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vota dc

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Everything posted by vota dc

  1. Those games have been FREE in Ea site during some anniversary. I fear there won't be add anything nor add modding, so no alternative to Openra.
  2. I did some years ago mods about Dune 12 for both Dune 2000 and Emperor. Dune 12 is just a book I wrote with my brother in year 2000. The factions in the lore are: ATREIDES: They use spice for medicine. They should have both decent infantry and highly spammable infantry obtained with their genetic experiments since at some point of the book they instant grown newborns from the nursery to the barracks! Their vehicles are supposed to have a bad design, so both slow and cheap. Their special vehicles are supposed to be good. They are supposed to have the best aviation. HARKONNEN: They use spice for beauty lotions. Also the baron give spice to Bene Gesserit that are just drug addict that give random prophecies that cost many military defeats. Their infantry is supposed to be bloodthirsted and well armed but lack training and cold blood. They should have the best vehicles in term of raw force. They are supposed to have a decent aviation. ORDOS: Fake nobles. Their leader is a headmaster of a military school. Very rich but lack manpower. Their infantry is faster and with better technology. Their vehicles are very fast but still powerful. LAURO: This is the emperor's House. He has many unpopulated planets: the three big houses took the good ones! Lacks manpower and money! Their infantry is supposed to be the best. Their vehicles are supposed to be average and of course inferior to the three big houses. TREMEND: Indigenous of Dune. Not as religious as Fremen and not as skilled in combat. They hate technology and like sandcats. They eat spice. Their infantry is supposed to be very good on guerrilla but without high technology. They use a net of tunnels digged by the sandcats in the book. I don't know if there is something GLA tunnel. Maybe an underground vehicle could work, but I don't know if they AI would know how to use it. Their vehicles is supposed to be the worst but at least cheap. ALIVERSO: Wannabe house. It is like the Guild, but less professional, their leader want to be a noble. Their infantry is supposed to be crappy. Their light vehicles are supposed to be good while heavy vehicles are supposed to be sturdy but with bad design. Also they employ fake tanks to deceive the enemy. Their aviation is supposed to be very good, still inferior to Atreides. PAPACY: The pope manipulate the Ordos, his main goal is to burn Bene Gesserit witches. The book only mention the power of his defensive turrets. Their infantry is supposed to be quite good. Their vehicles are supposed to be quite bad, still superior than Tremend. And here is a brief description of units INFANTRY: Machine Gun Infantry: standard light infantry [ATREIDES, PAPACY] Shotgun Infantry: much cheaper and able to spread damage, but shorter range. Can't prone. [HARKONNEN, ALIVERSO] Rifle Infantry: more damage, range and movement speed, but more expensive and slower rate of fire [ORDOS, LAURO] Tremend Ambusher: standard light infantry with limited stealth but less hitpoints. Pass through cliffs (no stealth there) [TREMEND] Trooper: standard trooper (all trooper are also able to hit air units) [ATREIDES, LAURO, TREMEND] Laser Trooper: cheaper, faster and more accurate trooper but with poor range and damage [ORDOS, PAPACY] Combat Trooper: more damage, hitpoints and more effective against infantry but more expensive and slower rate of fire [HARKONNEN, PAPACY] Engineer: able to capture buildings and husks. Very slow and expensive. [HARKONNEN, ORDOS, ALIVERSO, LAURO, PAPACY, TREMEND] Medic: an improved Engineer with faster movement and able to heal infantry. [ATREIDES] Thumper: artillery infantry armed with mortal (same range of siege tank but very slow projectile). Attract sandcats when deployed [TREMEND] Nineman: instant grown