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Battlefield 2


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Ladies, can we get on XFire please ?

Easy way to find each other when we are playing. Basically its like Messenger but less chat (although it supports in game text chat) and more game related features, like letting budies know which game and server you are playing right now, if any.

Get on there and add me as "erjin999".

if you guys need any help getting used to it, I had help from rewired, then let me know on messenger (erjin999 @ hotmail.com).

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Well here is a question for the masses.  It would appear that my older Emp comp won't play this game well; and the ones I have that will I don't use for gaming.  So the easy solution would be to get a new gaming PC; 

AMD or P4?  (Which proc and is 3.0 fast enough or is faster really needed)

Is a Geforce 6600 256MB PCI Express sufficiently over the needs of the game

Which Sound card; presumably some version of Creative Labs but which?

I'm assuming just a single 7200RPM drive is fine

Assuming 1GB PC3200 RAM is sufficient

Anything else I should be considering?

In short, sure I could buy the lastest Alienware PC, but its not in my style to buy bleading edge technology.  I rarely find a point to do so.  Personally I like to acquire 'just behind' the wave, but not too far behind that your doing it every 3 months.  Thoughts/suggestions?

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ok, if this topic is a review of bf2 game then its missing an importent part of the game which

is the single player missons.. is there a comapain?? what sort of maps are availble. i tried looking up on that in all the game reviews but no answer.. anyone can briefly  give us a reply??

  thank you

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I think this topic is what we make it, so long as its about BF2 ;)

I dont think these a campain in single player or multiplayer, its one of those games where they concentrate on the game, not the story line. Someone correct me if you feel I am wrong, but I reckon its ok to just know where you need to be putting the bullets and what the maps called :P

This game is good for practising the weapons or vehicles offline, but the real fun is online.

So yeah, no campaing, just choose the map, its tells you whats happened (MEC [Middle East Coallition) are defending against attacking USMC [united States Marine Corps] forces). So you might be launching off an Air Craft Carrier.

Thats it, as an example...

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AMD or P4?  (Which proc and is 3.0 fast enough or is faster really needed)

Is a Geforce 6600 256MB PCI Express sufficiently over the needs of the game

Which Sound card; presumably some version of Creative Labs but which?

I'm assuming just a single 7200RPM drive is fine

Assuming 1GB PC3200 RAM is sufficient

Anything else I should be considering?

Dude, thats plenty of power. Should run the game fine.

I run the game without problems,lag or other crap with..

AMD Athlon Barton 3000+

Gforce 5500 QE 256/ddr

A7N8X Asus MB.

*cough*no sound card yet*cough*(but I am getting one).

3 Gigs of Kingston ddr.

if that helps any.

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ok, if this topic is a review of bf2 game then its missing an importent part of the game which

is the single player missons.. is there a comapain?? what sort of maps are availble. i tried looking up on that in all the game reviews but no answer.. anyone can briefly  give us a reply??

  thank you

There is no single player campaign, nor is there a storyline beyond the reasoning for each map (e.g. the Russian armory has been destroyed in a ghost town, the Spec Ops need to insert themselves in the city and prevent insurgents from obtaining classified information).

There is a single player function, but it is limited to only some of the maps available on multiplayer, and with only 16 players in it (and therefore, the map is shrunken to accomodate the less amount of people). This prevents there being any aircraft beyond helos. It's sole purpose is to get used to the gameplay, and some of the maps.

There is a ranking structure, however, so basically your military career is the plotline.

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Well here is a question for the masses.  It would appear that my older Emp comp won't play this game well; and the ones I have that will I don't use for gaming.  So the easy solution would be to get a new gaming PC; 

AMD or P4?  (Which proc and is 3.0 fast enough or is faster really needed)

Is a Geforce 6600 256MB PCI Express sufficiently over the needs of the game

Which Sound card; presumably some version of Creative Labs but which?

I'm assuming just a single 7200RPM drive is fine

Assuming 1GB PC3200 RAM is sufficient

Anything else I should be considering?

In short, sure I could buy the lastest Alienware PC, but its not in my style to buy bleading edge technology.  I rarely find a point to do so.  Personally I like to acquire 'just behind' the wave, but not too far behind that your doing it every 3 months.  Thoughts/suggestions?

All that should be good (p4 or AMD doesn't matter) but don't let scar mislead you into thinking you will be playing with everything on high and experience no lag or slowdown, with that computer you should be able to play with all settings on medium or high but you will get slight lag when you get shellshocked or hit by tear gas.

