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Fed2k Awards Two


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Okay, well vote for who you think fits each description. And remember, you can't vote for yourself.

1) Most helpful member

2) Best Debater

3) The member who creates threads with the best titles

4) The member who makes the most meaningful posts

5) The member who makes the best topics.

6) The best fan fiction poster

7) The best General poster

8 ) The best Emperor: Battle For Dune Poster

9) The best strategy poster

10) The best Mod (Like game change, not moderator

11) Someone you look up to on the boards

12) Your favorite member

13) Someone who you wish was on more/returned to Fed2k after leaving

14) Funniest person on boards

15) Best moderator

16) Best non-Fed2k message board adminator and what board was it

17) Favorite Emperor player on boards

18) Some Emperor player you wish you could play as

19) Someone you wish had the same insant messenger service as you so you could talk to them

20) Someone you miss that you wish would return to Emperor.

21) Best game

22) Favorite Sport (Either as Spectator or Participant)

23) Favorite food

24) Favorite, AMD or Intel

25) Someone you think has the right to become a moderator

26) Someone you think has the right to become a Landsradd

27) Favorite, Laptop or desk PC

28) Favorite music

29) Favorite music/artist

30) Favorite type of car

31) Best Grammar

32) Best Thread

33) Fed2k Nickname you like the most

34) Emperor nickname you like the most

35) Worst advertisment


1) Person you loathe

2) Worst food you've ever had

3) Least favorite music

4) Least favorite car

5) Member with worst grammar

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I guess I'll go first. (And Nyar, if you could be as helpful as you were last time and keep count I'd really appreciate it, or someone else if Nyar wishes not to, thanks).

1) Most helpful member

Gob (Hey what can I say, guys helped my ass more then once)

2) Best Debater


3) The member who creates threads with the best titles


4) The member who makes the most meaningful posts


5) The member who makes the best topics


6) The best fan fiction poster


7) The best General poster


8 ) The best Emperor: Battle For Dune Poster


9) The best strategy poster


10) The best Mod (Like game change, not moderator)


11) Someone you look up to on the boards


12) Your favorite member

DjCid (What can I say, your one crazy, funny bastard ;D)

13) Someone who you wish was on more/returned to Fed2k after leaving


14) Funniest person on boards


15) Best moderator


16) Best non-Fed2k message board adminator and what board was it

Ken's, Eg.

17) Favorite Emperor player on boards


18) Some Emperor player you wish you could play as


19) Someone you wish had the same insant messenger service as you so you could talk to them

Have them all, just to lazy to add people

20) Someone you miss that you wish would return to Emperor.


21) Best game


22) Favorite Sport (Either as Spectator or Participant)


23) Favorite food


24) Favorite, AMD or Intel


25) Someone you think has the right to become a moderator

Dust Scout

26) Someone you think has the right to become a Landsradd

Dust Scout

27) Favorite, Laptop or desk PC


28) Favorite music


29) Favorite music/artist


30) Favorite type of car


31) Best Grammar


32) Best Thread


33) Fed2k Nickname you like the most


34) Emperor nickname you like the most


35) Worst advertisment

Verizon Wireless guy


1) Person you loathe


2) Worst food you've ever had


3) Least favorite music

Country, if you listen to this stuff your not welcome into my house ;D

4) Least favorite car

Moped ;D

5) Member with worst grammar

Um yeah, Ex has improved a lot so I don't know, btw good job Ex :)

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1) Most helpful member

-Nyar(helped me get my emp back on)

2) Best Debater


3) The member who creates threads with the best titles


4) The member who makes the most meaningful posts


5) The member who makes the best topics.


6) The best fan fiction poster


7) The best General poster


8 ) The best Emperor: Battle For Dune Poster


9) The best strategy poster


10) The best Mod (Like game change, not moderator


11) Someone you look up to on the boards


12) Your favorite member


13) Someone who you wish was on more/returned to Fed2k after leaving


14) Funniest person on boards

-Nav ;D

15) Best moderator


16) Best non-Fed2k message board adminator and what board was it


17) Favorite Emperor player on boards


18) Some Emperor player you wish you could play as


19) Someone you wish had the same insant messenger service as you so you could talk to them

-Got all, dont know any names...

