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Everything posted by mechadragon

  1. DiV3 is DiVX, think "DiVX version 3". Go to http://www.divx.com and look for the codec installer.
  2. My niece has recently had the same problem. It seems to be something linked to something else coming with KaZaA lately. One of the softwares that sponosrs KaZaA opens a backdoor to make popup appear at random intervals, and to make it seem like it's coming from a website you are looking at... except that some websites don't have popups... It seems that this backdoor may be being used to download and install other spywares without your consent. Mind you that I have no proof of all this, but we do know that what ever it was came with KaZaA as she has only had the problems since last week when she installed it. Before that, no spyware. For the tech mindd on this board, our little goodie seems to be broadcasting through/as ntoskernel and ad-aware was unable to find it.
  3. Products cost money you know. In the outside world, when a company fails to accomplish a contract on time, or sells defective merchandise, they swallow the expense of repairs and completion. It's the cost of doing business. Besides, wasn't the 3
  4. Actually, I agree with the original poster. Mostly because a lot of companies don't host thier own patches anymore. I shouldn't have to wait in line or register with another website to obtain the bugfix on a game from another company. I shouldn't have to be subjected to advertisments every step of the way either. Imagine if you went into a local store and got the same response? YOU: "Yes, I would like to exchanges this, it seems to be broken" STORE CLERK #1: "If you would like to exchange this, you need to go acrosss the street to the other store. Would you like a trial subscription to a magazine or pay to play a game before you go?" YOU: "Uh... no..." [ACROSS THE STREET] YOU: "Yes, I would like to exchanges this, it seems to be broken" STORE CLERK #2: "Before you can exchange this item, you need to fill out this form with your address giving us permission to send advertisements to you in the mail." YOU: "Uh... okay..." STORE CLERK #2: "Now, if you would like to exchange this now, you can pay us $20 a month for our services, or you can wait in line a couple of hours..." YOU: "Umm... I'll wait..." STORE CLERK #2: "Would you like to buy the latest PC game while you wait? Maybe you would prefer to have a nice cheesburger? No? How about seeing the latest movie? Would you like to win a million dollars? Earn money now, while you wait, all you have to do is give us all of your personal information and let us watch you 24 hours a day! You still have 1 hour and 59 minutes left to wait, or you could pay for our premium exchange service and go straigh to the front desk with no wait!" YOU: [sHOOTS HIMSELF] It's pretty damn ridiculous... I mean, it's one thing to have a sponsored site and hosted downloads, it's another to have to run a greed guanlet! I remember when they fit and ran on a single 5 1/2" floppy... that was actually floppy...
  5. http://www.dune2k.com/?page=viewℑ=/images/emperor/house/Guild_Big.jpg I don't think it had the energy flames in the Lynch version, but the general shape is identical.
  6. Dune 2 and Dune 2000 use the House Wallach logo from DE. Emperor uses it's own design.
  7. [me=MechaDragonX]goes and digs a copy out of an archive...[/me] You are right, hmm... Why didn't they use the real info...
  8. Do note that in Emperor, the Ordos logo was changed form the Wallach logo of a serpent coiled around a book into a serpent coiled around the Ordos homeworld. The Ordos were created by Westwood, therefore there were no Ordos in DE.
  9. The whole film is cartoonish, as it is a very grim children's fable gone awry. In the case of this film, it not only adds to the fun, it's intregal to the story. ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. In a nutshell, it means all those brats that GUNWOUNDS said needed to be smacked.
  10. City is a beautiful film and one of my top five of all time. But it's not for everyone, espicailly the ADHD generation. It can be very drawn out and hard to follow at points. It's visually stunning beyond the works of David Lynch or Stanley Kubrick, which says a lot. And if you do decided to watch this, get the subtitled version since part of the humor is in the french announciation. If you like it, try and track down one one of Jean-Pierre Jeunet's earlier films, namely Delicatessen, because it is just as creative and twice as disturbing, but lacks the visual kick becasue of budget constraints. Other works I know of by Jean-Pierre Jeunet are Amilee whcih I have not seen but heard is literaly "green", and Alien Ressurection, which is an abomination. And if you should see it, tell me if you think there is some kind of implied adult desires from Miette towards One.
