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FED2k... secrets...

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There is no such thing as a Dutch conspiracy for world domination. Also, there is no such thing as Canada.


In an attempt to fool my adversaries (wich includes about everybody on this board), I changed my name to Anathema, but my sensual text color threw of my disguise immediately.



I'm a part of a worldwide Jewish conspiracy to take over the world. My job is to take down fed2k.  ;D



In addition to the CIA I'm occasionally loaned out to the Vatican, despite being a Protestant.


There was once an original nonsense thread...it has disappeared.


fed2k . . .secrets . . .

After it had past a few more began to appear, but then the mighter gob made then go away in fear that they'd end up steering the forum into a maelstorm of nonsense.

  • 3 weeks later...

Fed2k. . .Secrets. . .

Nema is really just a spell check program


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FED2k... secrets...

Chris Longpore really does wear womens underwear, as previously stated in FED2k news.  Some people thought that was a joke.  It wasn't.  We have proof.  How do you think we got named "The Emperor: Battle for Dune official forum"?

these are f******g halarious. but i have to go to class. some people will remember that...


FED2k... secrets...

Vangaurd and Andrew were quite the item until Vangaurd proved he was too selfish to truly love anybody other than himself.  It did not end amicably.

FED2k... secrets...

I was once arrested for hiring a thirteen year old prostitute.


FED2k... secrets...

The Editing Team will take over this site

FED2k... secrets...

The Landsraad really is evil but Nyar has to cover it up everytime it gets leaked

FED2k... secrets...

Mahdi's days are numbered


FED2k... secrets...

Well it turned out that Vanguard ordered an escort service all the way from the Maritimes. Once he saw who came to his door he remembered that he didn't specify gender when ordering. He then said he wanted to "only be friends" with a shock on his face and dismissed me.

FED2k... secrets...

I was the bodyguard, not the escort. I then proceeded to steal his golden mailbox to repay the trip expenses, and for the escort.

FED2k... secrets...


FED2k . . .secrets. . .

the pope has been missing for the last 8 months, Gob ate him

FED2k . . .secrets. . .

Saddam hussein and Osama bin Laden are married, Mahdi did the ceremony

FED2k . . .secrets. . .

The Baffin island is the only known place were smurfs still exist

FED2k . . .secrets. . .

  • 2 weeks later...

FED2k... secrets...

I am still keeping track of a specific thread on FED2k where myself and Terror made an agreement to keep contact at a specific date, and will contact him when that date arrives...

FED2k... secrets...

The Politics, Religion, & Philosophy board was really secretly implemented by the Ixians, with the intent of observing human behaviour, and creating a machine with the likeness of a human mind...

FED2k... secrets...


FED2k... secrets...

The Politics, Religion, & Philosophy board was really secretly implemented by the Ixians, with the intent of observing human behaviour, and creating a machine with the likeness of a human mind.......................

Fed2k.... secrets......

The machine was completed .. however it crashed the main ixian database during data transfer by uploading


Fed2k.... secrets......

Believe it or not, Edric and I are actually the same person. I couldn't decide which end of the political spectrum I liked so I split into two personalities to handle it.

Fed2k.... secrets......

There is no Mahdi. Only Mahdi's hat.

Fed2k.... secrets......

Every time someone creates an account here, Gob gets a voodoo doll of them. His aim is to form an army of slaves that will eventually migrate to Canada and from there attack the world at the command of the Yetis.

Fed2k.... secrets......

This thread is was actually created in order to distract you from the real secrets.

Fed2k.... secrets......

At least one member of the Landsraad is angular, and staples things. The most popular one probably.

Fed2k.... secrets......



There is a hidden smiley set,but Gob uses it only for himself,and to spite others...


Nema is not a spell checking program,hes a good spell checking program...




I supplied the Vatican with the current animatronic Pope to replace the one Gob ate.


Mahdi is actually Rush Limbaugh.


There is no Nema, for he is the Easter Bunny.



While Nam may like the sheep, the sheep secretly dislike him.


A while ago Alphabeta, Voltrius/Ghostysquare and Jacob Douds went questing for the holy snail in Gob's Dungeon, whereupon they were devoured, spat out, used as cheap cutlery substitute and their heads used as bowling balls. Gob has been unable to comment.



Fed2k... secrets...

Jacob and the faithful few who took up the quest in the name of Gob had not reckoned with the beast known as the "Easter Bunny"...

Fed2k... secrets...

Some suspect that the beast "Easter Bunny" is in fact a mutated spawn of Gob himself, cursed forever to hop the earth, cursed forever with a gnawing hunger for flesh, cursed forever with rather bad hair.

Fed2k... secrets...

The creature was first discovered by Sir Sard. However, he was lacking in one vital object: an Antiochean Hand Grenade.

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