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C & C Generals


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well, i like it. The gameplay is not perfect. But generally the game is just very nice. Very good graphix and sounds. Nice battles. It is quite impressive actually. The thing i miss most is a storyline that should draw you tot he game. But for the rest, the game is realy good

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The game is not as good as EBFD, but worth its value. The only sad thing is that you can not hide your statistics. Nearly nobody will play if you have a high rank ...

And the USA lobby is an "iraq pro/contra chat box" with plenty of people spamming and insulting each other.

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yea I like generals but I hate how hte multiplayer is setup but its fun, plus haveing each side distinctly differant is cool and the whole infantry in vehicles and buildings is really use full uunless your enemy has a dragon tanks :P

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Don't count on the Generals Expansion to come out good.

It WILL bring new bugs,and those bugs will eventually destroy the game.

EA-Entertainment Assimilators



2.Doesn't test its games

3.Doesn't care about its games unless they are REALLY big.

4.Abandons all of its games, unless REALLY big.

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IMO, Generals is a great game, because:

1. The plot may suck, but at least the human race doesn't get wiped out at the end like in SC. ::)

2. The graphics are unmathed.

3. ALL units gain veterancy, not just a select few.

4. The graphics are unmatched.

5. The game is just generally (hehe...sorry about the bad pun) more fun. I mean, come on, when you destroy that dam and the water floods down, killing all of the enemy's base, minor bugs and balance issues just float away with the water. :) :)

6. Oh yeah, did I mention the graphics are unmatched? ;)

Oh, and at least there's never going to be ANYTHING half as bad as that stupid WC3 tome bug. ;)

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Bought Generals. Played it. First impressions:

The game is pretty much a much more flashy version of Red Alert 2, with the terrain of Earth 2150. The terrain effects are noticeably similar, although the terrain is not deformable.

On Normal, the AI is not what it says it is. It's so easy!! On Hard, the AI is a good challenge, and at Brutal, the AI is just bulls**t sometimes. It actually takes a bit of strategy to take down the rushes that the AI throws at you, but in skirmish games, unless there are some oil derricks or some money generating structures, the AI will simply run out of money and not build their own money generating structures, which really sucks. You end up sitting there throwing superweapons across the map for the rest of the game, which is quite lame IMHO. :P

Other than that, the game is fairly good in terms of entertainment. I'm running it on a AMD Athlon 1.53Ghz (equivalent to a 1.8 Pentium), with 256 DDR RAM and a 64MB GeForce II, and it runs very slow at anything about 800x600 with lowest quality. Still the game looks quite nice at those settings, and I don't mind the sacrifice of quality for speed. :- Perhaps if I had a more recent graphics card I would be able to play at higher graphics settings. :P

The campaigns were dissapointing. Not only were they too easy, but there were quite linear. >:( All based around the "Build up base and destroy enemy" theme, for a good deal of the missions.

One more thing I forgot to add. The skirmish maps were shockingly horrible!! So uninteresting in their format and positioning of starting points!! If you have the game and look at the skirmish maps, (especially the 8 player maps) you might notice some similarities between the positions of the starting points for the players. Very boring. :P

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Has anyone got any news on the expansion pack?

I know about the twon new units and the two new sides but thats all.

I'm currently making a mod which adds Britain to Generals and have plans to add Russia and France

In case you do add Russia: Give em some Berkuts and Hokums/Havocs...

[hide]Er...the Su-47 fighter and Ka-50/Mil-Mi-28 attack choppers [/hide]

Hmm...a thought from my bro, If RA2 and Generals were to cross-over, which game will win? (Just to give you an idea of what the heck I'm taking abt. try this: Apocalypse Tank vs. Overlord, for example)

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The game is pretty much a much more flashy version of Red Alert 2,

Umm, I dont think so. I LOVE Generals, one of the better CNC games ever(in multiplay at least, single play sucks) but RA2 just pissed me off. It was so cheezy and stupid. the unique units and fast gameplay were fun for a while, but after some time it just got to the point of the stupidity being unbearable. And the mission briefings were HORRIBLE! No acting in them whatsoever. The Original RA had some of the best single player gaming EVER, in addition to having awsome cutsceens that really made you feel like a part of the game. RA2 never made you feel like you were in the game, it just made me feel like smacking Romanov

And about which game would win in a crossover:

Airforce: Generals

Navy: RA2,(duh, Gen. doesnt have one)

Infantry: RA2(chronolegions just cool)

Vehicles: Generals(nukes=good!)

Superweapons: Generals(Not only can you build multiple superweapons, but the superweapons are more powerful than the RA2 counterpart. And you have the Generals ability to back it up! As china, try EMP attack, full artillary barrage, and a nuke launch all at once! NOTHING SURVIVES!!!!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Beware of the US lobby if you go online. Although most games are hosted there, the people there cuss a lot, and brag. If it's not ego boosting self glorifying crap, then it's about politics and some other argument over who is right etc, etc. ::)

Furthermore, most people kick you if you have a yellow ping, and a lot of the 'n00b' games are simply good players looking to get easy wins. Not to mention that people quit and disconnect when they're losing as well. ::) So much for fun. Online comp stomps can be fun though, because that way, everyone is enjoying the game more, and not concentrating on winning so much.

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There will be a helpbot in the lobby soon that will disable your cdkey when you start spamming in the lobby.

So people enjoy, the spamming days will be soon over ;D

Did anybody notice that t1049... nick?

Many times it is in several lobbies at the same time, the nick has no rank and 0 games played, maybe the helpbot in disguise?

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