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C & C Generals


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LOL good one duke. and seriously only an idiot would believe saddam hold a patent on the SCUD because. . .

1. there really is no internation patents (duh china couterfeits almost EVERYTHING)

2. the scud is russian made

3. if you're a terrorist you can get scuds of the black market or buy em from north korea

4. the game generals takes place in 2030 so IF saddam had the patent to scud system and it was internationally enforced his patent would have expired long ago. (patents only last for 32 years on items)

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And it's actually quite fun. Humvees are easily the most versatile ground vehicle in the entire game - Yuri's Revenge players can think of them as IFVs with battle fortress capacity and firing ports - and you can upgrade their resident machine gun with a missile launcher. Load 'em with a mix of Rangers (2 regular, 2 missile) and a Pathfinder, and they'll handle most things. All US vehicles can 'grow' drones: the battle drone is good for keeping them in shape and providing supplementary infantry defense; the scout drone is best mated with the Tomahawk launcher for a range boost. Combine that with the 'search and destroy' plan and you get the longest-ranged artillery unit of any side.

And then there are the unique units - AKA, 'very good reasons to have detectors around your base'.

  • Black Lotus (China): great for siezing buildings and temporarily freezing annoying vehicles. Perfect for 'liberating', say, that outlying supply stash.
  • Col. Burton (USA): in terms of functionality, think Tanya with Boris' gun... plus a silent instant-death attack (only works on infantry) and the option to place timed or command-detonated charges.
  • Jarmen Kell (GLA): the ubersniper; he represents the most elegant solution to annoying vehicles (read: making them available for your use). A tip: when playing 'Nuclear Winter' (the final Chinese mission), capture the first GLA base you find and train your own Kell - he will come in extremely handy... [hide]you'll run across mobile Scud launchers; these can be a real pain to deal with... but collecting some and showing the GLA how it feels is oh so very satisfying.[/hide]

And yeah, Commanches are cool in groups. Bonus points for being able to place missile troops in garrisons (how many times have you wished you could do this when playing YR?)

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I am finished w/ all the campaigns... The real pain in the ass campaign was the Chinese one, especially the last one... Didn't have time to train a Kell since I was busy taking out Stinger sites w/ my MiGs. I gave them the next best thing though... Nuke Cannons. but I'll be glad to Kell them next time...

The last US campaign was terribly easy... :P

[hide] You have the chance to use both techs of US and China. I just built 2 Nuke Silos to complement the A-10 strike (lvl. 3) and Fuel Air Bomb... ::)[/hide]

Now that its over...Well, I'm playing GLA again...hehe...gotta love those Technicals. They are probably the fastest land units in the game... But then again they go faster when travelling long distances. (Think RA2's Giant Squid) ;D

I also like combining Paladins w/ Overlords (w/ Gatling and Speaker Tower upgrades) ;)

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lol yea I had like 2 nuke cannons 4 overlords with gattling guns and one with speaker, like 8 crusaders, 10 humvees, and 20 rangers, plus I had fuel air, level 3 a-10, level 3 paratroopers. I also had one particle cannon and four nuke silos... can you say overkill. ;D

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You guys here that Germany banned Generals?

They think its to pro war...maybe its becouse you can nuke baghdad....

this coming from the nation that conqured 3/4th of europe and killed 12 million russians and 6 million jews.

well thank you germany ::)

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I could be buying this game tomorrow (but only because I'll be getting another game for free :D ;)). Even though the game costs $100 Australian dollars at the moment, I'll be essentially paying $50 for 2 games, which is a pretty good deal IMO. Do you think this game is worth buying for that price? ??? :- :P

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