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Game you want to design/wish were out...


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-Remake of CyberMage: DarkLight Awakening (the original doesn't work on newer computers)

-Remake of Strife (same reason)

-Remake of Frontier: Elite 2 (same reason, as well as the fact that it's my favourite in the series)

-Elite 4

-A game based on the show StarHunter

[edit] Oh damn, I almost forgot: A sequel for Thief (a Thief 3 is in the works, but I don't know if I'll be able to run it).

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Example for my game:

Name: The struggle for territory

Style: Multiplayer First Person strategy game.

When the game starts, you find yourself in a situation like in the movie Braveheart.

Middle ages, kings, castles, the works. You can choose what country your from.

Your character can be setup at the start, good, bad, thief, ect. The country

choice will determine one special ability.

At the start, you will have a small territory that's yours (at least, you consider

it yours). You can build up an army and ask buddies to join your struggle. You can

assign buddies to be in important roles in your army, like generals ect. If you want

to take up other territories, you will need to build up an army.

You can decide to gather more territory by attacking others (could be other players, or

AI's), but when you attack to much, the king of that area might stop you (if you're strong

enough try to). When you're strong enough, you may want to take up on the king

and control the area. As the king before you, you will need to keep a close eye on what's

going on though, others might want to throw you off the throne ;)

If you gathered a larger territory, you need to make sure your army stays happy (money

wise) and make sure they're fed well. Your buddies will play a important role here,

as you need to trust them to carry out their job. If you army isn't happy, they might

join your enemy. Especially if your king, make sure your citizens are happy (not to high

taxes, enough food and make them feel save (IE do not send your complete army out to war).

When you're king, you may take action in the battles your generals are taking, as it will

improve the moral of the men. Where ever you are, moral will improve. How ever, where ever

you're not moral will decrease (especially long leaves from you castle decrease moral

quickly). A wizard will have almost have the same improvement of moral as the king has.

You can fight battles in First person. Depending on what your scientist (wizards)

invent, you can attack enemies and defend yourself from predators in the forest.

Wizards play an important role in the game, as well as the spies. Wizards can invent

improved equipment for your weapons. Spies can keep you updated on enemy movement.

Once you think you control your land, you may take on other countries.

For every role described above, you can have buddies join your game and play with you.

Do not think you're immortal, you can die. If you die you can only return as someone else.

You will not come back as the king you were. You may decide to join the forces

you've build up (with your buddies), or you can decide you go for something completely

new. Wizards are capable of a lot, but they can't revive someone. Dead means dead.

People a king needs:



One in conrol of security (getting thiefs that roam your cities)

Those in control of income

and many more..

If you don't want all the hassle and micromanagement described above, you can choose to

be a thief and roam the cities in your area. If your reputation improves, the king at one

point will hear about it (if he has good informants around him). If you're high on the

wanted list, you may want to skip the country to later return if things have settled.

In a battle, players get hit. Say if you're hit by an arrow, the arrow will remain in

your body (or someone else's) until it's removed. When injured, your abilities will

decrease. A hit in the leg will render your ability to run to almost zero. A hit in one

of the arms, means you can't use that arm to lift anything (let alone fight).

Many more details, but you get the drift I think :)....

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SWAT 5->A realistic one,where your officers can come down from helicopters.All weapons and equipment available.With proper enemies.

Earth 2031:Dawn of a new era->Elves,aliens,robots,humans and undead forces fight for the control of Earth,with the elves and humans forming an alliance and aliens and undead forming an alliance as well and the alien/undead alliance tries to get the robots in as well,and there is a VERY VERY big battle,futuristic weapons,and not buggy,and you can use the keyboard arrow keys and other keys to control each unit like in an action game,but it is an RTS game.

Gunz Halo:Rise Of The Apocalypse->An online game where you can make a new faction,be it pirates,mercenaries,resource harvesters,traders,good or bad guys,your empire is automatically saved with every action you have done,and you can form alliances,battle,etc. with lots of PROPER tactics and custom ships that you can design.With diplomacy and stuff,you can design virtually everything. :D

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StarCraft 2 (though I don't want Blizzard to do it unless they promise not to screw it up like they did WC3. It's an RTS - leave the roleplaying crap in the RPGs.)

Tiberian Twilight

Remakes of "Dark Forces" and "Blood I" in modern engines (with XP compatability!).

Another ZORK game, maybe like ZORK I (as in a text adventure) but with graphics at the top of the screen. Or another one like Z:GI. Or just a plain ol' text adventure. Whatever, as long as it's ZORK.

ZORK, Dune, and the old IntelliVision classics for the TI-83+!

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1. Tiberian Twilight, that's for sure...

2. some good RPG mech strategy (imagine a mix of Baldur's Gate and Mechcommander)

3. some good medieval or renaissance cavalry simulator, Diablo III with horses and mercenary groups would be enough...

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The World


A new server would start at the middle ages. Players could choose what countries and what jobs they want to be. The game would be like common MMORPGS, you hunt monsters, train skills, explore dungeons, do PvP and GvG wars...until what I call "epic battles" come.

