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GOOD : good on mino hordes and bunched up units

BAD : can only destroy some powers, barracks, outpost and a starport


GOOD : destroys your enemys econemy when used on their spice patch

(bye bye harvs and carryalls)

BAD : on the much used fishers plain there is only 1 exit piont, so when used on slow units they generally dont make it off the map

(but good when combined with feds)


GOOD : this is only really good when used on units with high damage (sard elites are funny :D)

BAD : if ur enemy has no bunched up units its useless...

my favourite is atreides by a long shot

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GOOD : good on mino hordes and bunched up units

You mind as well use chaos lighting for that purpose

The death hand is for taking out wind traps, palaces, barracks, turrets(not really recommended), startports, & landing bays in one go.


Use them to hit something that wont die and then finish it off with units.

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BAD : on the much used fishers plain there is only 1 exit piont, so when used on slow units they generally dont make it off the map

On Fishers Plain, there are at least 5 exit points. It's strange that most of the time, the units try to exit at the exit on the top right corner, but I have seen units exit the map at other exit points besides that.

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That`s the most stupid reason I have ever heard, cuz its ordos who realy needs superwapons against a horde of minos/sard.

When you play Ordos it means that you should be a good rusher. Before Atredies can pump out a single mino his base shall be filled with dust scouts.

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"When you play Ordos it means that you should be a good rusher. Before Atredies can pump out a single mino his base shall be filled with dust scouts."

Well u can`t kill a good Atredis with dusties alone, and lots of atr these days can stop a rush, so if ur rush fails what are u gonna do? quit??

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Any ATR who can't stop an Ordos rush consisting of dusties sucks. There are plenty of ways for any ATR to stop any rush....

building the right units as fast or faster than opposition.

I have my methods of building light units to defend against hark and ordos rushes, would anyone like to share theirs? there are more polls than strats on this board ive noticed...

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ive noticed that the newer atr players dont know how to defend against rushes, bikes and light inf are really important, usually this type of defense/offense fails against a harkonen rush but regular sardukar will make a big difference. Also, dont try to get rushed if possible attack his rush before it reaches its destination, suprise will most likely give you the lead, i would give away a BO, but all my Bo's suck and i usually rely on simple tactics to win battles. If you get the opportunity, rush your enemy but unless you have a sufficient amount of sardukar, dont rush his base

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