20) Someone you miss that you wish would return to Emperor.


21) Best game


22) Favorite Sport (Either as Spectator or Participant)


23) Favorite food


24) Favorite, AMD or Intel


25) Someone you think has the right to become a moderator

-Dust scout

26) Someone you think has the right to become a Landsradd

-Dust Scout

27) Favorite, Laptop or desk PC

-Desk pc

28) Favorite music


29) Favorite music/artist


30) Favorite type of car


31) Best Grammar


32) Best Thread


33) Fed2k Nickname you like the most

-Devil's Advocate

34) Emperor nickname you like the most


35) Worst advertisment

-Verizon Wireless guy


1) Person you loathe


2) Worst food you've ever had


3) Least favorite music


4) Least favorite car


5) Member with worst grammar

-Me ;D

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Here are mine...

1) Most helpful member


2) Best Debater

Edric O

3) The member who creates threads with the best titles


4) The member who makes the most meaningful posts


5) The member who makes the best topics.


6) The best fan fiction poster


7) The best General poster


8 ) The best Emperor: Battle For Dune Poster


9) The best strategy poster


10) The best Mod (Like game change, not moderator

In The Destroyer's Grip

11) Someone you look up to on the boards


12) Your favorite member

Anders (Cyborg)

13) Someone who you wish was on more/returned to Fed2k after leaving


14) Funniest person on boards


15) Best moderator

Nema Fakei

16) Best non-Fed2k message board adminator and what board was it

Emperor Discussion (Ken)

17) Favorite Emperor player on boards


18) Some Emperor player you wish you could play as


19) Someone you wish had the same insant messenger service as you so you could talk to them


20) Someone you miss that you wish would return to Emperor.


21) Best game

Emperor: Battle for Dune

22) Favorite Sport (Either as Spectator or Participant)

Competitive Swimming

23) Favorite food


24) Favorite, AMD or Intel


25) Someone you think has the right to become a moderator


26) Someone you think has the right to become a Landsradd


27) Favorite, Laptop or desk PC


28) Favorite music


29) Favorite music/artist

Linkin Park

30) Favorite type of car


31) Best Grammar

Nema Fakei

32) Best Thread


33) Fed2k Nickname you like the most


34) Emperor nickname you like the most


35) Worst advertisment

Verizon Wireless


1) Person you loathe


2) Worst food you've ever had


3) Least favorite music


4) Least favorite car


5) Member with worst grammar


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1. Nyar

2. Acriku or Edric


4. Acriku or Edric

5. Acriku or Edric... :P

6. Twin-Head

7. Sard Elite

8. Navaors. No, really!

9. Ken or Nav

10. ITDG

11. Nema

12. Inoculator9

13. Twin-Head or Davo


15. Nema

16. Ex's "Dune Forever" boards

17. Vligent

18. Vligent

19. If I wanted the same IM service, I would just download it... :D


21. C&C: Renegade

22. Baseball

23. Chicken Pot Pie

24. AMD

25. Acriku (PRP)

26. Dunenewt

27. Desktop - Mobile is cool, but Desktops have more power *Insert Tim Taylor grunt here*

28. Rock and Roll

29. The Beatles or The Monkees

30. Limosuine

31. Frodo

32. "Site Updates"

33. Dunenewt


35. Anything political, especially from the Republicans.

1. No one! I love everyone here! ;)

[hide]Emprworm, definately.[/hide]2. Beets

3. Rap

4. SUV *Mumbles something about gas-guzzling capitalist pigs*

5. God2Ghz or Dragoon

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1) Most helpful member


2) Best Debater


3) The member who creates threads with the best titles

Edric O

4) The member who makes the most meaningful posts


5) The member who makes the best topics.