What scar meant to say was that he can run it with a decent framerate when all settings on low but he gets extreme lag whenever shellshocked tear gassed, or flashbanged.

@scar why do you have so much memory? Even BF2 uses just under 1 gig when you play with textures on high. Before you get a new sound card which you don't need, buy a new GFX card or if you don't have enough just sell some of your ram of which you have plenty.

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There is a ranking structure, however, so basically your military career is the plotline.

Just staying alive in this game is enough of a plotline to keep you busy and entertained. There is no need what so ever for a storyline. I kinda think of it this way, there are 2 modes of gameplay in this game...Single-player-Basic training,learning to fly around.

            Multi-player-Hardcore ass-kicking, Dying(alot), earning ranks, improving. (with increased stress). ;D I about die laughing at some people on Teamspeak or VOIP in game when they lose thier minds and go postal after getting killed.  ;D

@scar why do you have so much memory?

I guess cause I could, the mainboard just kept telling me, "go ahead, max me out".  ;)

BTW I posted wrong I have 2 gigs not 3.

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yo there!

Anyone know how to drop bombs with thew jets?

I try but can`t manage it.

I`m heading for game now,catch me on xfire.


You would have to switch to your second weapon item, which are the actual explosives that drop down. I just got done with some Special Forces, and I am getting damn good at it. On that marshy map, I was sniping people pretty well... with the Spec Ops gun the G36C. Sniping a sniper with that brings endless joy :-D
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play with all settings on medium or high but you will get slight lag when you get shellshocked or hit by tear gas.

What scar meant to say was that he can run it with a decent framerate when all settings on low but he gets extreme lag whenever shellshocked tear gassed, or flashbanged.

Is this a CPU processor issue, or a graphics card issue? Is there a recommendation to avoid the dreaded lag?

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Would be graphics card issue, if "upping" the graphics card results in lag.

Also, better to get AMD for gaming, I think it is tomshardwareguide, or anandtech, where they did a comparison, and AMD whooped Intel big time.

I can play with most settings on medium or high (but not antialising, hell no) without lag. I think the graphics are fine on medium, and I get my lag from bad connections (either the server is far from me or someone else and the ping times are stupid, like 200+  :().

I got 1 Gig of RAM and I find that when I minimise to windows, the page file has been used to store my desktop and any programs I had open and it takes a good few seconds to load em up again. Also, extra RAM virtually never hurts in a game.

My computer lags intermittently on Emperor: Battle for Dune, a bit, but runs fine on BF2  ??? Go figure, eh ?

I have:

AMD 64 4000+

1Gig Dual Channel Memory

6600GT 128MBGfx

Onboard Creative sound card

4Megs down, 387kb up

Recommendation to avoid lag is to be happy with medium settings, or fork out for a nice expensive graphics card. I chose the first option :P and am happy.

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Is this a CPU processor issue, or a graphics card issue? Is there a recommendation to avoid the dreaded lag?

Its in the GFX card, only the high end ones can run blurring well without slowdown and in BF2 you cannot turn it off which can make 5500 users (I was one) sitting ducks if they are near a grenade blast. My 6600 GT can run the vision blur much better than my old 5500 could but there is still the framerate drop, its hardly noticable but its still there. Don't sweat it too much though, since my upgrade I haven't died as a direct result of the lag, and now that I've been thinking about it I realize its a very trivial issue, not really worth mentioning but its always good to know the pros and cons of buying new (and expensive) hardware.

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its a chame we cant playe at least the 32 players map in the single player..personly i like single player to practice... anyway i am still playing the demo and will be at least for few weeks...

and i dont know .. i am having few craches to desktop, lots of servers kick me out due to high ping

am not in the point of upgreading my brand new pc ..maybe i can stick a ram card but thats all..

i cant go and sell the 5200fx vga  i just bought.. that is insane and wast of money...

but after i read all u guys posts i dunno do u think a guy with my settings should be getting this game?? i mean without a pc upgread?? or should i move over and let the big guns handle it.. at least

untill the time comes when i get my self a better vga (i was thinking 5200fx is strong enough but we never learn for free do we?) i mean 5700 was not that expencive but i thought i wont need it.

