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Everything posted by Desert_Eagle25

  1. FOr me it was when I first played Super Mario Bro.
  2. Welp, I'm on a $40 budget, and I need to get a new case.
  3. I say replace the RAM all together. I had that problem for a while, discovered it was my RAM, however it was too late and it backloaded onto my HD, thus crashing it.
  4. Try replacing your RAM before the infection gets deep into your HD.
  5. Having a bit of a problem deciding which of these models (for the same ATi Radeon 9600XT) are the best, wondering if you guys could check the models out and approve which one the best. Gigabyte ATI RADEON 9600XT Video Card, 128MB DDR, 128-bit, DVI/TV-Out, 8X AGP, Model "GV-R96X128D" -RETAIL SAPPHIRE ATI RADEON 9600XT Video Card, 256MB DDR, 128-bit, DVI/TV-Out, 8X AGP -BULK
  6. Also, when buying a graphics card, does it matter if the card was made by Gigabyte or Asus, yet uses an ATi chipset? Is it all the same thing in the end? I'm seeing so amny different looking/priced models of the exact same 9600 XT I want and it gets sorta confusing...
  7. Whats the difference between nForce and VIA? If I'm getting an ATi card, which chipset would work better?
  8. I'm not really looking for a GeForce tho (no slamming on it), I'm more or less looking for a RADEON in the 9600 series' and up thats AGPx4. Online I can't find a single one, and at Fry's Electronics I don't think I saw one...
  9. I looked up my motherboard lately and realized my AGP slot is a x4/x8, not a x8/x4, meaning the slots are short, then long, like this: |||| |||||||| I'm on a budget and already spent much of my $500 upgrading the around-abouts of my computer and have $300 left for a graphics card. Can i still get a high-end card such as a RADEON 9800 Pro 256MB with a x4/x8 AGP slot? Most that I see on the market are only built for x8/x4 and I don't know if going x4/x8 will cost more, or if it even exists. If I have to get a new motherboard too....then...*sob* If I do need to get a new mtoherboard, what kind should I get? My minimum requirements would have to be: 3-4 PCI Slots 1 AGPx8 Slot (obviously) 3 RAM Slots 3 Hotwire slots (HD, CD-D, and Floppy) AMD Athlon support and all the rest. As mtoherboards go, I was looking at this one, would this be good? http://www.partspc.com/store/product3317.html
  10. It's one thing for two (or more..) conceinting adults to go through sexual intercourse, record it, and sell it on the market. It's another to violate another's rights in the process. Basically what Sardauker-Kirov said. If it's the first one I stated, I'm all for it.
  11. Desert_Eagle25


    I got SO angry at Fox for cancelling both Firefly AND John Doe.
  12. Spybot - Search -&- Destroy, by far, is the best one.
  13. Not surprised. It seems almost all of those games have a negative outlook on the Germans, or have alot of violence. I can understand Manhunt being banned...that game is WHACK. But if you wanna hear about a SUPER-FREAKY game, play Silent Hill 2. Watching the Triangle-headed mutant-beast VIOLENTLY RAPE another mutated creature was SICK AND WRONG. Nightmares for, literally, months. *shudder*
  14. I'd tell my best friend my feelings for her...
  15. Great job Gob, it's grea to see such great things happen to a great guy :)
  16. Took me like 15 tries to understand how to do it and get my timing right, lol. I got the penguin to smash it's head in on the 2nd successful try :)
  17. Exactly my point.
  18. Gonna get the PC version pretty soon. The PC version is much better, as it is easier to aim and whatnot. The only thing I really hate about the game is no variment of difficulties...it's just more guys you gotta slaugher. Pretty good ending though. Can't wait to see the commander kick some Covenant ass :)
  19. Pretty ironic. Kazaa Lite is still downloadable, and the project is back, in the form of "KaZaA: Ressurection ". Very handy, indeed. You wont get caught or sued by the RIAA any time soon, as long as you shut off sharing your own files, or use de-hook tools and IP filters that come with KaZaA.
  20. Wow Gob, you really made a point O_O
  21. Get kazaa lite. www.k-lite.tk
  22. Woops, thats my old one, heres my new one : v_TeMpEsT_v @ USEast
  23. My new SN is Hell-Raz0r@USeast, i quit my old one cuz I wanted to join a clan, then i decided leave cuz they spoke korean and I didn't, so thats like 2 new sn's in one day O_O
  24. Thoughtful Athiest, here.
  25. nice, i like the new style
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