6) The best fan fiction poster


7) The best General poster

Nema Fakei

8 ) The best Emperor: Battle For Dune Poster


9) The best strategy poster


10) The best Mod (Like game change, not moderator)

Kwisatz Haderach 2/Dune Blaster

11) Someone you look up to on the boards


12) Your favorite member


13) Someone who you wish was on more/returned to Fed2k after leaving


14) Funniest person on boards


15) Best moderator


16) Best non-Fed2k message board adminator and what board was it

Frodo @ Eglador

17) Favorite Emperor player on boards


18) Some Emperor player you wish you could play as


19) Someone you wish had the same insant messenger service as you so you could talk to them


20) Someone you miss that you wish would return to Emperor.


21) Best game


22) Favorite Sport (Either as Spectator or Participant)


23) Favorite food

Pizza/cheese dumplings/cheese sticks/raspberries

24) Favorite, AMD or Intel


25) Someone you think has the right to become a moderator


26) Someone you think has the right to become a Landsradd


27) Favorite, Laptop or desk PC


28) Favorite music

Progressive rock/classic/opera

29) Favorite music/artist


30) Favorite type of car


31) Best Grammar

Nema Fakei

32) Best Thread


33) Fed2k Nickname you like the most


34) Emperor nickname you like the most


35) Worst advertisment



1) Person you loathe


2) Worst food you've ever had


3) Least favorite music


4) Least favorite car

1976 Nissan

5) Member with worst grammar


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1) Most helpful member


2) Best Debater


3) The member who creates threads with the best titles


4) The member who makes the most meaningful posts


5) The member who makes the best topics.

-Not sure

6) The best fan fiction poster


7) The best General poster

-Not sure

8 ) The best Emperor: Battle For Dune Poster

- Ken

9) The best strategy poster

- Ken

10) The best Mod (Like game change, not moderator

- I'm not sure if this counts as voting for my self but, ITDG

11) Someone you look up to on the boards

- Nyarlathotep

12) Your favorite member

- Hard one... Darkruler/frodo/cyborg/inoculator9/dukeleto/oh hell just everyone =)

13) Someone who you wish was on more/returned to Fed2k after leaving

- Goldeagle/Wolftiger

14) Funniest person on boards


15) Best moderator

- hmm, probly Frodo

16) Best non-Fed2k message board adminator and what board was it

- um... I don't know

17) Favorite Emperor player on boards

- Darkruler/Djcid/God2gzh

18) Some Emperor player you wish you could play as

- None really

19) Someone you wish had the same insant messenger service as you so you could talk to them

- Not sure, possibly TMA

20) Someone you miss that you wish would return to Emperor.

- None

21) Best game

- XCOM: Apocalypse

22) Favorite Sport (Either as Spectator or Participant)

- Badminton

23) Favorite food


24) Favorite, AMD or Intel


25) Someone you think has the right to become a moderator

- Don't know really

26) Someone you think has the right to become a Landsradd

- Again, not sure

27) Favorite, Laptop or desk PC

- mine (?)

28) Favorite music

-Punk rock/metal

29) Favorite music/artist

-Currently InMe

30) Favorite type of car

- Dodge Viper

31) Best Grammar

- Nema

32) Best Thread

- Vilgent

33) Fed2k Nickname you like the most

- Not sure

34) Emperor nickname you like the most

- DarkIxman/T4pD4t4ss

35) Worst advertisment



1) Person you loathe

- The guy who rides his bike past my house very morning...

2) Worst food you've ever had

- Chicken gizzards

3) Least favorite music

- pop

4) Least favorite car

- Don't know

5) Member with worst grammar


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1) Most helpful member


2) Best Debater


3) The member who creates threads with the best titles


4) The member who makes the most meaningful posts

Nema Fakei

5) The member who makes the best topics.


6) The best fan fiction poster


7) The best General poster

Nema Fakei

8 ) The best Emperor: Battle For Dune Poster


9) The best strategy poster


10) The best Mod (Like game change, not moderator

In The Destroyer's Grip

11) Someone you look up to on the boards

Nema Fakei

12) Your favorite member


13) Someone who you wish was on more/returned to Fed2k after leaving


14) Funniest person on boards


15) Best moderator

Nema Fakei/Frodo

16) Best non-Fed2k message board adminator and what board was it

Ken(Remember, I helped you in the very start ;D Please contact me again for that phplesson. It never took place.)

