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Episode II *Spoilers*


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ALso, according to Yoda, any jedi, or person in which the force is seen, can go to the dark side at any time, after succomming enough to pain and fear and hate.

So when you say that Count Dooku shouldn't have been able to be corrupted cause he was old that is not correct.  In the movie they suggest that he  turned to the dark side when he left the  jedi and went into the senate, and i suppose that happened cause Palpatine was coercing him, and Palpatine was probably coercing him cause he saw the potential of the dark side in him.  But palpatine was coercing him when he was a jedi i'm sure, since Dooku ordered the clones as one of his last acts as a jedi.

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well if he followed his original scripts or how he first invisioned it, wouldn't all the films be based on nothing but the adventures of two bungling droids CP30 and R2D2

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I loved the movie a lot. dont get me wrong. The writing sucked though in many places. Dont give me the "its just a starwars movie" stuff guys.lol George lucas is very intelligent and the people that watch the movies can handle some witty conversation. C3Po was really dumb. I miss him :'( In this episode he had all sorts of corny remarks like "I am never going to get ahead in life" when his head was taken off. I mean ewww.

The absolute worst writing of the movie was when aniken was talking to padime. He said "I hate sand, its rough and coarse and gets all over, but your different. Your soft and smooth."  If I said that to a girl seriously, she would laugh in my face. There were all sorts of those really dumb parts. please dont give me crap for this. George lucas. you are smarter than that! lol

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In Episode I there is no Count Dooku.  I have seen Episode I several times, where is the Count Dooku scene?  When in Episode I does it say anyone is leaving the Jedi Council to join the Senate? You say that happened in Episode I, but it didn't.   Are you sure you're not referring to parts of the script that Lucas cut before making the final version? (Like he did in Episode II, cut the ending and what was a really good speech by Count Dooku about why the Empire is going to be created, right out of the film    )

You also mention "projects" that Palpatine was up to in Episode I.  Likewise, Episode I does not refer to any projects of Palpatine.  There is no dialogue like that in the final cut of Episode I.  I think you are confusing what you read somewhere about first drafts etc.  and remembering them to be in the film even though they were not.  (Although the films would make a heck of a lot more sense if Lucas stop butchering his own script by cutting out necessary lines and scenes... he does that *a lot*.  )

Maybe i didn't make myself clear.  In episode II they say that ten years prior (the same TIME frame as when episode I took place) Count Dooku left the jedi, and i don't know whether he was on the council or not, but if he was on the council i didn't remember seeing him on it when little ani visited.  Anyways, around the time ani visited the jedi council COunt Dooku left the jedi to run for senate.  I'm talking about the TIME frame, not that it was included in the movie.  Also, when i was talking about the projects Palpatine is working, i was saying that the "cloning" project was started at the same TIME frame as episode I.  

That means that Count Dooku left the senate and Palpatine started the "cloning" project with Count Dooku working as the front man at the end of episode I in TIME frame, it wasn't ever included in the movie.  Lucas didn't include those parts, and i don't know if he ever had intentions to include them or not.  Anyways, you'll see what i'm talking about when you see the movie

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I also guess that Count Dooku is a way more powerful sith than darth maul. Not necesserily in lightsaber fighting.. (also i guess) but more in the force.... he was realy strong in the force... yoda is the only one i know who  could match him at that time, and palpatine i guess.

And i must agree that the "romance" part is a bit weird :-). but it doesn't bother me though.

So what do you think will be the time span between episode II and III? 5 years? perhaps even 10?

BTW... I don't understand why Count Dooku reveiled the secret that the senate is being led by a sith lord to Obi Wan Kenobi... In the beginning I thought that Count Dooku was the only smart Jedi and that he was more powerful than Yoda cuz he could see through the "the dark side clouds everything" thingy.

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The dark side is more powerful then the light side. If you read the books it shows that. THat isnt the point though. The dark side leads to death. You sell your soul for power. Dooku could shoot the lightning because that is a sith power. THe jedi cant do that. The sith have different knowledges of the ways of the force that use pure emotions.

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ehm... WRONG! Jedi can use the same force powers as the sith.... the difference though is that when a jedi would use forces like force lightning or force grip that would tempt the Jedi to the dark side and Jedi don't dare do that... and Jedi who do dare that are sometimes turned to the dark side.

In Episode VI Luke also uses force grip on the first gammorean guards but he never used it again because he found out that it was leading him to the dark side.... there are more examples.. but the others i know are only described in the books

and again... the dark side is not more powerful than the light side... it is only more tempting. Like Yoda said in Episode V

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The main difference between Jedi and Sith is that Jedi use natural power that each human has and Sith use those power AND power of angry. Masters of Sith can change angry they feel in power that Jedi don`t do. Its don`t make Sith more powerful but gave them another weapon. THey COULD be more powerful if most of Sith can control this force. But many of them being defeated by this. Everyone can be Jedi but not everyone can became Sith Master. You can go on Dark Side but its not everything to become this. If look at this from this point of view, Siths masters should be more skilled than Jedi.

