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What do you look like?


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Nyar: ;) A family of 6, the food will disappear sooner or later.

Low: what'cha smoking? :P I don't know what 70 kilos is, is that heavy or light? I'm pretty heavy (muscle, of course) at 190 lbs with 6'1". You should see my calves, they're huge.

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Acriku:If you watched phone booth,you look a little like the caller[Kiefer Sutherland,sp?]but a little "massed-up". ;)

Jack:You look like a circus clown! ;D

Nah!J/k you look like one of those out-of-the-movie-cast-list enemy soldier in an action movie who is killed by a kung-fu kick while trying to shoot him[the bullets wil never hit the hero,as usual].

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Knee surgery :)

I guess you got tackled by Roy Keane... ;D

Sampsa,you trying to be Neo of the Matrix?Here comes Agent Smith and his clones---> 8) 8) 8) 8)

That is a BB or toy gun right?Hopefully it is or I will read in the newspapers tomorrow,"Finnish schoolboy randomly shoots and kills 3 in class"

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Knee surgery :)

I guess you got tackled by Roy Keane... ;D

Sampsa,you trying to be Neo of the Matrix?Here comes Agent Smith and his clones---> 8) 8) 8) 8)

That is a BB or toy gun right?Hopefully it is or I will read in the newspapers tomorrow,"Finnish schoolboy randomly shoots and kills 3 in class"

Yeah, it's Airsoft gun... But in the other pictures I hold real SMG. 8)

By the way, I am not trying to be Neo - I am trying to be Wasteland wanderer... :)

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