17) Favorite Emperor player on boards


18) Some Emperor player you wish you could play as

Scy(you always win, if not by much, you git)

19) Someone you wish had the same insant messenger service as you so you could talk to them


20) Someone you miss that you wish would return to Emperor.


21) Best game

Heroes of Might and Magic 2/ Baldurs Gate 2/Starcraft( if you wonder which games I've played most )

22) Favorite Sport (Either as Spectator or Participant)


23) Favorite food

Hmm... Tandoori chicken?

Or "pinnekj

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1) Most Helpful member:


2) Best Debator:


3) The member who creates threads with the best titles:


4) The member who makes the most meaningful posts:

I can't answer this one

5) The member who makes the best topics:


6) The best fan fiction poster


7) The best general poster


8 ) The best Emperor Battle for Dune Poster:

Don't know because I hardly go to that forum

9) The best strategy poster:

again I claim ignorance in this area

10) The best game modder:


11) Someone you look up to on these boards:

nyarlathotep AKA Doc_nyar

12) Your favorite member:

nyarlathotep AKA Doc_nyar

13) Somone you wish was on more/returned to Fed2K after leaving:

Can't think of anyone off the top of my head

14) Funniest person on boards:


15) Best Moderator:


16) Best non-Fed2k message board admin and what board was it:


17) Favorite emperor player on boards:

The one or 2 of you out there I have a chance of beating

18) Some Emperor player you wish you could play as:


19) Someone you wish you had the same messenger service so you could talk to them:

I very rarely use these services

20) Someone you miss that you wish would return to emperor:


21) Best Game:

Best game ever??? That's a tough one. I would have to say my favorite game of all time is : Starcastle

22) Favorite sport:


23) Favorite food:

Ice Cream

24) Favorite AMD or Intel:


25) Someone who has the right to become a moderator:

We have more than enough mods here. If I had to choose someone I would pick Vanguard3000 for general

26) Someone you think has the right to be a Landsraad:


27) Favorite, laptop or desktop:

until they can make a 25" laptop screen I am sticking with desktop

28) Favorit music:


29) Favorite music/artist:


30) Favorite type of car:

anything from Honda

31) Best Grammar:


32) Best Thread:


33) Fed2k Nickname you like most:


34)Emperor nick you like the most:

can't think of any

35) Worst advertisement:

none comes to mind


I don't want to answer any of the contrast questions.

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1) Most helpful member Nyarlathothep.

2) Best Debater Edric 0.

3) The member who creates threads with the best titles Do i care?

4) The member who makes the most meaningful posts Nema Fakei.

5) The member who makes the best topics. Emprworm.

6) The best fan fiction poster ??

7) The best General poster ??

8 ) The best Emperor: Battle For Dune Poster ??

9) The best strategy poster (no comment)

10) The best Mod (Like game change, not moderator) Kwisatz Haderach 2.

11) Someone you look up to on the boards Gobalopper.

12) Your favorite member Anyone who makes an interesting thread about my favorite subject: The universe.

13) Someone who you wish was on more/returned to Fed2k after leaving Worm13

14) Funniest person on boards ??

15) Best moderator All of them.

16) Best non-Fed2k message board adminator and what board was it As i can't vote for my own i vote for Ice_cube's.

17) Favorite Emperor player on boards Acelethal.

18) Some Emperor player you wish you could play as Acelethal.

19) Someone you wish had the same insant messenger service as you so you could talk to them Hkruler13 and his other names.

20) Someone you miss that you wish would return to Emperor. Hkruler13 and worm13.

21) Best game At the moment i like playing C&C Renegade.

22) Favorite Sport (Either as Spectator or Participant) Soccer.

23) Favorite food French fries.

24) Favorite, AMD or Intel Intel.

