreement somewhere so that everyone can reread it, it would also help you if you're in court. ;)

Here's the code in HTML:


<table bgcolor="#484848" width="100%" height="20%" border="1">
<tr><td align="center">
<iframe src="http://www.emperor.eglador.com/registration_agreement.html" width="90%" noresize="noresize" />
<p>Your browser does not support frames, please upgrade it to a newer version.</p>


Here's the page the frame is using: http://www.emperor.eglador.com/registration_agreement.html copy the source code, the color choices might be changed a little and perhaps the text colour too.

If you want to add the registration agreement to a page instead of making a seperate page, leave out <html><body> and </body></html> from the source code above and the registration_agreement page.

I also haven't put everything that's needed within the <head>'s tags, i don't know what you were going to put in there.

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1) a man was robbing a house that the family that lived there was on vacation, he robbed the house and was going to leave through the garage, he locked the house door behind him and then couldn't open the garage door because something was wrong with the controlls i guess, because the family was on vacation they didn't come back for a week, and he was stuck in the garage. he survived on dog food and coke that he found in the garage, after a week the family returned and found him in the garage, he sued the garage door company for there faulty door that caused him mental distress... he got some thousands of dollars

2) a lady was walking around in a store and was being bothered by a young child that was runing around the store screaming, she sued the store for not doing anything about it... it was her own son!!

3) a man was stealing the hub caps off of his neighbors car not realising they were in it and about to leave, they backed out and ran over his hand, and the person who was stealing their hub caps sued them for runing over his hand.

Better safe then sorry ;)

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