  11. All of the above services , including the "popular" Sims Online are loosing money. (Mind you, this is by corporate accounting methods) They spent to much money promoting thier wares only to have less than half the expected return. Only two PayForPlay services have ever succeeded, Ultima Offline and EverCrap.
  12. Download Mage http://www.dlmage.com Not frilly, nice features, highly configurable. You can set it to multi-connect is you so desire. You can even throttle your end, or resume theirs. It intergrates with IE and Netscape. If you just want something to automate or run in the background, get a windows compiled version of wget. It's free. ftp://sunsite.dk/projects/wget/windows/wget-1.8.2b.zip
  13. I like the idea of blocking people out of posting in your threads. It would help to eliminating flame trolling and the even more ridiculous dogmatism that goes on here.
  14. Damn, as ill as Johnny has been, and considering he is older, we thought he would be the first to go. Sorry to hear that.
  15. No, I gave up on listening to music in 1998 and have been reluctant to try anything new in fear it may suck my IQ down lower than MTV already had. Has anyone here been to the Rammstein website? Did you notice that they want more money for fans to look at some dinky ass website than to buy thier albums? Capitalism Oingo Boingo There's nothing wrong with Capitalism There's nothing wrong with free enterprise Don't try to make me feel guilty I'm so tired of hearing you cry There's nothing wrong with making some profit If you ask me I'll say it's just fine There's nothing wrong with wanting to live nice I'm so tired of hearing you whine About the revolution Bringin' down the rich When was the last time you dug a ditch, baby! If it ain't one thing Then it's the other Any cause that crosses your path Your heart bleeds for anyone's brother I've got to tell you you're a pain in the ass You criticize with plenty of vigor You rationalize everything that you do With catchy phrases and heavy quotations And everybody is crazy but you You're just a middle class, socialist brat From a suburban family and you never really had to work And you tell me that we've got to get back To the struggling masses (whoever they are) You talk, talk, talk about suffering and pain Your mouth is bigger than your entire brain What the hell do you know about suffering and pain . . . (Repeat first verse) (Repeat chorus) There's nothing wrong with Capitalism There's nothing wrong with Capitalism There's nothing wrong with Capitalism There's nothing wrong with Capitalism
  16. Gator was actually convicted of collecting private information from consumers without thier consent. After their coviction, Gator tried to setup and lead a council for "ethics in internet advertisment". Justly, they were laughed at...
  17. Herbert is here: http://gning.org/skiffy_result.html?h
  18. Mickey Spillane A tremendously successful writer of extreme over-the-top hard boiled detective novels, who occasionally dabbled in science fictional elements (badly).
  19. Have you heard American (and Europop, while I'm at it) lyrics? They don't make much sense either. The most popular song in the US ever screams "a mulato, and albino, a misqito, my libido" which is simply nosensical. ??? It doesn't help that most of today's so called "musicians" are a bunch of uneducated brats either too young to have completed high school or more intrested in selling crack to have something to rap about. (Need I point out that these "musicians" have niether musical skills nor backgrounds?) These things are open to interpretation though, and can have meaning beyond thier bad grammer. Even my precious Einst
  20. Gob, why not put the site back up on the current server until it is actually time to move it?
  21. yes, if not, it can be imported
  22. It will also reveal US phone numbers if you know thier fist and last names, plus zip code (which you can look up if you just know where they are in general). It will return thier full address and phone number
  23. I had this happen the other day. I deployed the MCV to see if the Con Yard would be invisable and it was not. Then I undeployed it, it remained visable thereafter.
  24. I remeber the original star wars (1977) toys...
  25. Oh Dog no! I couldn't stand to see Dune as the same kind of over hyped drivel that this film series is...
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