25) Someone you think has the right to become a moderator I don't know.

26) Someone you think has the right to become a Landsraad Mahdi.

27) Favorite, Laptop or desk PC none.

28) Favorite music Eternal flame.

29) Favorite music/artist Atomic Kitten

30) Favorite type of car Viper GTS-R

32) Best Thread FED2k awards number 1 and 2

33) Fed2k Nickname you like the most pumpkinpoptard

34) Emperor nickname you like the most Darkre1gn

35) Worst advertisment Pop-ups

16) Best non-Fed2k message board adminator and what board was it

Ken(Remember, I helped you in the very start ;D Please contact me again for that phplesson. It never took place.)

Yeah i know, thanks :)

I've already found a good PHP site.

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Okay, well vote for who you think fits each description. And remember, you can't vote for yourself.

nice voting for your site ken :)

1) Most helpful member


2) Best Debater

Edirc O

3) The member who creates threads with the best titles


4) The member who makes the most meaningful posts

Nema Fakei

5) The member who makes the best topics.


6) The best fan fiction poster


7) The best General poster


8 ) The best Emperor: Battle For Dune Poster


9) The best strategy poster


10) The best Mod (Like game change, not moderator

In the destroyers grip

11) Someone you look up to on the boards


12) Your favorite member


13) Someone who you wish was on more/returned to Fed2k after leaving


14) Funniest person on boards


15) Best moderator


16) Best non-Fed2k message board adminator and what board was it


17) Favorite Emperor player on boards


18) Some Emperor player you wish you could play as


19) Someone you wish had the same insant messenger service as you so you could talk to them

We all use MSN anyway

20) Someone you miss that you wish would return to Emperor.


21) Best game


22) Favorite Sport (Either as Spectator or Participant)


23) Favorite food

the phetia balls

24) Favorite, AMD or Intel


25) Someone you think has the right to become a moderator


26) Someone you think has the right to become a Landsradd


27) Favorite, Laptop or desk PC

Desk PC

28) Favorite music


29) Favorite music/artist


30) Favorite type of car

Dodge Viper

31) Best Grammar


32) Best Thread

Those riddles emprwrm did years ago

33) Fed2k Nickname you like the most


34) Emperor nickname you like the most


35) Worst advertisment

I dunno


1) Person you loathe

The brazillian. :D

2) Worst food you've ever had

pickled beets

3) Least favorite music

Classical (not that i hate it entirely just the least favourite)

4) Least favorite car

Pt cruiser

5) Member with worst grammar


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1) Most helpful member


2) Best Debater


3) The member who creates threads with the best titles


4) The member who makes the most meaningful posts


5) The member who makes the best topics.


6) The best fan fiction poster


7) The best General poster


8 ) The best Emperor: Battle For Dune Poster


9) The best strategy poster


10) The best Mod (Like game change, not moderator

In The Destroyer's Grip

11) Someone you look up to on the boards


12) Your favorite member


13) Someone who you wish was on more/returned to Fed2k after leaving

Jacob Douds

14) Funniest person on boards


15) Best moderator


16) Best non-Fed2k message board administrator and what board was it

Bershe - Haegemonia Galaxy

17) Favorite Emperor player on boards


18) Some Emperor player you wish you could play as


19) Someone you wish had the same insant messenger service as you so you could talk to them

imanon (not related to FED2k)

20) Someone you miss that you wish would return to Emperor.

cyraxx99/doomp0w3r/all his other 40 nicks

21) Best game

Emperor Battle for Dune

22) Favorite Sport (Either as Spectator or Participant)

Badminton (both spectator and participant)

23) Favorite food

Prawns/oysters - mainly seafood

24) Favorite, AMD or Intel


25) Someone you think has the right to become a moderator


26) Someone you think has the right to become a Landsraad


27) Favorite, Laptop or desk PC

Desk PC

28) Favorite music


29) Favorite music/artist

Linkin Park

30) Favorite type of car


31) Best Grammar

Nema Fakei

32) Best Thread

Open Diary

33) Fed2k Nickname you like the most


34) Emperor nickname you like the most

<I'm not allowed to say his nick>

35) Worst advertisment

Any advertisement to go and visit forums...


