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Everything posted by Tako
hello all, it has been a long tije, anyone, remember me, was not that active. like the ranks below the names! groeten
I do not think they would do that if that was'nt in the notes besides, They were notes for book 7 (as statet in the first house book and on) They were notes from frak and also for the prequels. But if you want to make questions like that I have a better one: Where any notes at all? or did they make it up?
Dutch, English, German, Little France, some Latin (mostly potherbs)
I'd like to add to anathema's reply If I may, The dutch government is ruled (more or less) by the cabinet, the prime minister and his Vice Pm's and the ministers of different departments such as Defence, economy affairs, national affairs, forrain affairs, finance etc etc. The Pm's duty's are almost identical to the ones of the UK They are chosen by there political party's to take on these post, the party's get chosen by the people (that's me among others) and the ones whit the most votes get the most seats in the second chamber There are 150 seats there and the cabinet must be a coalition that together has more then 75 seats. The other parties that are not in the cabinet can vote against a law that the cabinet wants to put in or ask very difficult questions about the do's and don'ts of the cabinet. If a voting about a law goes well then the minister responsible for that law while take is to the first chamber (the senate) There the voting will begins from the start and the law is adjusted to meet the demands of the majority (or cast away in a very dark corner) The queen has little or no say about who does what she has (for the most part) only a ceremonial value The first chamber is chosen by the members of the provincial states, The provincial states are chosen by the people, actually we just had that round of voting and our current cabinet has a majority in the second and the first chamber, this Will be a very workable four years for them. Because it is much easier the convince your own partie than to convince one of the opposition. The opposition are the party's that are not in the cabinet Everyone in Holland can begin a political party providing they have sufficient support. (there was speak of a partie that wanted to allow children of 12 to choose themselves if they wanted sex, Fortunately they did not get the support they needed, sick bastards)
[hide] Paul only let Shaddam keep 1 legion of sardaukar, as was stated in the book, what could he possibly do whit that? [/hide]
Siona is no decendent of Leto (II) , he did not have any children because of him changing sandworm etc. His "children" ehere the ofspring from Ghanima an Farad'n as I recall
As I stated before, I liked the books but we are talking about comparing the prequels to the original work of FH. This is not really possible, its like compairing shakespear with readers digest So the prequels where nice but I do not really want to compare them end.
How about Margot Fenring and feyd's daughter ? the heir Harkonnen?
got it liked it, read it all spice planet was fun, If you are die-hard dune fan you can see the characters that are going te be in DUNE. The extra chapters are fun to, they give you a little more insight into the world of FH
Well I finished it a while ago and have to say it is better than the prequels but it is still no FH, Liked it and that is all, Liked!
10 years? , if there's a party and lots of booze I'll be there, forget the party, just give me a drink ;D
I do but its hard to type that down :- anyho age: 24 proffesion: Well I work at a High-school right know, teaching music and drama. Beside that I tutor children in Mens an Maatschappij, ehm that's Men (and Women) en society, It include's History, geography, english, Dutch, Social sudies, German etc. Politics, left (green) Religion, Well you might say I'm some sort of a religieos Humanist, I believe there is something greater, a force that drives us all, but I cannot difine what that is. I do not believe there is an afterlife. That is why I believe we all have to do our bit here. I believe there is some good in everyone, its just hard to find in some people that is. Do good and you will be recieved thus. end
Well Dune (book 1) is still on my top list and god emperor outside Dune the God-makers (is that the same as the heaven makers?)
I want the dutch version that is....
I am no-one I was not here you did not see mee * flaps his hands like a B-movie karatakit*
depends on what you comprehend as NICE, more gob's ? god help humanety, they will take over our world *shudder*
I'll call for ni verdict untill I have red it, 27-11 it will be released in Holland spek to you about this in December -arutha-
Do me this dignity, a final word
Tako replied to emprworm's topic in Politics, Religion, & Philosophy
taken from emp's own site: "The mods at dune2k's philosophy forum make sure that no one is offended. What they do not realize is that their forum is full of offensive posts to people who are social conservatives. When I and millions of others who share my conservative views read those posts and see images of swastikas superimposed over America, we get offended. But guess what? I can take it. Its a religion and philosophy forum! If you cannot handle the heat, then go somewhere else. Sadly, the wrong people are modding. They ban posters who make "offensive" posts. Offensive to who? To them of course! They regularly permit posts that would offend 75% of the worlds Christians and millions of Americans, but don't you dare offend a Muslim (or them)! Doh! In short, they just don't want to be "stirred" by anyone. Its a safe, leftist forum, impervious to opposition. For anyone who is a capitalist and pro-bush supporter, unless your posts are extremely mild and void of all emotion, you will see a ban stick from one of the ultra-sensitive, easily offended mods. Sure, the leftist mods will permit a conservative capitalist to post, but they will not tolerate any passion or emotion from such a person. They only permit passionate posts that conform to their worldview. Anything else is "xenophobia", "homophobia", "islamophobia" or whatever other kind of crutch "phobia" they can think of to justify their intolerance and intellectual frailty. Out of curiosity, I wonder why Edrico was never banned for Ameriphobia when he superimposed Nazi swastika's over the American flag? My ban was for "blatant islamophobia" (and Edrico tried to ban me once for the all-powerful crutch of 'xenophobia'). I guess blatant ameriphobia is perfectly legit. Bah! That forum was always run by insecure kids with no tolerance for conservative views. My mistake was that I thought they grew up by now." sounds like he was holding a gruch a long time why did he return? I agree with him that we should express our feelings but: there are limits and perspectives, the christian history is not without some extreme bloodshed so do not think the islam is the only one. besides there is a extreme branch in every religion (best just admid it) luckely there are lots of others who think the other way! my advice keep it civil, in perspective or stay away -
there where some similar songs on albinoblacksheep some time ago also queen and some others, tis funny
any-one wanna sponsor me with a video-cam so I can tape the whole thing? nice ad to the site I might say
shame, always a shame when some-one dies (needless or not)
;D tis funnier this way, is it not? I'll donate a lifejacket to mahi if you'll get him that far out!
that proves it all, go to Zwolle it is your best (and only ) choise
I'm not saying he is the best choise but he most likely would understand his fathers philosphy behind the story becaus Frank probebly woudl have discussed it. However he is, as you say, a individual and unique person with his own idea's, that woudl explain why tha books he wrote with KJA are in the spirit of dune but are also full of crap. How closer you stand to a peron how better you would understand him, we as his readers know what he wrote but less of what was his motivation behind it. Brian would have more acces to that. But he would in now way have a complete idea of what Franks Idea was, no-one can only frank could (may he rest in peace)
half way would end him up in the ocean, well it isd a start I gues :-