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Crazy drug laws


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My 2 cents:

ALL drugs (marijuana, alcohol, nicotine/tobacco, cocaine, etc.) should be banned. A drug is a drug. I'm glad marijuana, cocaine, etc. are illegal here in the States. Now, if only tobacco and alcohol would follow suit...

So, you believe that the best way for people to live is for the government to have absolute say in what we can and cannot do? Wow, your a freaken genius. Should we just go ahead and ban free speech as well? I don't like red cars, maybe we should ban those to. Oh, and those gross twin bing candy bar things. Ho-Ho's to. Those are worse for you then most drugs. You know, come to think of it, obviously fat people are living unhealthy, so lets make some nice little camps for them.

I firmly believe that the choices that shape my life should be mine to make. I don't care what anybody else does as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. This means I don't shove my views in other peoples faces regardless if the coencide with mine or not. If you don't like weed, then don't smoke it. If you don't like alcohol, don't drink it. It takes a pretty insecure POS to expect other people to share their opinions and morals and whatnot just because you are stupid and arrogant enough to believe anyone gives a s**t what you think about anything.

Alot of people here are saying that you do horrible things when your high. Who told you that? Your church? Nancy Reagan? Dumb ass's. I hang out with people who get high on a daily basis, and they are some of the best people i have ever met. They have high moral standing (while not expecting anyone else to) they are the first to help old ladies in parking lots with their grocerys, to punch the guy at the bar who is roughing up his girl, to pull over and help push out cars stuck in the snow, etc... More then I can say about most God fearing hypocrites.

Here in America, rapist get out on good behavior in 3 years. Unbelieveable. But we just don't have room for them. So we let horrible people roam the streets so we can make room for the deadhead who would'nt hurt a fly (unless it was in a twinkie). Give me a break.

I guess if you think we should be robots for the government, your entitled to that opinion, but you might want to think about it a little harder.

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yes that is why it should be legalized.

think how many druggies die each year of starvation or hyperthermia beocuse they were kicked out of there houses..

forget all the people who were murdered in drug realted violence....

you mean illegalized?

yea, i agree.....

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has everyone forgoten that caffeine is a drug to and is in a lot of everyday foods and beverages

i know ppl that are addictied to it and cant start a day with out it...

if all drugs were banned what would they do with chocolate... did you know it has been used from many things as anti-depressant to an aphrodisiac... but its a drug :O

Chocolate contains more than 300 known chemicals. Caffeine is the most well known of these chemical ingredients, and while it's present in chocolate it can only be found in small quantities. Theobromine is also present, in slightly higher amounts. The combination of these two chemicals (and possibly others) may provide the "lift" that chocolate eaters experience. Phenylethylamine is also found in chocolate. It's related to amphetamines. All of these stimulants increase the activity of neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) in parts of the brain that control our ability to pay attention and stay alert.

So shoud we ban all drugs?

you'll see ppl dealing Snickers and Twix bars on the steets soon...

speaking of.. I've got the munchies :P ;D

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in my opionion the dutch are brilitent *holds hand behind back to recive payment*

Don't worry. You will be payd as usual.. ..

As I mentiond. I'm addicted to chocolate. ;)

And if you would define a "drug" as somting your body is addicted to. Something you body can't live without. Does "air" count as a hard drug ?

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Yay, I'm addicted to water... ::)

You cannot deny the fact that drugs are extremely bad for your health. I don't care how kind and compassionate some junkies are, they would be just as kind and compassionate if they WEREN'T junkies! And their life expectancy would be greatly increased, too.

Killinator, if you really care about your friends you will help them get rid of their addiction. They're not hurting others, but they're hurting themselves a great deal.

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Drugs should never be legalized ! IMO, the law should be firm against drugs use (like mar, pot, cocaine ect). I've seen from first hand experience how it can destroy families.

My borther is a drug addict and he is living with my parents. My father should enjoy his retirement together with my mom. Unfortunately, my borther has destroyed their lives in such way, that my mom still has to keep her job. I have taken great distance from my borther and do not talk to him anymore. If it was up to me, I would have kicked him all over and would have thrown him out of my parents house. Unfortunately, my mother still protects him (to be honest, I wouldn't know what I would do if I would have been in the situation as my mom).

I have the feeling some of you do not know what you're talking about when you say drugs should be legalized. Imagine that you had to support your parents cause they can't pay their bills (like I'm currently doing)..

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I, for one, am all for banning alchoho, and especially tobacco/nicotine. Unfotunately, tobacco companies are the biggest contributers to political campaigns, so who's gonna make illegal the products of an industry that's giving them millions? Sad, but true.

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I don't drink alchool, smoke any thing or take any of the other socialy aceptable or unaceptable drugs (including asprin and paracetamol). I agree alchool should be illegalised (I know it won't happen though). Also canabis should stay illeagal IMO.

