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I'm not pro on blocking ads as a general principle. There are sites that can only exist by having a few ads placed on their pages dicretely. However, many sites are generally inaccessible (and not to mention slow) with all their flashing ads. So I use adblocks to get rid of them (or the RIP extension).

However, with the advanced filters you now have with AdBlock it just becomes too easy to block all ads, and too hard to select individual ads that need to go. I think the time of ads on webpages is over...

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I'm doing companies a service by not viewing ads. I don't plan on clicking/viewing/purchasing anything from ads. So if I block it then the companies do not have to pay the advertisers money to show me an ad I do not want to see. Of course advertisers would not be happy about this since they like inflated numbers.

I think the time of ads on webpages is over...

They'll just find another way to do it like those flash/video ads. Now I admit that Google text ads are good because they are simple. But they are pointless to me. I might once every 6 months click on an ad just to laugh at how stupid the whole thing is (they expect me to buy this?). Then I see the adverts webpage is crap and never heard of them before(no physical location) so no reason to buy from them. Maybe they should have better local Google text ads that are actually relevant and advertise for a company down my street.

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Ads...? What ads?  ;D

yeah, what ads? the only time I noticed ads was about the time that discussion about that dune related site was starting which was displayed in a google ad. but seriously: I never noticed any ad except that. so to answer your question: no I don't klick them...

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Same with me... I only noticed once that the ads were context-related (sometimes giving very poor or irrelevant matches to the contents of a thread), and thought how smart these advertisers have become in utilizing information technology. But I've never clicked any ads, partially because they never offered anything really interesting.

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Heh, yeah I realized after posting that the new design doesn't even have ads in it. Its really just the forum and they are at the bottom of the page.

I figure most people who are visiting regularly aren't going to be clicking them anyway so no point showing them really.

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do u realy get money from it?

Haha, I can remember years ago when I first made a web page from Geo-shitty. They had the option to make cash from all these different adds etc. Anyway I used all the adds I could put on that damn page and didn't make jack-shit. I don't know how they do it now, but it can't be too much different than what it used to be.

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do u realy get money from it?

I don't think he would host them if he didn't !

I clicked on some regularly, just so they have to pay fed2k, sort of click, let it load, then close it. Did that about 10 times before I became bored. Havant done it in a while.

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Meh, they do no harm.  In fact, sometimes it's funny to see what GoogleAd appears on certain threads.

Gotta agree with you there.  Nothing says fun like a google ad in Iraq Issues advertising State Department positions.

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I think I forgot there is still 85% of the population out there that doesn't know they have choice if it comes to browsing. You know, the same percentage that think the Earth is flat because it is what they see...

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You know, the same percentage that think the Earth is flat because it is what they see...

yea right, like the world is cubical. ..

And what would be next for browsers. .. Safari for Windows and Apple pre-installing Windows on the Mac's. . :P

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