soldier. Free. Slow, can't prone, very low health, inaccurate. Can be produced in construction yard too. [ATREIDES] Sardaukar: elite infantry, slow self-healing [LAURO] Swiss Guard: grenadier that hurl holy grenades who doesn't harm your allies (they even give a very small heal) [PAPACY] Tremend Commando: stealth elite infantry. Pass through cliffs (no stealth there) [TREMEND] Sardaukar Centurion: elite infantry with spread attack against infantry and impressive regeneration skill. Crush infantry. [LAURO] - Palace Power Saboteur: fast infantry with limited stealth and demolish skill [ORDOS] - Palace Power LIGHT VEHICLES Trike: standard recon car good vs infantry only [HARKONNEN, ALIVERSO, LAURO, PAPACY, TREMEND] Jeep: a cheaper but slower and weaker trike [ATREIDES] Raider: faster and sturdier trike with 50% chance of deflect missiles, but also more expensive, can pass through cliffs [ORDOS] Secret Service Bike: stealth bike with improved attack and range but very frail [ALIVERSO] Rocket Quad: missile recon car [ORDOS, ALIVERSO, LAURO, PAPACY] Dune Buggy: a sturdier but slower Rocket Quad can pass through cliffs [ATREIDES, HARKONNEN,TREMEND] Missile Quad: long ranged quad can hit and run better than missile tank but lower firepower It is supposed to be a worse unit than missile tank, in fact you can't order from starport! [ALIVERSO, LAURO, PAPACY, TREMEND] HEAVY VEHICLES Medium Tank: standard tank [ATREIDES, ALIVERSO, PAPACY] Combat Tank: better range, attack and armor but more expensive and much slower [HARKONNEN] Plasma Tank: a faster tank with an accurate beam. Slow self-healing. More expensive and weaker armor. [ORDOS] Scrap Tank: cheaper but slower and weaker. Doesn't generate husk. Can't be ordered on starport. [TREMEND] Laser Tank: very long range but weaker armor [LAURO] Siege Tank: artillery effective against infantry [ATREIDES, HARKONNEN, ORDOS, ALIVERSO] Artillery Tank: a long ranged siege tank with less firepower and a very slow bullet [ATREIDES, HARKONNEN, ORDOS, ALIVERSO, LAURO] Missile Tank: Anti-building and anti-tank with great range (does +25% damage against tanks compared to vanilla) [ATREIDES, HARKONNEN, ALIVERSO] Decoy Tank: a fake medium tank [ALIVERSO] Devastator: powerful tank with self-healing but with short range and slow movement [HARKONNEN] Sonic Tank: powerful tank with wave attack, weak against infantry but does only 25% friendly damage and can target air units [ATREIDES] Deviator: tank able to convert other vehicles [ORDOS] Tower Tank: extremely durable tank with good range but very slow movement, expecially on sand [ALIVERSO] AIRCRAFT Light Bomber: bomber with very short sight deal good damage only against infantry and buildings [ATREIDES, HARKONNEN, ALIVERSO] Bomberverso: slow bomber that deploy a single powerful bomb [ALIVERSO] - Palace Power Platypus: small air units with rockets effective against tanks and other air units [ATREIDES] - Palace Power BUILDINGS Laser Turret: fire faster and it is more accurate than Rocket Turret but it also more expensive and less sturdy [PAPACY] SUPERWEAPONS Death Hand: giant missile [HARKONNEN] - Palace Power Airstrike: Air units will attack for a limited time [ATREIDES] Tamed Sandcat: Attack infantry too and has 25% chance to disappear after eating. Still non controllable and less sturdy than wild version. [TREMEND] - Palace Power Miracle: make a group of units invulnerable and faster to move and gaining experience for 20 seconds [PAPACY] - Palace Power Excommunication: make a group of units more vulnerable for 25 seconds [PAPACY] - Palace Power Imperial Charge: make Sardaukar faster and more lethal for 25 seconds [LAURO] - Palace Power BUGS AND BALANCE ISSUES: -Game is still quite unbalanced. Also from the fast pace of Dune 2000 Openra I used a somewhat slower one: buildtime and harvesting are longer. -Tremend sometimes waste their Sandcat: they summon on the rock! -Ordos never use saboteur power. -Atreides never use platypus power. -Aliverso never use bomberverso power. -AI Harvester get stuck often. dune12.zip
