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when you try the demo you see what they mean...yes its the same engine but its not a mod surly

they are just calling it that because its so similar and it looks like some mods....

but its fun anyway..any game that uses bf2 engine will be great..

that's what ea is countting on i guess...

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true.. but pkm and support weapons are different category from the light machine gun category witch

i am saying here....

plus pkm is a long range gun and its not fast at all ..it weight 16 kilos so it will slow you down

and you need to prone before you shoot...and by this time a good shot on the head from the g3 will

do the job on close encounters

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its not about power only..what so great about g3 is the accuracy which gives you a high advantage against any other shooters specially when you get used to aim with it...

i dunno about the shot guns.. i I've been killed with one shot a lots of times and with different kinds of shot guns as well as i remember clearly making one single shot kills with the ordinary one single shot  engineer shot gun but from very close range..just a matter of practice..

the shot guns are not a primary weapon in open battle like bf2 anyway...

and usually used by police  for short range encounters...

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All support guns are light machine guns. They just have less recoil than others each other.

If your a veteran with support then you'll know that you don't need to prone when firing long range or short. It's all about the short burst for long and the rapid fire for close. G3 is an all rounder gun aswell so it can also fire long range.

PKM maybe slow to us firing it, but have you seen how fast the bullets come out from the front view by changing it with the 'C' button while firing? 8)

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yes i agree...but i still think its too heavy to carry.. i like to run faster and lighter in this huge spaces of bf2... and i still mean to compare the normal rifles .. i mean the ones without

stands  or the so called stationary or tactical weapons...thanks

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And does anyone know if the Mg36(sf support unlock) is any lighter than the PKM and the M249?

The bullet radius from a Mg36 is sweet, as it sprays bullets in a close nit circle, so there's more chance killing someone with rapid fire from long and medium range.

If it has to be without a stand then yes I agree with the G3. I always make use of the tear gas grenade going down that hill from USMC side as it helps my team mates from getting shot at while they run down with me. ;)

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hehe When I  served in the army we had an AG3 as wepon( the g3 in battlefield).Very strong and powerful(7.62 cal)had a shooting distance for 3000m. ::)It really did hurt your shoulder, there were a lot of the boys who got an black eye after getting a kick back fron the monster.


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I hope no one buys the game. Although computer illiterate people will :(

And if someone has antispyware program installed, and it reomves this spyware, will Battlefield not work and  you will have to reinstall it? A lot of people are going to think their antispyware software is bad and stop using it.

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They get information about their customers. It is like forcing every gamer to constantly fill out surveys. Thye can develope marketing programs aimed at them. It also serves the targeted ads in game. So advertisers will pay lots of money knowing their ad is being targeted to correct group of people.

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Its too bad really, I was *almost* thinking of getting it, but then again, I really can't justify spending over 50 dollars on what should really be an expansion pack; especially considering the amount of use I got out of special forces.

EA is really getting hit hard with this one, it already looks like the game is being boycotted on a large scale. Just take a look at Amazon's page for the game, only 1.5 stars out of 5 and the price has already dropped 5 dollars.

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With the news of the spyware this  only solidifies my choice on getting Enemy Territory: QUAKE WARS   plus its made by John Carmack the genius of Id Software, and not the dopes at EA.

Dont get me wrong.. i like vanilla BF2 ... but if i have to decide between futuristic BF2 and futuristic Enemy Territory ... well its not gonna be 2142.

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Shack: How does Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars stand out from games in similar genres, such as the Battlefield series?

Paul Wedgwood: Both id Software and Splash Damage are fans of Battlefield (and both companies are known for running Battlefield game servers for their staff and friends), but ETQW should be thought of as a different kind of game with different development and gameplay goals. ETQW is fundamentally built with the goal of creating gameplay where teamwork makes a significant difference in whether or not you complete objectives. The game is also unique in pitting asymmetrical forces against one another; It

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Software/hardware should always come with a warning if it contains spyware/viruses/DRM on the box.

Otherwise I hope people sue sue sue. Of course it is most likely mentioned in the license thingy that you click "next" and do not read. I would like to see a study of how many people actually read the licenses in entirety and understand it all. I don't think I have read a software license in its entirety since I started using computers. I bet computer illiterate people do not read the licenses eithor.

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I can't wait for ET:QW, but even in those old screenshots it looks like any card beneath a 7800 is going have trouble maintaining a level of quality near those screenshots; I'd put good money on it being delayed again just to make it DX10 compatible.

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Right on Guns, that looks like the shit. I loved ET and I still have it (on the hopes I might ever go back in, knowing that coming out will be harder than last time). The teamplay is much more fun and satisfying than solo runs with the tanks throughout the map.

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