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Iraq Issues

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UN inspectors could find a 10,000 Square Kilometer underground advanced weapons construction facility with recombinant DNA weapons, super-advanced cloned human solidiers, high yield electomagentic pulse weapons, 150 Megaton Nuclear Fusion Bombs, A prototype high-altitude VX-Gas atmospheric delivery system, a massive arsenal of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, heck even a "mini-black hole" gun, and warp technology

and you would STILL have half the world telling us that don't have any evidence

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We can also find 3 duck toys, dart arrows, and a water pistol. And then Bush is going to say that there is enough evidence.

Why won't Bush want to cooperate fully with the Inspectors. They only seem to be interested in yet another war.

And if there is war more countries will be made to hate the USA...

I read recently an article about the historic ruines in Iraq. All ruines of the Babylonians. Do you really want to destroy those ruines, just for some oil?

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no, I'd hate to see any archaeological site destroyed. Frankly, I am amazed...astounded that so much history survived world war II. Hitler could have easilly carpet bombed historical sites, I sometimes wonder why he didn't target them (or did he?).

But the UN inspectors are not on a scavenger hunt. It is undisputed that Saddam had in his possession thousands of canisters of poison gas. He needs to account for them. We already know they exist and under his control in 1998. Any reasonable court of law would rule sufficient guilt of posession if the person charged does not give an account for it. If sadaam doesn't have them, he simply gives an account. but we will see what happens today when the UN inspectors meet

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What Sadam does is irrelevant, that there would be a war was already decided last year afte 9/11 by Bush. Bad times, like war, do good stuff to popularity- look how much he got away with post 9/11.

i do not agree with that. Bush already said that exile is acceptable to avoid war.

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I read recently an article about the historic ruines in Iraq. All ruines of the Babylonians. Do you really want to destroy those ruines, just for some oil?

You uniformed parody of amerophob! Not saying that these ruins are in deep desert, also they are already ruined, but have you heard about that Eufrat dam which will flood whole ancient Assur?

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There comes a point when something has to be done. The UN can't just keep passing resolutions forever telling Saddam to comply, at some point force will have to be used. Germany has said outright that they don't want war, they aren't even considering it. How can the UN do its job if a member of the security council has stated they aren't even going to consider war as an option?

The US is not forcing a war, if they just wanted war they wouldn't have gone to the UN in the first. If Saddam would actually comply with the UN they wouldn't have any problem. But he hasn't done that and has shown no signs of doing that.

The problem is that a lot of people, in Europe especially, think that this is just about oil. I'm not sure where you have gotten this and I haven't seen you post any proof. Meanwhile I've posted links explaining how both France and Russia have billions of dollars invested in Iraq, notice how they are against war? If you are going to make claims like that at least backup them up with evidence. Otherwise you sound like you don't know what you are talking about and are basing your opinion about this on something you can't even prove.

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Who cares what countries' motivations are, they need money to keep the country standing, and do we know what they would spend it on? I don't think it matters one bit that they want oil from Iraq, unless it becomes overly greedy and not getting the exact share of what they are owed.

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On Capitol Hill, the growing anger has bubbled to the surface in off-color jokes about French arrogance or past military defeats. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, recently told reporters about an argument over the Iraq situation he said he had with a Frenchman in Houston.

"It was obvious we were not going to agree," DeLay said. "And I said, 'Wait a minute. Do you speak German?' And he looked at me kind of funny and said, 'No, I don't speak German.' And I said, 'You're welcome,' turned around and walked off.'"



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