1) Person you loathe

Darkshadowhacker (non FED2k related)

2) Worst food you've ever had

Blue vein cheese

3) Least favorite music

Olden days music/country style stuff

4) Least favorite car


5) Member with worst grammar

None :O (Can't think of any at the moment)

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1) Most helpful member - Number6

2) Best Debater - Nema

3) The member who creates threads with the best titles -

4) The member who makes the most meaningful posts - Nema

5) The member who makes the best topics -

6) The best fan fiction poster -

7) The best General poster - TMA-1

8 ) The best Emperor: Battle For Dune Poster -

9) The best strategy poster -

10) The best Mod (Like game change, not moderator) -

11) Someone you look up to on the boards - Nema

12) Your favorite member - Number6

13) Someone who you wish was on more/returned to Fed2k after leaving -

14) Funniest person on boards - DjCiD

15) Best moderator - Mahdi

16) Best non-Fed2k message board adminator and what board was it -

17) Favorite Emperor player on boards -

18) Some Emperor player you wish you could play as -

19) Someone you wish had the same insant messenger service as you so you could talk to them -

20) Someone you miss that you wish would return to Emperor -

21) Best game - Diablo II: Lord of Destruction

22) Favorite Sport (Either as Spectator or Participant) - Soccer

23) Favorite food - Italian

24) Favorite, AMD or Intel I n t e l

25) Someone you think has the right to become a moderator -

26) Someone you think has the right to become a Landsraad -

27) Favorite, Laptop or desk PC - Desktop

28) Favorite music - Trance

29) Favorite music/artist - DJ Tiesto

30) Favorite type of car - Lamborghini Countach

31) Best Grammar - Nema

32) Best Thread - The Lockup Issue

33) Fed2k Nickname you like the most - Earthnuker

34) Emperor nickname you like the most -

35) Worst advertisment -

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1) Most helpful member

erm... Ken?

2) Best Debater


3) The member who creates threads with the best titles


4) The member who makes the most meaningful posts


5) The member who makes the best topics.


6) The best fan fiction poster

Don't know.

7) The best General poster

8 ) The best Emperor: Battle For Dune Poster


9) The best strategy poster


10) The best Mod (Like game change, not moderator

Corrino's Revenge 2

11) Someone you look up to on the boards


12) Your favorite member


13) Someone who you wish was on more/returned to Fed2k after leaving

... I am too new.

14) Funniest person on boards


15) Best moderator


16) Best non-Fed2k message board adminator and what board was it


17) Favorite Emperor player on boards


18) Some Emperor player you wish you could play as


19) Someone you wish had the same insant messenger service as you so you could talk to them


20) Someone you miss that you wish would return to Emperor.

N/A :P

21) Best game

Fallout 2

22) Favorite Sport (Either as Spectator or Participant)

ehm... Airsofting! :P

23) Favorite food

Indian food.

24) Favorite, AMD or Intel

Intel :-

25) Someone you think has the right to become a moderator


26) Someone you think has the right to become a Landsradd


27) Favorite, Laptop or desk PC


28) Favorite music


29) Favorite music/artist

The Offspring

30) Favorite type of car

Madza ;D

31) Best Grammar

Tough one... FireSnake again :P

32) Best Thread


33) Fed2k Nickname you like the most


34) Emperor nickname you like the most


35) Worst advertisment



1) Person you loathe


2) Worst food you've ever had

Something... Chinese...

3) Least favorite music


4) Least favorite car


5) Member with worst grammar


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1) Most helpful member


2) Best Debater


3) The member who creates threads with the best titles


4) The member who makes the most meaningful posts


5) The member who makes the best topics.

Hmm, Ghosthunter perhaps?

6) The best fan fiction poster

Can't realy say as i'm not realy a fanfic poster, but i'll say ExAtreides

7) The best General poster


8 ) The best Emperor: Battle For Dune Poster

Ken123457 (can't remember the numbers)

9) The best strategy poster


10) The best Mod (Like game change, not moderator

Ehm, EdricO?