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After striking down ani Lucas zoomed in on Dooku's face.  At first it was a little in a rage, like most Sith when they fight, and then it turned into what looked like either sympothy or remorse.  It looked like he was either mad at himself for striking down ani, or that he felt sorry for ani in the process.

My question is for anyone that has read the books, whats up here??? in the books does it say what he was thinking at that time/? or did Lucas just use some creative licensce???

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Isn't a Sith just an evil Jedi? What is a Darth as such, is it like a Jedi Knight? Because Count Dooku isn't a Darth, hes a Count.


Navaros, anis accident and marrige does happen in episode two. And he shows signs of going to the dark side. I know Count Dooku from somewhere else though, are you sure he wasn't in EpisodeI, or maybe 4,5,6?

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Isn't a Sith just an evil Jedi? What is a Darth as such, is it like a Jedi Knight? Because Count Dooku isn't a Darth, hes a Count.


Navaros, anis accident and marrige does happen in episode two. And he shows signs of going to the dark side. I know Count Dooku from somewhere else though, are you sure he wasn't in EpisodeI, or maybe 4,5,6?

Count Dooku is also Darth Tyranus, so yes he is a Sith.  Count Dooku is his given name, Darth Tyranus is his secret sith name.

And in my understanding (i could be wrong here) i thought that the sith and "dark jedi" were one in the same.  Maybe the "dark jedi" were originally borne elsewhere (for instance i think a jedi can go to the dark side without being sith lord);  but the Sith were the only organized "council" of dark jedi, meaning anyone can be bad, but the sith were a collection of bad warriors skilled in the use of the force.

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hmm... it is indeed a difference... as in the book that i got you got the jedi Joruus Cabot (or something like that) and he's not sith.. he's just a jedi master.. though he uses the dark side of the force

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The books and comics don't really have any authority on what is and isn't true in the Star Wars universe; especially since Lucas does as he pleases without trying to,  or being the least-bit concerned about, staying true to any book.   Did you know Han Solo was supposed to die in Return of the Jedi?  That's how it *should* have been, and ROTJ would have been a much better movie if he did.   There wasn't going to be any babyish Ewoks either.   The point being that people say stuff like Han's son was the most poweful Jedi ever, which is complete and utter bollocks since Han was supposed to be dead in Return of the Jedi anyways, and officially he never had a son.

As far as Jedi and Sith go:  Sith is a belief system just like the Jedi belief system.   To be Sith means you believe and abide by the Sith religious rules and practices, just as the Jedi abide by the Jedi religious rules and practices.

"Dark Jedi" is someone who was once a Jedi, but who has abandoned following the rules of his religion (Jedi), yet still uses the Force for his means and possibly evil intentions, without abiding by the religious guidelines of the Jedi.   This is NOT equivalent with being a Sith.

To be a Sith, you have to know, follow and abide by the strict principles and guidelines of the Sith religion.   Someone who abandons his Jedi ways and uses the Force for dark purposes is not a Sith.      

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Just to clean the things:

Sith: a humanoid race natural of the world of Korriban, they were dark creatures with quitineous caparace, they have some religion and culture believes, they know some kind of magic. (nothing related to the force and jedi)

Dark Jedi: A jedi who falls to the dark side. anger,hate,fear and some feelings led to the dark side, it is a Jedi that choosed the easiest way, you may know that hiding your feelings and stoping they are very hard.

Dark Side Powers:if you look closely, ALL the dark side powers are agressive in nature, that is because in the middle of a battle the most obvious feel that you have is RAGE,HATE,etc.

DARTH: DArk lord of the siTH, acronym made by Darth Bane a millenia before ANH

Dark Lords of the Sith: they were Dark Jedi that found the planet of Korriban, they learned the magic used by the Sith and combined them with the Dark Side of the Force, they learned to make amulets,magical swords (the Dark Jedi didn´t used Lightsabers at this time), and some other things, the sith (being a semi barbarian race) thought that the Dark Jedi were Gods or something like that, so they adored them and give them powers and forbifding teachings, so the Dark Jedi were the Dark Lords of the Sith

2 Dark Lords of the Sith: A master and an apprentice, that was because the war between them so Darth Bane, after the last Jedi Vs Sith war, made this rule.

Not all the Dark Jedi are Sith, and not all the Sith are Dark Lords of The Sith (do not confuse Dark Lords of the Sith with Sith Lords, it is like a Kings and Dukes,Counts,etc),Sith are commonly Sith Lords or soemthing like that.

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How come the history of the Sith isn't used much in Star Wars, how do people find it out then?

A lot of what you hear about the Sith is just hearsay.   You have to research it on your own and look at the *credible* information.   A lot of what you will hear about the Sith is not accurate or consistent with what George Lucas envisions the word Sith to mean.  The best way to find out is to research it yourself and if at all possible try to find official information based on discarded or un-used ideas by Lucas himself since nothing that anyone else writes about Star Wars has any relevance or clout in terms of the films themselves.

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