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Crazy drug laws


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I dont know what it's like in other countries but in england and probably america the drug laws are pretty crazy. It concerns alcohol and weed, I dont want to glorify the use of any drugs because i've seen how they can ruin lives, especially alcohol. If you thing about every thing bad that you can do when you are drunk - If you drive a car you are much more likely to crash and kill someone, if your high and you crash it doesn't matter cause you're only going 4 mph, when you'r drunk you're more likely to get into fights and be more agressive, if you're high a fight sounds like this - "hey man" "hey What" "hey" - end of argument. Thats why they should make hash legal and make alcohol illegal. What do you think?

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I don't think they should make alcohol illegal but they should increase the penalties that are handed out for drunk driving. I do however think that marijuana should be legalized and treated the same as alcohol. In Nevada right now they are trying to legalize it and this would be a huge step. ;)

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Smoking of any kind should be restricted to small public, non ventilated rooms (1 per 2000 people) painted nicotine-yellow.

Those using more than 4 units of alcohol should be restricted to public houses with other drunks for as many hours as it takes to remove the alcohol to below 3 units' worth.

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Now you found out Edric, we'll have to kill you ;).

Of course it's stupid that weed is illegal in most countries and alcohol isn't- weed is pretty much innocent. But forbidding alcohol can't count on the support of the people and they'll just attempt to get it illegally. Besides, most governments earn quite nicely of the taxes on alcohol >:(.

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Btw, Gryphon, is that how the Dutch are gonna take over the world? ;D

Yep :)

Although I doubt it'll wurth it when we controle a whole world of junkies. :-/

Mayby we should think to alter the scenario a little.

I don't think peolple can do without certain adictieve habbits. So banning will not solve anything. There has to be a strickt enforcment of rules though.

btw. Did you know I'm addicted to ?

I just can't keep my hands of chocolade.

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in my opionion the dutch are brilitent *holds hand behind back to recive payment*

How this sound?

Bob The builder goes over to his friends house and has some marijauna he likes it.

Well his friend just gave him a free sampel.

so next time BTB wants some he will have to play alot of $$$ for it.

When he gets it. he wants more and has to pay $$$

ect ect. untill he dose not have enough $$$ to pay for the house.

the bank reclaims it. and tosses him on the street. BTB needs that marijauna badly but has no $$$ so he picks up a baseball bat. goese over to his freinds house and beats the crap out of him and steels his marijauna.

The friend has to go to the hospital. Costing lots of money.

Well he tells the cops. now the cops have to stop looking for back robbers or pulling over people and search for this guy.

bobs friend tells some of his freinds what happens.they get some guns and go hunt him down.

ect ect.

do you see how much violence drugs cause? that is why they need to be legalized.(marijuana at least)

becouse it stops violence

could save $$$

and stop wasting valubul tax payers money on drugies.

it should be done no doubt in my mind

example 1920's america when proabition was inforced. look how the crime rate skyrockted. With the gangsters ect....

as soon as proabition was removed.The crime rate plumeted.

think of what would happen if you did that to with marijauana.

put that in your pipe and smoke it ;)

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Okay, time for me to get pummeled by everyone for my views.

After prohibition there were a few wild years, which if I remember history class correctly is why you have to be 21 to drink legally within the United States.

Now as for pot, this is where I have a slightly pro legalization view. It is already a medicine for some diseases as painkillers. Plus it may be illegal but probably 8 out of ten people within three hundred miles of me do at least one blunt a month illegally, and probably 2 out of 10 of them smoke a bowl a month at least. My view is, legalize pot, thus keeping a good price on it. Less money will go to drug dealers of pot, more to the city, state, and national government. Plus you could then tax pot at any rate lawmakers feel acceptable. Just about everyone is happy (no pun intended) but conservatives.

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Yeah, until you find kids stealing pot more easily and smoking their brains out till they can legally smoke pot, then they smoke whatever is left. Also the people who will die because drivers are smoking pot from their local 7-11 and ramming into their car. But hey, as long as the people complaining are happy, who cares about the people with their lives ruined by others.

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