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Gob's Gone, what to do, what to do, what to do:)


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All right, everyone still concious start picking up thsoe who arn't and toss them outside. I'll take care of disposing the excess alcohol. Yes, that'l do, that'l do....

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OMG!Read the www.soccernet.com or www.4thegame.com news!!!Gob has been signed by Chelsea FC for 47.7 million pounds to beat Zinedine Zidane's record 47.6 million pound transfer to Real Madrid!OMG!And Gobalopper is taking number 7!!!OMG! ;D

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*Cyborg slams the door open*

"Hello everybody! Is it here you all are?"

*He looks at the drunk lads trudging around inside wolfing down drinks every now and then. Minor fighting is taking place between Earthnuker and various other people, but in his intoxicated state he isn't able to hit anything but air*

"Have I missed something during my short absence? It seems as a party is going on here, and I couldn't resist..."

*Strolling over to where Cybopache is. He can barely stand because of drinking too much 1st quality of home made Norwegian boose*

"This Norwegian boose is too much for you, Cybopahce. You're supposed to only drink danish beer. A keg of this stuff is quite different ;)

I'll help you get rid of the remaining contents. As a Norwegian viking, this stuff has little effect on me :P"

*Cybopache is too drunk to understand anything, but he notices that the great tasting boose of his is about to dissapear, and tries to hit Cyborg. Cyborg easily block him, and help him down in a sofa so he can sleep to get rid of the alcohol*

"Hrmpf, this party is nearly over. For someone, that is, hehe."

*Cyborg walks over to Nema, who didn't drink anything containing alcohol, for a chat, and maybe some discussion about Sardaukar 2000*

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Well, gob will be back soon so I will take care of "disposing" the alcahol. Now, all I need is a few barrels capable of storage.....

*Throws Low in the pit with NaMp*

*Goes over to Earthnuker and reminds him that we are too drunk to enjoy any women before collpsing against the locked bathroom door*

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Davidu reaches a table and tarts drinking Sprite to wake up.

"My head! UHH!"

After a while he runs to the nearest flower pot and fills it with the contents of his intestines.

"This is the first flower that stinks!" ;D

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"Hey guys!

Help me with this big anvil, it landed in my hands while I was looking at the stars!

Fortunately, it landed softly and didn't destroy anything :D"

*Cyborg throws a gaze at Timen who is about to land with his helicopter*

"Do you have more tricks you would like to show me?"

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*Throws the anvil to Earthnuker*

"Here, take it. The roof can't hold it anymore"

*Realizing that the anvil crushed Earth's car upon landing*

"Sorry about your car"

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*Lowzeewee attempts to use a broken beer bottle to fight the entire drunkard FED2K polpulation trying to scavenge the spilled alcohol on the floor like a martial arts expert and screams like Bruce Lee but sounds more like Britney Spears' singing* ::) ::)

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*boxing Nyar's ears*

"Don't even think about smoking. You could stain Gob's precious roof while fixing it!"

*pulls the cigarette pack from Nyar's hands and tucks it away somewhere out of his reach*

"You'll get them back after you fix the roof.

Now fix the roof!

The rest of us still awake can watch a movie and eat pizza while you are working"

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*Puts a "The Pianist" DVD into the DVD player and watch it.*

*Shouts out,"Woohoo!Go Facist bastards,go!Kill the fucking innocent jewish civillians!Woohoo!" and finds the police outside his house and gets arrested for insulting jews and promoting facism and protests,"Holy fuck,the movie's not over yet!"

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