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Which House is Stronger?


Which House is Stronger?  

43 members have voted

  1. 1. Which House is Stronger?

    • Atreides
    • Harkonnen
    • Ordos

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Hark the strongest house? I seriously doubt that. My favorite house to play against (as Atreides) is Hark. No, I can't beat a real Hark master, but then I can't beat the best Atreides or Ordos players either, LOL. But overall, against most players I come across, my Atreides can beat their Hark. Ordos still gives me the most problems because Ordos makes me build too much infantry on spice maps, which I don't favor as Atreides. And most Atreides players play like I do, so it usually comes down to either who pumps out minos the fastest or who gets the early jump on air drone production--boring. Then again, for Nav Harkonnen might be the strongest house because different players have problems with different houses. I just play best against Hark, that's all. One thing that I've found that works well against most Hark players is the Atreides rush. Yes, that's right, the Atreides rush--an immediate mass sandbike production mixed up with a lot of regular infantry (protected by the bikes from being run over by buzzsaws) for a rush within the first three or four minutes of the game. Just waypoint everything to infantry rock on the enemy side of the map. A constant bike/infantry output, coupled with a constant PP order is as intense as Emperor can get. It's harrowing for an Atreides player, but it usually works against a surprising percentage of lower to middle-class Hark players. If you mix the bikes and regular infantry the right way, the bikes will really wipe out the buzzsaws. Why, you say, when the buzzsaw is a bit tougher than the bike? Because instead of focusing on the bikes, the Hark player will try to run over the regular infantry with his buzzsaws, leaving the bikes free from counterfire. If the regular infantry is mixed well with the bikes, they can't easily be run over. One thing that can really hurt the Atreides rush strategy against Hark is regular Sards. But if the enemy chooses Ix/Fremen or Guild/Fremen or anything without Sards, it will work much better. I love to use it on a Hark enemy who wants to quickly build Guild for a Guild rush. That way, you hit him with his pants down as he's going for the Guild palace right away. The key, as in all rushes, is to keep the pressure on Hark so intense and constant that he can't ever get gunships or upgrade to get inkvines. Try it sometime when you have a lot of energy to burn.

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Taqwa, good points you made supporting your answer. I agree in most of them.

However, I don't feel confortable with nav's opinion, trying to imposse us such a view. The only reason he says that is because he has a terrible fear of inkvines.

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LOL no actually I have that opinion because I have more Tournament experience in Emperor than 95% of the people who post on this site - and that's *real* experience in QM, not meaningless skirmish games.

The best Hark will own the best Atreides player - guranteed, and the best Hark will own the best Ordos - most likely.

That is the benchmark I use when I determine what House is the best. The House that has the easiest time winning when controlled by the very best possible player. Hark wins that contest hands-down.

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LOL no actually I have that opinion because I have more Tournament experience in Emperor than 95% of the people who post on this site - and that's *real* experience in QM, not meaningless skirmish games.

The best Hark will own the best Atreides player - guranteed, and the best Hark will own the best Ordos - most likely.

That is the benchmark I use when I determine what House is the best. The House that has the easiest time winning when controlled by the very best possible player. Hark wins that contest hands-down.

I agree. I have owned many Atreides and Ordos players as a Harkonnen. I have found them to be a lot stronger. Not even the strongest defense os Atreides can stop a well managed Harkonnen rush.

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Once again, I think that each of us has problems with different attacks. For me, generally, Hark is less a problem than Ordos. Of course, a lot depends on your subhouse choices and use. For example, if I've done a good build and have a nice infantry balance, the Devastator is a big clumsy hulk to be laughed at rather than feared. But if I've screwed up the build and have insufficiant inside base defense and anti-air, then a Devastator drop is, well, devastating.

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it depends on the map also..

If you play knife,or any other small map with possibilties of movement, ordos is superior to the rest.

A small map with less movement, atrd is the best. and on big maps harkonnen rocks.

So it depends on the circumstances.


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Hehe Ordos are definetly the strongest. Nothing matches pure speed and the ability to deal damage and recover easily from your own.You can chase me wherever you want but you aint catchin me.

The best ordos owns the best hark and depending on subs it is damn even between atreides and ordos.

Hark have a good early rush but if u face a real good player they can exploit harks weakness easily: No speed or long range(that actually hits moving targets).

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Compare the strongest units (the ones you get when you get Starport):

Ordos: Deviator - piece of useless crap unless you're playing against an idiot or AI ;).

Atreides: Sonic tank - this is surely a waste of money. These will get destroyed faster than they can even fire.

Harkonnen: Devastator - strongest unit in the game which is slow, but can destroy almost any other unit in one blow. Excellent AA defense which can be used in addition to plasma cannons to blow up ground targets. Not only that - it is a personal mobile reactor that can be blown up ;)

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The Deviator IS NOT a worthless piece of crap in the right hands. As Emprworm illustrates so well in his strat site, one deviator and a few dust scouts can take out several minos and a bunch of Kindjal in a very short time.

Yes, the sonic tank is pitifully inadequate. Atreides got ripped off there. Build a starport for cheaper minos, but don't waste your time buying sonic tanks because they suck.

The Devastator you love so much can be a great weapon, but it really does, as Nav says, "blow chunks" against Sards or Fedaykin, or even massed deployed Kindjal. It is also easy game for lasertanks AND deviators. It's just too damned slow. Its only legitimate use is as an airdrop weapon because if you can get it in there agains a weak base, it can wreak havoc. Hark's real strengths lie in its Gunships and its Inkvines--if you manage the Inkvines the right way. Oh, and the Hark Tank is highly underrated. You know that in a straight up fight with a Mino, the Hark Tank wins.

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If an atr player gets established, that is probably the toughest house to face. I think about playing someone like Thoxen (who might have been cable :) Atr has everything. Ordos have no real air which a hark or atr would have once both sides get money flowing. If I had ten drones to waste, I could just throw them at your base and do a lot of damage. Gunships speak for themselves.

Otherwise, a clever ordos player may dominate early on.

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