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Tell that to the lemmings at the bottom of the cliff... ::)

But anyways, yes bad stuff should be illegalized for the good of everyone, and legalizing marijuana is the worst thing we can do, because it says that the government gave into this, then if we do the same thing (protest, debate, etc) they will do this to other drugs.

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so..the goverment giving into the wills of the people is bad?


Will never be illeage again.

one its to spread across the globe. it has been in human history for thousands of years.when alchohal was banned look what happend.

people still drank it. Alcohal is easy to make and distribute. it will never go away.


Could be banned. IT would probebly be a large blackmarket for it but not as big as if alchohal was banned. It could go away. and IMO it should dont get me wrong. Probebly the worst of the three IMO you cant cop a buzz off of it. all you can do is smoke it and watch your lungs turn into ashs.

The Waky Tobacy AKA Marjiuana

Will never go away

And Should Never go away.

And Should Be legilized in all nations across the globe.

Every one here. Edric,O45,Acriku is against vilolence and warfare ect.

How much dose the U.S alone spend on busting people. Feeding them in jail. Keeping them warm ect. A hellva lot of money.

Money that could go to other things. Roads,Schools, Ect.

Its cheaper to legilize it for the goverment. A large reason why it should be legilized.

The other major facter is the Cycle of violence it brings. which i talked about in my eariler posts.

If it was legilized in such away that the dutch have done it. In coffe houses ect. Whare there is a standerd cost for it. That wont fluctate weather your dealer is broke or not.

Whare it can be taxed, more money could go to schools ect.

Farmers could grow it. Giving them more money to spend and save.

Either legilize it or make it go away forever.

It will sadly never go away. The only smart thing to do is legilize it!

(recives more payment from the grasshoper and dutch coffe houses...)

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"I guess if you think we should be robots for the government"

Someone's getting paranoid of their own democracy...

Work for the good of each other, not for your own personal gain:

Any drug addict is a drain on all health (and other) services. In Britain, Drugs and alcohol account for many hundreds of pounds worth of cost per person. Moreover, the futility of being drug-dependant to this degree means tens of thousands of people are doing absolutely nothing but leeching off of others. That is stupid and incredibly inconsiderate of others!

(If you're US American, multiply all figures by 5 to give the eqiv for your country; Dutch, divide by 4)

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A drug is a substance that has some sort of influence on the mind- air doens't.

A drug can also just cause a adiction of your body to it. Like morphine. A lot of hospital patients get morphine against the pain. Some recieve it in such large amounts that they are addicted to it the rest of there lives. Without the brain who needs it.

Looking at it that way, you'r body defeniately needs air.


And Dutch dividing things by four sounds about right. ;D

Think I'm the only one here who is against banning drugs. [ don't worry, I'm used to that position ;) ]

I agree that it's bad for you. And that the consequenses of it can place you in verry difficult or better put in some times impossible scenario's.

But there are a lot of things that are bad for you, for others around you. Verry simple things that can destroy your life. Things you never recover from, nor will the relatives and friends surrounding that persone.

[ Doc, IM is on the way to explain something to you. Hope you'll understand my post above because it could be verry crual for anyone in your position ]

Those things arn't banned. Nor does the government even care about it.

And althought I don't use any form of narcotics, drugs or alcohol myself [ imagine that, most of you probably had one glass of alcohol the last year. I havn't had one for even longer ] It is my opinion that when some one else would want to use it. It is that persones choice.

I've seen people who's social life had been destroyed, who have bill's higher then most appartments here and don't see the light of day in a week just because they are computer addicts.

People who are mentally not strong enough and start eating junkfood. So in 2 years after that they can't leave the house due to overweight.

It might seem irrelevant to drugs and alcohol. I agree. They can be far worse. But just banning drugs and alcohol because they can have that dangerous effect is not right in my opinion. even thought I would like to see McDonnals leave as soon as posible. I don't think just a few people can enforce there way of life [ without the drugs and such ] upon a group of others who choose to use it.

Strick rules sould be enfored to. To make shure "users" don't bother "non-users" in certain ways. But still, compleat illigalisation of the products in question would be forcing our way of life upon others. Just the same as they would enforce us to breath there smoke, and use there drugs.

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You cant stop people from hurting themselves. That is their own choice. A big reason why pot should be legalized is it would take all the selling off the streets. pot is cheap to grow. People just sell it for a hell of a lot of money. It is dangerous to drive or use equipmant with it while entoxicated. It also is pretty bad on the lungs. THC is not chemically addictive. Yes I have read medical journals on it. though there can be dependancies on many things and pot is one of them. If you take pot off the streets it will not be used as it is now. Many good people will come out and smoke it and people will realize that it isnt used just by freaks. The dutch legalized it and frankly they are better than america in many ways. Not for legalizing pot, thats just one example.

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