_ and for those of you who are having the gf 6000 series  i  say  this lag u are having can be coming from anyone eals on the map(just like emp) , i mean even game spot reveiw said the game is too steep  for the normal consumers  pcs, i mean comon, peapol are lagging like hell on those servers. did u see the dc message appearing every few secounds even on a 16 player map?..

anyway what i still want is a true advise on this: do u think i should get this game with my current settings?

p4 3GHz


5200fx 128 mb

256k  adsl

well..as they say its a ritch man"s world  :'(

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Frankly, from my experience so far, the biggest devil in BF2 is bandwidth lag, not game lag. With my crappy computer I'm rather happy to be on Low settings. It's still playable, though killing gets a bit difficult sometimes (especially when in several of my experiences the enemy just bunny-hops like hell till I die. Glad they're fixing that soon! :D :D). However, it's the bandwidth problem that's the REAL problem. Sometimes if it's so bad, running into a building for cover can become difficult as you find yourself unable to get into the building because of lag, and causing you to die an unjustified death.

So fix the modem. I can only play on less than 1% of the servers, but I just play there often. Of course, I have to compromise if I want to play with scar or erjin...

And PLEASE get Xfire! It's real good. I'm not sure how you can add me, but I guess you try adding rotlung and see if it works. If not, try gunner154. The problem is some guy took gunner154 for no particular reason (he didn't take 153 nor 155, but 154!), so I registered rotlung and changed my nickname (not username). See if that works. It's good software.

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I guess i'm lucky then. I don't experience much if any lag at all. All my sets are on low and even some sound options I turn down lower, I mean I really don't need to hear the effects of an artillary strike hitting me in ultra stereo quality do I? The 5500 is basically a 5200 with more ddr. As long as I can see the enemy nice n clear,smooth gameplay i'm happy. But I am getting a better card soon,game runs fine for me so far.

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Hey fellas... sorry i havent been around... i havent fallen off the face of the map... just been busy with work and building my New bleeding edge computer... but since i am building it myself from scratch its actually an affordable bleeding edge computer.....since i am not getting raped on labor fees (which doubles the price of a computer) .... by doing something silly like ordering from alienware *laugh* ;D

here's the specs....

Motherboard =>  Asus A8N32-SLI Deluxe nForce4 SLI Audio/GB-LAN/IEEE-1394a/PCI-E/SATA3G/DDR/ATX 64 (939 socket) (has dual x16 PCI-E SLI)

Memory (RAM) => 2 GB RAM (2 pcs of 1GB) DDR (400) PC-3200 OCZ Dual Channel Platinum

CPU = >         AMD Athlon 64 4000+ 1MB (90nm process) Rev. E San Diego (939 socket)       

Graphics =>     TWO PCI-E Nvidia 7800 GTX in DUAL SLI mode.  (OMG over 48 pixel pipelines)

All for less than $1,900  ...

I am selling my 3ghz intel chip, my old asus motherboard, my old sticks of ram,  my old 5900ultra GPU ....all on ebay.  So that will take me to less than $1,400

I am keeping my old DVD, cd-burner, dreamer tower case, 3.5 floppy, 535w power supply, audigy 2 sound card,  and 10k raptor hardrive since they dont need to be upgraded.

Once this monster is constructed you will see me alot more on BF2 .... gonna be running at max detail on everything with 4x AA, 8X anisotropic filtering and 2048 X 1536 resolution at a refresh rate of 85Hz. *does a happy dance*

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hehe what do you think ;D

won`t be on till tomorrow afternoon, but I look you guys up. 8)

I think I`m getting hang of flying, now I just need to practice to aim and shoot as well hehe :O

Irun in to soething strange last night. I was flying jets and shot down several choppers, but did not get my kill registred.

Same goes for flying chopper and shot down other choppers.

is there a new patch upcomin?

Hehe, as for the bunny jumpin`, in BF vietnam its funny when you are on a big map, and 32 players are jumping like it was the hunting season. ;D

As for lag I have experienced that I`m the one with lowest ping and lag as hell.


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I doubt I would be playing with you guys. The lag makes gameplay obscene for me. I'm quite happy with the Singaporean server. Made friends with one guy with whom I have been playing for a while. He makes a great team leader and is quite tolerant with a couple of us newbies and teaches us the way to do stuff. Nowadays, we don't die so often ;D

Anyway, I unlocked the medic weapon that had a much better crosshair (the one that was boasted with the thing about changing marksmanship tests or something). It's awesome. But in the process I realised that I could not unlock Flashbangs. Yet in vanilla BF2 I was hit by one. How did that happen?

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