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Nuclear War


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The assassination of the second pope is the cue for the start of the Antichrist’s campaign to conquer Europe. He will wage his war at first by threatening Europe’s Cultural centres, not the physical destruction of the whole populace. To start with he will destroy the Catholic Church, by revealing documents that were suppressed in the Vatican library.

During military struggles in the Middle East one of the combatants will get hold of nuclear weapons, and will launch a bomb into the Mediterranean by mistake. This destroys all of its sea-life and much of the sea faring power of the southern European nations.

"Troops will approach from Russia. The Destroyer will ruin the ancient city (Paris) Italy will be destroyed"(C2,Q96)

The Mediterranean free, Moslem armies invade France, Greece, Italy and Spain. At this point Russia enters the war by invading northern Europe, and will destroy Paris.

When Western leaders intervene to protect oil supplies the antichrist launches nuclear bombs on Europe. The Antichrist also launches bombs at New York and will follow these up with a bacteriological assault on both New York and London.


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Yeah the middle east uses nukes and if we had the guts we would use them too. THen a few other countries would use them and it would spin way out of control. Thats why tis called MAD mutual assured destruction.

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Sardaukar-Kirov, your scenario is way out of the realm of the possible... I was serious when I wrote mine. Dead serious. :(

Ordos45, even Bush is smart enough to avoid taking all your liberties at once. They will use the "Augustus approach": change the old older slowly, one thing at a time. It will take years to end American democracy. And when it will be done, very few people will notice that something is wrong. The election law will be the last to change.

WW3 will not be a conventional war. It will be a large-scale copy of the Vietnam war. At first, americans will attempt to win it by air only... a fatal mistake. The terrorists are willing to die for their cause, while we care for the life of each soldier! We are like Landsraad cadets fighting the Fremen... and oil is the spice. The Mahdi will cut oil supplies just like Muad'hib threatened to destroy spice. But that will be the coup de grace, it's a long way away.

It's all in my timeline... I'll start ticking off the things that come true.

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Edric, my computer is already being watched, I have no doubt about that.  It is one of those stupid little things the government forgets to mention during states of emergency or danger.  The Superbowl however, what do they think they can do with an army larger than many small nations have?  One suicide bobmer and the place could be destroyed, I heard a phrase once on Television, "you cannot stop a fanatic, for they will give their life for that fo the target"

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