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Episode II *Spoilers*


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Hero's and warriors never die a glorius death. They usually are shot by the first bullet in a scene of battle or they make a clumsy mistake. Darth maul was not perfect and it is very simple to make assumptions. which he did. that was his downfall

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Here is a guy who is an expert in WuShu and has lightning-fast reflexes, yet he just stands there, motionless, while Obi takes several seconds to fly out of a pit, summon a light saber to his hand, push the button on the light saber to turn it on, and slice Darth Maul in half.

i think Lucas should have filmed that scene differently.  One, the light saber was summoned while Obi was flying through the air, TWO - i figure darth maul was just about ready to laugh his arse off at obi wan cause he didn't see obi wan summon the light saber until he turned it on, and THREE- maul had to turn around also, so you have a time frame of about 2 seconds but Lucas made it look like it was 10.  You got Obi Wan flying over maul and summoning his light saber, you got maul missing the saber being summoned cause he was too busy turning around, and you got maul already thinking that obi wan is a dead man and smiling cause he didn't see it coming

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**--__Spoilers ahead for Episode 2 possibly__--**

I just got back from Episode 2. It definatly had more action in it. It also explained a lot more.

And it had 'The' BEST lightsabre battles in it ever, Yoda rocks, look at him spin.

Maybe someone could finish this for me.

Lightsabre colors-

Green - Jedi Knight, Quigon Jin had one, so did Yoda.

Blue - Jedi learner/padawan, Obi had one, now has a green one since he is now a Knight. Anakin now has one.

Red- Sith lightsabre, evil people.

Purple - ?? The only person with one of these is that Dark guy in the Jedi Council, what does this mean?

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Augh...what is his name, Samual Jackson you mean.  Yeah, he like, leads the council doesn't he?

Anyway, I read "Star Wars: Darth Maul" sometime around the beginning of this year and it explains why Jedi lightsabers are usually blue or green (A purple one?  that'll be a first ;) ) and Sith sabers are usually red.  Don't worry though, it's the only Star Wars book I've ever read and I am in *no* way an expert on the subject.  Good book though.

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During a big battle in Episode 2, there are like tons of Jedi, it looks real cool, lightsabres everywhere. Anyway, Mace Wandu or Samual Jackson or whoever, uses a purple one. It looks really cool and different. So this is the Heirachy.

Purple Beam = Jedi Council Leader

Green Beam = Jedi Knight

Blue Beam = Jedi Padawan

Red Beam = Sith


Darth Vader surives till episode 6 right?

In episode 1, the Big Boss of Sith is revealed to be the Senate guy. Darth Maul dies.

In episode 2, there is another Darth Sith person, he can use lightning, like Darth Sidious, but he isn't, he survives, who is he? And he reports to Darth Sidious.

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This is not entirely true. I got Star Wars Behind the magic which is something like an encyclopedia and it says that lightsabercolour has nothing to do with what jedi or sith it is. It is just that sith generaly choose red, while Jedi Knights choose green, though Obi Wan had a blue lightsabre in episode IV so he prefered blue

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Still getting rid of characters like Darth Maul and Boba Fett takes away from the fun of the movie. You can't have the best good guys if you don't have the best bad guys.

Yoda is suppose to be the most powerful Jedi in the Order, well how come he does not take precautions before the reemergence of the Sith. If the Jedi have encountered an old foe thought to be long dead, why in the name of the force do they sit around and wait for the Sith to gain power. The Sith are as powerful as the Jedi because they are direct opposites of the same principle teachings being that the Jedi should have prepared themselves.

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its a matter of choice for the color of lightsaber. the jedi get their crystals from a planet in the imperium. They have had green, blue, yellow , mix of green and yellow and purple. The sith use a synthisized crystal for their lightsabers. Using the dark side of the force to mold them with their rage. thats why the sith use lightsabers and double sabers with the color red.

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**--__Spoilers ahead for Episode 2 possibly__--**

I just got back from Episode 2. It definatly had more action in it. It also explained a lot more.

And it had 'The' BEST lightsabre battles in it ever, Yoda rocks, look at him spin.

Maybe someone could finish this for me.

Lightsabre colors-

Green - Jedi Knight, Quigon Jin had one, so did Yoda.

Blue - Jedi learner/padawan, Obi had one, now has a green one since he is now a Knight. Anakin now has one.

Red- Sith lightsabre, evil people.

Purple - ?? The only person with one of these is that Dark guy in the Jedi Council, what does this mean?

The colors of the jedi light saber come from the crystal that they put into the device to make it work.  There's no correllation (at least not in the books) between color of light saber and godd or evil.  But the color comes from the crystal that they make the saber from

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if it has to do with color as rank and Mace Winduhas purple and Yoda had green... ??? i thought Yoda was the leader of the jedi councle or is it that yoda is just the best fighter (no shit... he did more moves in that lil clip than keyano reeves and Samual l jackson in matrix  ;D)

who ever said look at him spinn wasnt joking ;D i couldnt stop laughing  ;D

favoritve line in the movie

Obi says to Ani jokingly while in club "why is it I get the feeling you'll be the death of me"  ;D  

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i just saw episode II also, and all i can say is it was worth the wait

This movie kicked arse!!!! I think its the best one yet.  Even Jar Jar had an actual role in this one (he did what they didn't think a certain senator would do)

And for all those people that say that episode I didn't have enough action, hold on to your seat in this one, i didn't even want to leave when i had to use the restroom (too much mountain dew)

Jango Fett, COOOOL!!

Yoda, OMG!!!!!

Even Sam Jackson busts a move in this one.  And best of all, this one is more true to the books in that if involved so much story line.  The story line in this movie set the stage for all the rest of the movies, and still explained alot from the first movie that was left hanging

I can't wait to see the next one, if Lucas actually keeps his word and makes Annaken into the bad arse he said he will be it will prove to be the best one yet

Episode II even explained why Luke didn't know his parents!!! thats one that you never find out unless you read the books

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This doesn't make any sense.

How come Qui Gon is not in Episode II as a ghost, even though he was killed by a Sith Lord, but Obi is in Episode V as a ghost because of having been killed by a Sith Lord with the exact same rank as the Sith Lord who killed Qui Gon, and who was trained under the exact same, hence equally-evil Master, Emperor Palpatine.

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I thought I heard Qui Gon say something in thia one not apear but heard him say something like "Ani ! Nooooo!"

I have a new respect for yoda... he must be conserving his energy while he hobbles ;D  what aboot yoda traing the lil jedi that was qute i wnat my kids to be jedi, their still young enuff to start  ;D

So when episode III comes out haw many Starwars years will have passed 10 more? will they be able to age Ewin anymore? and Ani who will become vadar  and will James Earl Jones do the voiceing after the accedent? shoot me for this but as jar jar would say more more give give!!  ;D

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damn.... tonight it the night boyoz. I'm gonna see SW Episode II... I can't wait to see Yoda the Jedi Master kick some serious ass around there. And btw. Yoda is not the head of the Jedi councel. There's no head. Yoda is equal in rank to Samual L Jackson it's just that Yoda is the strongest in the force of all known jedi. Except Anakin ofcourse. (and perhaps senator palpatine since they don't even know that he is a sith)

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