11) Someone you look up to on the boards

Nema Fakei

12) Your favorite member

I have no favorite

13) Someone who you wish was on more/returned to Fed2k after leaving


14) Funniest person on boards

hmm, changes over time

15) Best moderator


16) Best non-Fed2k message board adminator and what board was it

the_demigod on www.avp2.net

17) Favorite Emperor player on boards


18) Some Emperor player you wish you could play as

I don't play emperor

19) Someone you wish had the same insant messenger service as you so you could talk to them

hmmm, noone in particular

20) Someone you miss that you wish would return to Emperor.

I don't play emperor

21) Best game


22) Favorite Sport (Either as Spectator or Participant)

Kyokushinkai Karate

23) Favorite food

Stamppot :P (dutch meal)

24) Favorite, AMD or Intel


25) Someone you think has the right to become a moderator


26) Someone you think has the right to become a Landsraad

I don't realy know

27) Favorite, Laptop or desk PC


28) Favorite music


29) Favorite music/artist

Bruce Springsteen?

30) Favorite type of car

Sportscar :P or pickup truck

31) Best Grammar

? what do you mean?

32) Best Thread

Can't say

33) Fed2k Nickname you like the most

None in particular

34) Emperor nickname you like the most

I don't play emperor

35) Worst advertisment

Contrast huh?

1) Person you loathe

loathe, is that something like dislike? Well, i don't realy hate anybody here

2) Worst food you've ever had


3) Least favorite music

Hardcore perhaps

4) Least favorite car

none in particular

5) Member with worst grammar

ExAtreides :P no just kidding. I can't realy remember

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1) Most helpful member

Flameweaver - for supporting me everywhere. ;)

2) Best Debater

Almost no one knows constructive criticism here, so answer is - no one.

3) The member who creates threads with the best titles

Vanguard 3000.

4) The member who makes the most meaningful posts


5) The member who makes the best topics.


6) The best fan fiction poster

Too lazy to read any. :P

7) The best General poster


8) The best Emperor: Battle For Dune Poster

All are good. :P

9) The best strategy poster

Trying to complete games on my own.

10) The best Mod (Like game change, not moderator

Don't play mods.

11) Someone you look up to on the boards


12) Your favorite member

Jack Leaf.

13) Someone who you wish was on more/returned to Fed2k after leaving


14) Funniest person on boards

Everyone can do "heh" jokes, but haven't met anyone "HAHAHA! OH! HAHA!"

15) Best moderator


16) Best non-Fed2k message board adminator and what board was it

Eidos Interactive Forums' Chris.

17) Favorite Emperor player on boards


18) Some Emperor player you wish you could play as


19) Someone you wish had the same insant messenger service as you so you could talk to them

Harkdawg, but he's too busy with Wing Tsun.

20) Someone you miss that you wish would return to Emperor.


21) Best game

The Legacy of Kain Series - Soul Reaver 2.

22) Favorite Sport (Either as Spectator or Participant)


23) Favorite food

Italian food.

24) Favorite, AMD or Intel


25) Someone you think has the right to become a moderator

I'm not the one to judge that.

26) Someone you think has the right to become a Landsradd

I'm not the one to judge that.

27) Favorite, Laptop or desk PC


28) Favorite music


29) Favorite music/artist

Gregorian monks. ;)

30) Favorite type of car

Sports car.

31) Best Grammar


32) Best Thread

33) Fed2k Nickname you like the most


34) Emperor nickname you like the most

None, as the larger majority are 13375.

35) Worst advertisment

The what? ???


1) Person you loathe

I don't loathe, hate anyone.

2) Worst food you've ever had

Chicken heart soup.

3) Least favorite music

Rap, R&B.

