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The Old Timers' Notice Board

Edric O

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After a few recent posts by IxianMace (following a 10 month absence), I had the idea of starting a thread where returning old timers can say hi. This is it. When you have a forum as old as ours, there are bound to be a number of "old timers" who used to be very active a long time ago but who went missing in action for various reasons. And, on this forum in particular, it seems most of them come back for a short while every now and then.

So here are the rules for the Old Timers' Notice Board. This thread is meant primarily for two kinds of posts:

1. Messages from returning old timers, to let us know what they've been doing, or just to say hi. A good definition for an "old timer" would be a person with at least a few hundred posts who hasn't said anything in a few months.

2. Messages for old timers. If there is something you want someone to see when (or if) they return to Fed2k, post it here.

I will also be keeping a list of missing old timers. So far the ones I can think of are:

Shaddam_Corrino (communist tanks will always beat libertarian knives, old friend ;) )

Jacob Douds







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What about n a v a r ...  ;)

I visit another forum where Nav is also a regular patron, so if you want I can ask him to come back.

That is, unless he's still banned.

Anyway also MIA: I haven't seen nampigai (not case-sensitive) around here, though I assume he's still at gameheaven.com

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I visit another forum where Nav is also a regular patron, so if you want I can ask him to come back.

Why whould anyone want that. . .

Anyway also MIA: I haven't seen nampigai (not case-sensitive) around here, though I assume he's still at gameheaven.com

He is.

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For me, life should mean life. I dont mean FOR me...when it comes to my turn, I want it to mean a monday morning, when I am at work and so busy I dont notice...No, for everyone else it should mean life.

Oh, you mean all at once, he got a multiple life bans. Do they pass on to his kids ?

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We all know that Navaros is the greatest strategy game player that could ever be born, and that one's skill in such games positively correlates with the size of one's penis.

I would've LOL if I wasn't in a public computer room. Had to cover my mouth. :D

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We all know that Navaros is the greatest strategy game player that could ever be born, and that one's skill in such games positively correlates with the size of one's penis.

He must be so well endowed that he passes out whenever he gets an erection  :O

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Well Nema has been gone for almost a month now... maybe we should add him. :)

And if we want to talk about real old timers you could add Drakker and Davo... I'm sure I could think of a few more.

But if that wasn't Davo I ate in the Dungeon, then who was it?

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