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Everything posted by Apollyon

  1. Don't think anyone's found a way thus far.
  2. I think you're unlikely to find anything we didn't already know back in the day. Good luck with your project(s), though!
  3. Version 2


    AI Patch.
  4. Version 3.1


    Guild Wars.
  5. 146 downloads

  6. 475 downloads

    In the Destroyer's Grip.
  7. 138 downloads

    Part 1 of the 2 part set of INI editing concerning the Rules.txt file.
  8. You can't. In the past we got around the limit by overwriting unused and incidental units. This ultimately may compromise the functionality of campaign maps, though.
  9. Strange, retry -- DxDiag.txt
  10. Hello chaps, I've been having a few problems ever since putting this newish rig together. 1. Sometimes on start-up the graphics appear corrupted (before windows boots), with lines running across the screen. When it reaches the windows start-up, the screen simply goes black and the computer must be manually restarted. Resetting the computer before windows begins loading (either by the reset button or ctrl-alt-del) always fixes the graphics corruption and allows the computer to boot normally. 2. Sometimes the computer seems to freeze up. The cursor still functions, etc, but no new programmes can be opened, no websites navigated to, and sometimes programmes cannot be closed either. Eventually Windows tries to close the nonresponsive programmes itself and usually fails. After a little longer a BSOD appears, along with the system's attempt at dumping the memory -- this appears to fail utterly (such that there are no helpful error logs available on my system, as far as I can work out). This freezing-up usually occurs (in fact pretty much only occurs) when browsing the internet. I'm not sure whether these issues are at all related, to be honest. The first seems like it might be some kind of graphics card issue -- a dodgy connection or similar, or even just some dust in the slot. The second might be an issue with running Windows from the SSD, but it seems rather extreme for a simple SSD firmware issue or similar. So any help at all would be much appreciated. Will provide any requested info as quickly as I can. :-) Many thanks. DxDiag attached.
  11. Nice idea, Atom, but perhaps we want to minimise the potential for people to go out-of-sync? AI patches will obviously result in that if everyone doesn't have the same version. I might see about putting together a new patch with my old edits -- the extra zoom, altered minimap for better visibility, that kind of thing. I don't think many people use that old modification any more, so perhaps an update is in order. There are also some old files knocking about on my computer from the old add-on I attempted with new game modes (such as Yak Attack, capturable buildings on maps a la Generals, that kind of thing). There's also plenty of scope for updated textures and unit models for anyone good enough to make them, since we all tend to have computers which are more than capable of running higher polygon models etc nowadays.
  12. Can you be more specific? You want to be able to build crates in-game or something, as if they were units?
  13. Sniper -- have you ever actually played online?
  14. I'm on Win7 64 bit with dual cores (AMD). I've used both an ATI Radeon and an on-board NVIDIA chipset -- both without incident. Try disabling things from your NVIDIA control panel (things like vsync). Also, what settings are you running the game on? Does it happen irrespective of whether it's on High/Low gfx settings?
  15. I'm not entirely sure how serial distribution works, but I wouldn't dismiss the chance that a key generator somewhere has managed to generate the same serial number that came with your CDs. If you find you're still getting the bad password problem, then it probably is because your serial is in use. Let us know how it goes, either way.
  16. Hi. Ignore the XWIS tool and just do the following. Go to C/windows/system32/drivers/etc and open the HOSTS file. Go to the line where it says xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx servserv.westwood.com And replace the numbers with If this line above doesn't exist, just add it in. The issue with the bad password is probably a separate issue, and is because you're using a serial number that a lot of other people are already using -- and there is a limit to how many nicks can be registered to each serial number (hence the bad password). You can either procure a less-used serial somehow (I'm sure there are many ways of doing so on the internet) and reinstall the game with that serial, or get someone with a different serial number to register a nickname on your behalf and give you the password, so you can log in with that. Hope that helps.
  17. Hey Iron, I always have this problem too -- I've never been able to make new nicks since RA's server was first set up. I think it's to do with maximum nicks registered to a specific serial number -- and many of us seem to be using similar serials these days (presumably because we've used keygens or similar). The only thing I can suggest is looking for a rare serial number somehow and using that to register a new nick.
  18. Posting in Historic Thread.
  19. Apollyon

    Loose Women

    I find myself watching it much more than I would like. I don't really enjoy it; in fact I find it frequently very frustrating, as the hosts are prone to wildly endorsing sides of an argument with opinions that are no better informed than the average teaspoon's. The result is often a bunch of loud-mouthed, middle-aged women yelling complete nonsense at each other -- which doesn't really float my boat. There's one of them in particular -- the one with a face rather like a leather handbag left out in the sun too long -- who especially irritates me.
  20. Definitely The Neverhood!
  21. Pax Imperia was a fantastic game, even if it became fairly monotonous later on. The difficulty settings were also unfortunate, since lower settings restricted AI ship construction to below cruiser or below battleship/carrier levels, rather than simply making them easier! Once you figured the game out properly, the higher difficulties weren't too tough, but winning against them is basically a case of doing the same thing over and over again. Gets a little old. As good a game as it is, it doesn't really hold up against the turn-based and much older MOO II. Planescape: Torment is basically my favourite game. I don't know if it's under-rated so much as it simply failed to make good circulation (bad advertising was mostly to blame).
  22. Everyone likes Blade Runner, surely? It's a very fine piece of scifi noir. The film does miss out on many of the book's more interesting elements, though, such as the real/fake animal hierarchy. It does supply some of its own too, though.
  23. I can't do a top ten, so here are a random ten that spring to mind. 1. John Burnside 2. Haruki Murakami 3. Raymond Carver 4. Alice Oswald 5. CS Lewis 6. Jacques Derrida 7. Anne Carson 8. PD James 9. Italo Calvino 10. Philip K. Dick
  24. Nah. Just about anyone who has a console *also* has a PC, which is very often capable of better things than the console in question. The only real appeal of the console is its ability for in-situ multiplayer games with friends. Either that or blatant gimmicks -- which is basically what the Wii is. All that will happen if consoles continue employing features from full PCs (i.e. Internet access, mouse and keyboard capabilities) is that they will basically become PCs -- but PCs that are impossible to upgrade or tinker with or use for just about anything other than games.
  25. Write some critiques. Check out the literature forums here: http://forum.deviantart.com/galleries/writers/ Check out the literature workshop forums here: http://forum.deviantart.com/galleries/litworkshop/ Get involved in some clubs. There are decent listings of literature goings-on in these two places: http://litnews.deviantart.com/ http://lit-source.deviantart.com/ Hope that helps.
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