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Everything posted by davo

  1. :O
  2. http://www.dune2k.com/forum/index.php?topic=1706.msg28920#msg28920
  3. I forget
  4. Apollyon, why should Sneakgab's criteria for his thread be sacrosanct?
  5. Why couldn't have you been more specific with these requirements at the begininng of the thread, Sneakgab? Then again, why such narrow preconditions for a new game? Any thoughts of trying some completely different "in-depth, non-rushing/super aggresivesly obssesed stragegy game" ?? Sorry you have irked me here. How is it that your definition of "good" is more superior than another person's definition of a "good" in-depth,non-rushing/super aggresively obssesed strategy game?
  6. I second Gob's Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic. Or Dominions 2: The Ascension Wars if u want lot more depth to a fantasy strategy game.
  7. davo


    I bought it serveral months ago. Haven't played it yet :)
  8. I'll add the French version to the debate: http://images-eu.amazon.com/images/P/B0000D91I7.08.LZZZZZZZ.jpg Of course I think the Aussie version is best :D
  9. # Neverwinter Nights with Shadows of Undertide expansion # Icewind Dale II # Emperor: Battle for Dune # Age of Wonders II # Grand Thief Auto III # X-Wing Alliance # Galactic Civilization # Diablo II with Lords of Destruction expansion # Rise of Nations # Star Trek: Elite Force II Though only ST Elite Force II has got air time this week.
  10. ??? Have u tried Gamefaqs.com ? linky
  11. hehehehe there u go again, Gob :P Personally, I have not finished Fallout Tactics. I started Fallout Tactics shortly after completing JA2 and JA2 Unfinished Buisness. With FT long missions, and with just completely another squad tactical game, I kept veering towards playing other games, and eventually stopped. I hope to get back to it one day. But it still feel FT is worthy of The Gob's money ;)
  12. There u go Gob ;D
  13. My uber game would be a grand strategy Dune game, in the vein of Europa Universalis (or prolly more like their upcoming Crusader Kings). A single/multiplayer game, unlike Dune Generations. Obviously, set pre-Paul Muad'Dib times. Graphics wouldn't matter.
  14. davo

    Best Worst Game

    Yep considering I don't have any unusual hardware components. I have not tried War3 for months now, and I have not given up on it, but currently, I am into my evil party (The Black Seal) for Icewind Dale II.
  15. davo

    Best Worst Game

    Hehehe I should have elaborated on my selection of Warcraft 3 as my worst game of 2002. :D I selected Warcraft 3 'cause of the amount of crashes I got from running the game rendered it unplayable. No other game in 2002 (or any game played on my current rig) crashed as much as Warcraft 3 (and I had bought the collectors edition too :D). But then again, Warcraft 3 was one of the few 2002 released games I actually played in 2002 :O FYI - What I played of Warcraft 3 it was a lot better than my worst game of all time 7th Legion (that game cost me $10, and it was still a huge waste of money). Edit - got me dates mixed up :P
  16. davo

    Best Worst Game

    2002 - Warcraft III 2003 - none yet. I have not played much games this year :-[
  17. davo


    It's part of my backlog.
  18. hehehehe I been lurking for awhile :D I can't say much about Warcraft 3. It crashes even worst than Emperor: Battle for Dune >:( But I have played a bit of Warlords Battlecry and the addition of a hero that you build up over the course of the campaign is an improvement (for me) over the vanilla RTS game. (bear in mind I only play single player in games) I was thinking in more of the lines of Jagged Alliance 2, or Age of Wonders 2 (I better get into the good books with The Gob after mentioning Warcraft 3 ;) ). I prefer strategy games where the tactical portions has a meaningful effect on the overall strategy of the game, rather than it just leads to the "next level" like a lot of RTS games. For example, in X-COM, a raid on a down UFO leads to the capture of a high ranking alien, and some kick arse new alien weapon. RPG elements (open ended character development) tend to get me more involved in the game. Say in Jagged Alliance 2, it felt good turning Barry Unger into a killer machine, whom can fix anything :D
  19. Hmmmm, it's a toss up between RPG and strategy. How about strategy with RPG elements :D
  20. I got the retail version of GalCiv the other day :D Pretty sweet so far 8)
  21. Age of Wonders II: The Wizard Throne was release on the 12th of June 2002. U can get the demo from here. I dunno if it has dropped from a new release price. The Age of Wonders games errs closer to Master of Magic than the Heroes series. Not only can u take my word about the game, The Gob also likes the Age of Wonders games more than the Heroes game. ;D
  22. Another one here enjoyed M&M 6 and 7. MM6 was my first foray into the series (discounting HOMM2 and HOMM3). Even though I played MM6 a couple of years after it was released, I still enjoyed in thoroughly. I bought MM7 soon after, and enjoyed it as well. (Though I'll admit I still prefer the Infinity Engine RPGs over the MMs ;D) I liked MM8 as well, though not as good as MM6 & MM7. I bought MM9 off the strength of the other games. I have not played it yet, so I dunno if I have made a bad decision :D Has anyone played any of the pre MM6 Might and Magic games ? I bought the limited edition of MM6 which has the all the older ones on CD. The Heroes series were one of my fav. fanatsy turn base strategy games (HOMM4 was a bit of a let down for me), but Age of Wonders II has taken over as my fav. fanatsy turn base strategy game :D
  23. Thanks :D I'll prolly wait a couple of weeks to d/l it. Work's a real smeg at the moment!
  24. Cool 8) No probs downloading the game ?
  25. Egeides, did u buy the retail version of GalCiv, or did u buy the download version ? I been thinking about buying the download version, but I have heard some ppl finding it slow to d/l (using broadband).
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