  3. Great mod. There is also controllable aircraft.
  4. I think there shouldn't be space in EU for countries that don't use the same currency. Of course some countries are speding like retarded (expecially Italy since they put on charge godfather Draghi that prints euros like a crazy to cover the fact that every single year Italy makes at least 200 billions more of debt) but it is a flaw of democracy, but if you are outside my family you can't decide how to spend my money while you have a separate wallet that I can't touch. About immigration I think that very few countries have an even remotely decent plan. USA for example is absorbing a lot of italian university researchers, and they despise italian dishwashers even if they are still allowed to settle there. A person with an ID that is invalid for leave the country (we have many here, expecially among people affiliated with mafia) can't enter in USA. There are 3 ways to reach Europe. Legal, semilegal and illegal. The legal way is very difficult because usually you need a job. The semilegal is the simplest and the cheapest: you come as a tourist and you "disappear" after your permition (spelling?) is expired. The illegal is the hardest and the most expensive, you will use only if you are wealthy (or someone else paid for you) and if you haven't any legal way to leave your country. What to think about someone that pay 10X and risk his life more for leaving the democratic Bangladesh? Or he is a wealthy gangster/terrorist or some european gangster paid for him for some reason that could be merely take money from the state (a tourist get 0 euro, an illegal get 40 euros for day.....in theory....in truth the illegal will get 5 euros and the rest to the "intermediary") or even make the poor guy an organ donor. Also Nigeria. OMG I am fleeing from Boko Haram. Well the nigerian government won't put you in jail if you are a Boko Hara victim. You can leave Nigeria. You can't if you are in league with Boko Haram and in that case you will surely need to pay a lot of money to leave unseen. And Gambia. My favourite case. Gambian people are true political refugees because gambian government is a real dictatorship. Now how Europe is helping gambians? Gambia is big and populated as Slovenia (little less than 2 millions) but there are 100k refugees! 1/20 of the inhabitants is a refugee! That would be just a tragedy if the country was like Eritrea were the % of armed people is huge. Now how many soldiers are keeping together Gambia's dictatorship? 800! Less than Bahamas army! Just imagine what could achieve 100k gambians if you give them an AK-47 and send them home instead of keeping them in a CAGE for years (I can assure that many immigrants prefer to settle near a river even in Winter rather than spending time in places that are supposed to make them confortable) to fat some politicians! So we have 1)Brain allergy. Italy is exporting brains. But it is not just this. If an african engineer that knows 10 languages included the italian comes here as a refugee he will be forced to go in special schools suited for kids to be reeducataed. 2)Too simpathy with some dictatorship: you Gambia have a problem with some people? Don't worry we will welcome here....and they will never come back to you. 3)The opposite of 2. Are you quarreling with a country? Support their scum them! That is quite common....this guy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cesare_Battisti_(born_1954) is a political refugee and ON THE PAPER he is sadly just like any woman that is trying to avoid to be stoned in Saudi Arabia!
  5. Not a music expert but Ordos mentat music in Dune 2 seems a lot different from Pc Speaker to Adlib/Sound Blaster....seems even a different song. With Atreides and Harkonnen the music is always the same, it is just "smoother" with Sound Blaster.
  6. It should have at least a male child able to transfer the surname "Harkonnen" because in Heretics they said thtat Leto II forced Harkonnen to spend a lot of money to conquer them. Relatives isn't enough since the cousins of Atreides are Corrino!
  7. Funny thing is that Harkonnen are the best. The baron is a disgusting person and a pedo too, but while Paul is personally a decent guy he brings the terrible Fremen to power. So Fremen rule of Universe is worse than past Corrino and Harkonnen despite the efforts of Paul. Tleilaxu are fanatical just like Fremen but they are....clumsy. The last two Dune books are about a menace (a new kind of fanatic but more aggressive than Tleilaxu and Fremen) created by a huge "distraction" of Tleilaxu.
  8. I have four disks too but with different cover: big image of harvester and two smaller image one with Atreides Mentat and one with carryall "vast armies have arrived" from the introduction. Also is battle for Arrakis and not building of a dinasty.
  9. Didn't like 3 robot units and the fact last scenario was always the same. For the rest was one of the best RTS ever.
  10. The historical holocaust was a mixture of a plan and a big accident, most of people died of starvation in fact, they were supposed to be in Madagascar. Modern holocaust is more efficient. Keep away jew people from safe lands like Madagascar and put them all in a desert strip surrounded by arab nations. Anyway I don't understand the sense of the opening post: holocaust is a genocide, war in Gaza isn't since population keep growing, more similar to holocaust is what is happening in Iraq with entire communities wiped by ISIS/ISIL.