4) Least favorite car

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1) Most helpful member-Ken

2) Best Debater-Emprworm.....obviosly

3) The member who creates threads with the best titles-Nav

4) The member who makes the most meaningful posts-Barring myself,it is nema ;D

5) The member who makes the best topics-ken

6) The best fan fiction poster-exatriedes

7) The best General poster-Please,it must be me!j/k I think its Ice_cube

8 ) The best Emperor: Battle For Dune Poster-Ken

9) The best strategy poster-Tied.Ken and devastator mech

10) The best Mod-apollyon

11) Someone you look up to on the boards-gob....duh

12) Your favorite member-ice_cube

13) Someone who you wish was on more/returned to Fed2k after leaving-Dunno

14) Funniest person on boards-nav

15) Best moderator-nema

16) Best non-Fed2k message board adminator and what board was it- http://kanupenalty.proboards13.com

17) Favorite Emperor player on boards-nav ;D

18) Some Emperor player you wish you could play as-nav :O

19) Someone you wish had the same insant messenger service as you so you could talk to them-ice_cube :D

20) Someone you miss that you wish would return to Emperor-admin3

21) Best game-FIFA 2003

22) Favorite Sport (Either as Spectator or Participant)-Soccer

23) Favorite food- None.The best food I have tasted is only rated as "edible" 8)

24) Favorite, AMD or Intel-Intel

25) Someone you think has the right to become a moderator-Dunno

26) Someone you think has the right to become a Landsradd--Dunno

27) Favorite, Laptop or desk PC-Laptop

28) Favorite music-The oldie song with the lyrics "You can do magic"

29) Favorite music/artist-Mariah Carey,don't ask me why :P

30) Favorite type of car-James Bond's armed car :)

31) Best Grammar-Nema

32) Best Thread-Battle For the Universe series[Note:You said that you cannot include yourself but not your own thread ;D

33) Fed2k Nickname you like the most-Devil's advocate

34) Emperor nickname you like the most-hinafloh[meaning croatian news agency...another "don't ask me why" reply]

35) Worst advertisment-Dunno

1) Person you loathe-nav

2) Worst food you've ever had-all taste like crapola

3) Least favorite music-Linkin Park >:(

4) Least favorite car-Arsene Wenger's old car

5) Member with worst grammar-ricksam,the hongky tong :P

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1) Most helpful member


2) Best Debater


3) The member who creates threads with the best titles

Dust Scout

4) The member who makes the most meaningful posts


5) The member who makes the best topics.

Edric O

6) The best fan fiction poster


7) The best General poster


8 ) The best Emperor: Battle For Dune Poster

Not qualified to answer

9) The best strategy poster

Not qualified to answer

10) The best Mod (Like game change, not moderator


11) Someone you look up to on the boards


12) Your favorite member


13) Someone who you wish was on more/returned to Fed2k after leaving


14) Funniest person on boards


15) Best moderator


16) Best non-Fed2k message board adminator and what board was it

Exatreides on DuneForever

17) Favorite Emperor player on boards

Not qualified to answer

18) Some Emperor player you wish you could play as

Anybody but me :D

19) Someone you wish had the same insant messenger service as you so you could talk to them

None in particular (most people have MSN or YIM anyway)

20) Someone you miss that you wish would return to Emperor.

I don't play Emp

21) Best game

Diablo II: Lodr of Destruction

22) Favorite Sport (Either as Spectator or Participant)


23) Favorite food


24) Favorite, AMD or Intel


25) Someone you think has the right to become a moderator


26) Someone you think has the right to become a Landsradd


27) Favorite, Laptop or desk PC

desk PC

28) Favorite music

Almost anything

29) Favorite music/artist

No Doubt

30) Favorite type of car

Don't know

31) Best Grammar

Nema (who else?)

32) Best Thread


33) Fed2k Nickname you like the most


34) Emperor nickname you like the most

I don't play emp

35) Worst advertisment

Hate them all


1) Person you loathe

None. Embrace the Tao, my son. Peace in unity and balance.

2) Worst food you've ever had


3) Least favorite music


4) Least favorite car

Don't know

5) Member with worst grammar

Don't know

(Exatreides spelling is pretty bad, but his grammar is okay...)

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