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Ok, what does your name means?

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  • 5 years later...

well, I was bored.  Here's a blast from the past for you old timers.  (don't mind me.  I'm just being a creepy newby lurker.)

Kokiri are the elf children from the legend of zelda games.

Mentat.  well duh.

I pretty much only use this name on this sight and on a backup e-mail account.

Otherwise you will see a figure by the name of Morval reigning death upon you while you try to reload/flashheal/bandageup/drinkwater/lookforammo/tryingtokillsomeoneelse or just in general not aware of the fact that I'm right behind you. hehehe.


Wow Resurrection.

alchemi2 is the nick i use on virtually every forum or on-line game i visit/play.

Nogal Alchemi was one of my first D&D characters from school days, we all made a character based on anagrams of our firstname and surname.

Later became my PBM nick Nogalalchemi.

When i started on-line gaming i had to shorten it, so it became alchemi.

Due to timing out on WOL servers, i needed a second nick and made alchemi2, which was just my way of showing it was still me.

When i joined Gamespy and Fed2k, i used the alchemi2 to create the account and it became the one i then used all the time.

Also as i tend to play Emperor whilst under the influence of alcohol, it always seemed appropriate as many think it refers to that.

Only other nick i use is Cycle which comes from when my niece was younger and always mispronounced uncle Michael.

Michael in Hebrew means resembles God (the Archangel who defeats the Dragon)


Talk about looking at old posts... the posts we once made on this thread seemed like they were coming from an entirely different person altogether. I once listened to Korn? That's hard for me to believe these days.


Wow Resurrection.

Who dares disturb the rest of this ancient topic!?


Also as i tend to play Emperor whilst under the influence of alcohol, it always seemed appropriate as many think it refers to that.

You people drink alcohol too much.

Kirby, Gotenks absorbed means Kirby absorbed Gotenks, does anyone know who Majin Buu is? If so, do you know the reference?

Anyway, My name Daniel (or Danny as my family calls me) is supposed to be the name of some super warrior guy (I think he's in a bible story or something) who got his power from his hair because it was blessed by God, when he was a baby I think, and then his evil girlfriend whore cut his hair, I don't know why.

My middle name - Alexander (but I think Portuguese people call it Alehandro), I don't think I need to explain who that is.


Anyway, My name Daniel (or Danny as my family calls me) is supposed to be the name of some super warrior guy (I think he's in a bible story or something) who got his power from his hair because it was blessed by God, when he was a baby I think, and then his evil girlfriend whore cut his hair, I don't know why.

Wasn't that Samson!

In the Old Testament, Daniel was a Hebrew prophet and the Book of Daniel contains prophecies concerning the future. Daniel was among the Jews who were taken captive in Babylon. He rose to a high position in the Babylonian government by interpreting the king's dreams. Daniel was persecuted by the Babylonians for his faith in God and survived a politically motivated death sentence in a lions


yea , i thought that was Samson.  Daniel is the old testament version of revelations essentially. (not really but you get the idea).


If you read back through this thread, the origins of Gob are revealed.

lol, yea that's one of the reasons I brought this back. plus other still active posters posted here.


hmmmm....guess there's still some part of the mystery left.  Idk, you'll have to ask Gob I guess.  I don't think I've even talked to him on the same thread before. (I'm still kinda new).


I picked Ordos, my favorite house game wise with that new game called Dune 2000, and Edric O already had that as a username, so I slapped two numbers on the end.


Well my real name, Christopher (everyone calls me Chris) means "Christ Bearer", or to put it better, "Bearer of Christ".  This is a reference to Saint Christopher carrying Jesus across some river or other, as I recall.

My name on the forums (i.e. Dragoon Knight) relates to an old but great PlayStation game called The Legend of Dragoon.  Still one of the best games I've ever played, with a great premise for characters.  Liked the Dragoons so much that I adopted it as my nickname.  Been that way for years.


Well my real name, Christopher (everyone calls me Chris) means "Christ Bearer", or to put it better, "Bearer of Christ".  This is a reference to Saint Christopher carrying Jesus across some river or other, as I recall.

Same for me.


Because Sardaukar was taken and the old name I had "D2k Sardaukar" sounds rather cheap, I decided to be the guy with the coolest job ever, draw the sandworm towards my location. Keep in mind I only work in multiplayer.

"Come kitty kitty, come... " uhhh...


I don't remember what I tried to register as, but it was to post in some stupid house vs house thread back in the golden dune 2000 forum days.

Think it's because I liked the atreides, then I liked the ordos for a bit after arguing with edric. So I got rid of my old name..

and slapped ex infront of Atreides.

But then I started liking the Atreides again so well F it.


Ak47 001 was something horrible, just a random name that I liked an registered as. I even remember my VERY FIRST account(the one before this one) - I registered as Calaban_emperor, meaning to register as Caladan_emperor. Anyway, after Ak47 001 there were a few name changes - I know that there was Tamerlane, who was a mongolian emperor who had a bit of fun slaughtering his way across Asia and Persia, and now Clemenza, who is an underboss in the Godfather books.  :)


I don't remember what I tried to register as, but it was to post in some stupid house vs house thread back in the golden dune 2000 forum days.

Think it's because I liked the atreides, then I liked the ordos for a bit after arguing with edric. So I got rid of my old name..

and slapped ex infront of Atreides.

But then I started liking the Atreides again so well F it.

You were rookie as well weren't you?


Sounds to me like you play a lot of MUDs.

If you consider WoW a MUD then I played a lot of that this year. I'm actually mostly an FPS gamer (console, not PC) or RPG. I've done some RTS on Starcraft and love a good fighting game like smash or soul caliber. 

Anyway back to the name thing, my gaming name Morval is actually a combination of two elvish words from Tolkien.  Whoever figures the meaning out first gets a special prize. :O

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