These epic battles would be country vs country wars. These battles would be based on turning points in history, like "what would happen to the East if the Chinese are defeated by barberian hordes in early middle ages?", "what would happen if the nukes are really fired in the Cuban missle crisis?". The results of such "epic battles" would decide which patch would be used, either following the course of history or an alternate one. All server would have different patches though.

Once in a while, when there is a drastic change in the world, like "world-wide nuclear warfare", where the eorld change from a modern one to a wasteland, the player would "rebirth" into a character which suits the new world. Players would all restart at lv1, but their starting stats would be different, according t their previous char(e.g. a player with good archery skills in middle ages would have good shooting skills in modern ages)

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hitman 3, like 2 but you choose missions and can buy equipment with the money from missions.

That's basicly what Hitman 1 used to be like- I liked it better then the sequel.

Btw, you can chose your missions by loading a slot prior to a mission (briefing) and then choose mission.

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''The World


A new server would start at the middle ages. Players could choose what countries and what jobs they want to be. The game would be like common MMORPGS, you hunt monsters, train skills, explore dungeons, do PvP and GvG wars...until what I call "epic battles" come.

These epic battles would be country vs country wars. These battles would be based on turning points in history, like "what would happen to the East if the Chinese are defeated by barberian hordes in early middle ages?", "what would happen if the nukes are really fired in the Cuban missle crisis?". The results of such "epic battles" would decide which patch would be used, either following the course of history or an alternate one. All server would have different patches though.

Once in a while, when there is a drastic change in the world, like "world-wide nuclear warfare", where the eorld change from a modern one to a wasteland, the player would "rebirth" into a character which suits the new world. Players would all restart at lv1, but their starting stats would be different, according t their previous char(e.g. a player with good archery skills in middle ages would have good shooting skills in modern ages) ''

I've thought of a similar ''dream game'' but with different settings,scenario, e.t.c. Although ages, upgrades,e.t.c would still take place, the game would start 50-100 years into the future with armies that are already organized, however, that organization would have to be maintained and altered. Thusly, players thinking that they could just run around like lone barbarians looking for things to kill and gain exp and money from would soon find themselves court martialed or perhaps even executed (according to the nature of the law of the force/race/group in question, which is another matter entirely. Initially, their appears little threat to 2 of the main three forces, as a matter of fact, only 1 of the groups knows about another group at the beggining of the game, and though the group is aware of the threat of the group, they know that any violence can be averted thanks to their wise and good natured leader (yet again another matter entirely). These groups are of epic proportions, as a matter of fact Earth alone is not large enough to contain all three (one of the groups has a multi-planetary empire to begin with and the other two are likely to eventually try to conquer or liberate planets). The groups are almost ENTIRELY different in goverment, politics, economy, state of civilization and society, units, buildings, style, tactics, and general military. So much so that a player that has read a little about each team (from scouting reports e.t.c, players are unable to receive any info about any group until they've joined them, and this info is often prohibited according to rank) will be able to instantly recognize an enemy upon sight of anything that belongs to the enemy. The organization of the military included various ranks (That widely differ in nature according to the group) such as the grunts , base overseers, e.t.c (the more noticeable ranks). Janitorial work and the like is left to AI bots unless a soldier has been punished or something:D but everything is controlled by players. The ranks are very important to make the game playable...eg: just as no base commander can stay up 24/7 for weeks running and watching his base, no player could achieve the same in the game, thus, the commander would employ an overseer or his deputy to watch and run the base for whatever reason he is unable to do so. Such ranks are earned, though initially they are forced to be given through meaningless tests and the like... however it quickly becomes apparent who should be promoted and who should be demoted because ranks carries less weight early one eg: a soldier suddenly feeling confident and is seperated from his squad leader can attempt to put his disheartended squad under his control without repercussion from his seniors who have yet to prove themselves. Despite this however, the point of the game is not to attain rank, the point is whatever you want it to be. As a W.U.N.F N.V.G soldier you might just want to live through these times, as a magic forces student you may just want to become an arch-mage or even an advisor to you're emporor, or as an Edian you may simply want to attain honour, through rank or whatever means. Through rank, experience and training you could become a different unit and acquire the relevant new skills to fill the position ( with you're previous experience enabling you to be better than the newly trained at the position) or instead become a better chaingun warrior. A player could choose to remain a mere soldier in rank and only a chaingun warrior but could become so excellent in his skills with his chaingun and sword that stories of him , exagertated or not, would spread amongst troops raising morale and giving that Edian soldier great honor.

Organization is imperative and required in the game. It is the only way for the generals and soldiers of an army ( or whatever the case may be) to form an army. That is a simple pre-quisite to an army. After that, the generals and commanders will probably have to be intelligent and cunning and the statesmen also proficient in their position for victory or success in whatever form for the group/ alliance of groups to be victorious. Of course, every excellent foot soldier on the battle field brings the group/alliance closer to victory. Finally, their are also various sub-groups that players could choose to play for for whatever reason...

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