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Everything posted by Desert_Eagle25

  1. True. I left these forums..I thought I had abandoned me. SOmething drew me back though...it must either be that sexy abominable snowman or the ale...maybe both ;)
  2. www.newegg.com and www.tigerdirect.com are good.
  3. With $1500 you could EASILY buy an INCREDIBLY powerful computer (One usually priced at $3,500 Pre-Built) piece by piece and build it yourself.
  4. Scytale has good taste. VERY fun game indeed, and SUPERB voice acting.
  5. I'm an american, and I'm downright outraged. SOmetimes it really sucks being on the side that...sucks :(
  6. Linkin Park is a corporate band. They got some good stuff though. To compare Linkin Park and The Darkness is madness though - they may both be considered "Rock", but Rock is a very wide spectrum, both being on opposite ends. A better comparison would be say...AFI and Good Charlotte.
  7. Is there a culprit at hand? Maybe the super? Is it an apartment building? Maybe a neighbor. Setup multiple cameras and see what happens.
  8. Sleep with someone on the staff. I hear Gob has a water bed :O
  9. I'd say a dark crimson.
  10. Dear god, this is why I love these forums so much. <3
  11. Great list! IS there any chance of Firefly being redone with new episodes though? I was VERY pissed when that, and John Doe, were cancelled.
  12. OMG....*faints*
  13. I prefer Trillian Pro. Miranda IM, and a bit better. Only problem is you have to DL the various awesome plugins through Kazaa, otherwise you need to pay like $0.50 a plugin.
  14. Going to prison to visit my dad, and then I'll be spending Christmas watching TV and playing games, as well as trying to get together with my friend Jenny. Heh.
  15. I don't know if it's any good or anything...but here's something I wrote for a girl I feel deeply for... Once, I asked myself "Where have I gone?" "What have I done with myself?" "Why can't I ever succeed?" But I was weak, But I was foolish. I see now, I realize now, I was blinded, By the eternal veils of life. I saw no purpose for myself, Nor do I still. But what I do know, Is that purpose will find me. I was going to Bury it, Smother it, Murder it, Put it away, for no one to see. But it's something beautiful, Not black and shriveled, Only a seed; Unblooming, Undying, Unyielding. It defeats me, and I must express it: It is my love. I will always be here. Always for you. I will always support you. Always for you. I will take the pain, to see you smile. Always for you. I will not yield, because you are my Sihaya, Even if I am your nothing. Always for you. I would give it all, take it all, Endure it all, and I will not fail you. I will not let you fall. I will not let you fail. And I will never let you drop a tear, For me, or otherwise. Always for you.
  16. All BIOS frequencies and whatnot are set to default right? Nothing overclocked? Have you tried replacing your ram?
  17. I suppose it would be alright if done in a controlled way, as to not lead to mindless killing of an infinite number of wild animals, and the profits went to something charitable...but really now, this is just ridiculous.
  18. I prever Avant Browser. Just as strong, lighter, and I can depend on it more. Plus I simply like the layout better.
  19. I'm using Trillian - AIM works fine for me.
  20. Navaros for sure. He was annoying and very frustrating, but we had our good times.
  21. I've always hated Ghost Recon. Dunno why, I just do. I still say HL2 will slaughter all competition.
  22. If you haven't played the HL2 Beta then you shouldn't be talking.
  23. He was saying GTA:SA >>>> HL2. I was saying the opposite. HL2 will SLAUGHTER the competition.
  24. I have played the Half-Life 2 beta and have played 2 levels of it. You're so wrong it's not even funny.
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