  11. Leto is an italian name, but is very rare, it is used the female version that is Letizia. Means glad/happy (the italian word is nearly the same, it is lieto), the female versione means more happyness than just happy. Leto also means also kill in latin. As a name Leto is similar to letto, that is bed lol. About FH maybe he was inspired by the greek goddess? I think Leto's face is better in the movie than in the book. In the book he has a witch nose.
  12. This revolution is getting weird. Separatists now use confederate flag and the new ukraine president is Pornoshenko.
  13. Italy will be really a wild card, not just the officially unaligned MEP, but you should also count that Social Democrat elected (31) were splitted in more groups and was an arbitrary decision of the new secretary to go in the PES. The premier himself come from DC but many elected are communists and socialists (there are even pure bankers and one girl from the american democratic party that can vote in Italy for unknown reasons), he didn't have much problem with colleagues because they are yes-men with his presence, but they could quarrel a lot once in european parliament without his control.
  14. So in Europe we have first party that is soviet in disguise: Merkel, Tusk and their lackeys. Second is some kind of pro-Germany but anti-Merkel fascism and their backbone is Italy with Renzi. As usual France and United Kingdom choose neither, they despised again both Germany and Russia and support USA's agents that will win this war.
  15. Italian media are saying that Ukraine must be united and Timoshenko is bad too. I guess the solution will be an ukrainan version of Tusk, a man able to build a crony economy based solely on EU funds and flirt with Russia at the same time, they just need to act fast because Obama has still two years, but after him any president won't tolerate to watch government changes that don't bring any advantage to USA.
  16. Funny how EU supporters are from the west of the country while Russia supporters are from the east: West Ukraine was Poland before Ribbentrop-Molotov pact.
  17. Atreides infantry being faster than Harkonnen is in the book: the emperor fear them because they are very well trained (Sardaukar are better trained but they have a badass planet, Fremen have a even more badass planet, don't remember why Atreides from the lush Caladan are so strong....I suppose it is because great trainer since even Giedi Prime has a better natural enviroment for this purpose) and that translate in game as faster and with more hp, too bad they don't have melee so the rifle does his job to lower the difference.
  18. vota dc

    The end for RTS

    Because consoles. When Gates invented the xbox despite being one of the fathers of noble Computers race something was wrong already. RTS aren't for consoles, consoles has just some turn based titles (Romance of the three kingdoms for example) but only RTS I remember is Halo Wars that was unpopular. Many games for pc are build to be multiplatform: that means that they are dubbed down getting less controls, checkpoints etc and some genre like RTS are ignored. There is a bad consoles conspiracy. Even stuff like Hokuto no Ken....no kids knows about it, it is popular with older guys but his game is a console exclusive....people who were gaming between 80-90 probably have a pc or a tablet now, I doubt they get a playstation 3 or xbox....even if they were console maniacs they would be loyal to Nintendo instead of betray with sworn enemies! This list is quite clear http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronology_of_real-time_strategy_video_games no RTS that isn't a mmorts has been done recently. Also some RTS are dumbed down? For example they say that Dawn of War 2 has no more base building. Also some recently added game mechanics like multiple levels of battlefield in Armies of Exigo were never exported in other rts...they are just doing very old rts with better graphics and simplified gameplay.
  19. Now the official decree is come: just one requirement, also the age is not only 18-29 but even 50. Still the premier say that 200 thousands will fit in this and the number is too little. Young unemployed are 1128000, that include people who don't work since just a month (so they are out) but main problem with work is that when you search a job they require people with experience, even if you pay for let you working they won't hire you because previous government Monti imposed an intermediary (interinal agency) that "filter" the work demands, so you can't anymore persuade to be hired, you don't even know were to get to work checking internet, all sites for job seeking are ruined by interinals guys they spam thousands of identical fake job offers (for example "required apprentices with experience", "required graduated on pshycology of work to build vases" and even "required graduated on agricolture for work as astronaut)...you are a honest businessman and you want to hire without using interinals? You post something in a job seeking site, you posted one and each interinal will post thousands, no filter to turn off interinal. Same with newspaper. Surely you can build your own site, but it won't have many visibility. Anyway since this system people with experience has a lot of more chance of being hired. 40% of young unemployed are "inoccupati" that means they are searching the first occupation. That are 500 thousands and they all met requirement 1 since they never officially worked (some could have worked all the time but did black work without paying taxes). About over 50 it is quite obvious that if an over 50 lost the job he won't be hired again because too old, so they met requirement 1 too, and of course many of them have relatives to care. No clue of where Letta's 200 thousands number come.
  20. Premier Letta will give incentives if you hire young peoples. The money is a lot: usually if a worker is paid 1000 euros they cost 3000 euros (600 are for retirement, 1400 are taxes) but now it will be different. The state will give 650 euros each month if you hire a 18-29 years old worker that fullfill the three requirements. What are the requirements? 1)You must haven't work the last six months 2)You must have ZERO education: no degree, no diploma 3)You must have at least a relative (wife, son, grandmother etc) to substain. Point 1 make sense, but the other two? For point two in Italy everyone has at least a diploma, young people with no diploma were common 40 years ago, even 20 years ago were very rare. And who in the hell with no diploma and no job would substain someone? My mother is a commie and to support the community she would sterilized whoever isn't able to finish school, me included! Government supporters said that the intention is different because only one of the three requirements is needed, still Letta said that the measure will give benefit for 200 thousands people....there are a lot more that have requirement 1 but a lot less that have all three requirements. I fear that is a trick to lure many mindless slaves and some parasites from other countries that will give votes in exchange of money and easy jobs.
  21. The situation is really strange Erdogan get some money from a mafia lord to build a commercial centre instead of a park so finally his little opposition (communist, kurds etc) got something to persuade common turks to go against Erdogan. Erdogan usually just gives money away (even robbing Turks in Germany to give to Turks in Turkey) to get votes, so the street guy had the money and didn't care about kurds being killed and military support to pedorebels in Libya. But now is different. Opposition can say "ehi watch, that guy is destroying your city for building a huge piece of crap with your money!". Still many supporter of Erdogan did oceanic gathering in plazes. For saying what, that the commercial centre is a good idea? No, that Erdogan is good. They didn't even bother to defend the commercial centre. After that opposition understood that fighting each other is not a good idea: there are too many retards that support whatever Erdogan does only because....he is Erdogan...he could even force state atheism...those kind of supporters are not different of Berlusconi's ones that gathered crying "we are all whores!". I mean if a politician of your country is caught stealing or raping how many of you will go in plazes saying "we are all thiefs/rapers"?????
  22. Even if I disable factory they use at the beginning for exploring, then a little of light infantry and then only lots of troopers, some flamer and engineer. Atreides use masses of Boregiver and some infantry, they are very early tired of using militia, Ordos use chemical just at the beginning, then fanatics and mortar....with factory disabled a lot of mortar.
  23. I did changed the warhead of Guild Mega Cannon and Ix Mega Cannon since the first version: Ix for infantry, Guild for vehicles. I worked even more and now they seem to be useful. I don't now if they are too good: they are supposed to be better than the regular turrets since Papacy as subhouse has just two units while the other 3-4. I have also some doubt about Harkonnen Soldier's usefulness...area damage may be good but the Assassin is sturdier, deal more damage and is stealthed. Atreides Militia vs Atreides Infantry seems fine instead....one is for dealing damage and spotting, the other for absorbing bullets.
  24. When I set CanFly = TRUE on an infantry model the game just ignore that and all land units attack it, using Ornithoptor = TRUE or adf = TRUE doesn't work...but using heigtoffset works...that is the reason I tought hover infantry was possible...but game crash if I add the ability of go over dustbowl.
  25. There isn't new graphics, some units have the same graphics: Gunship and Airship (Gunship model...because NIAP model can't shoot), NIAB and Fake Tank (well...the are supposed to have the same graphics) , Sand Bike and Raider Trike. The unused weapons that I found and used are Guildrocket_b and HomingMissile....Howitzer_b is labeled as unused but instead is used by Ordos Kobra. There is also a nearly unused warhead: pistol_w...it is used just by spicepuff, so you can alter the values and apply to real weapons.
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