Davidu Posted June 30, 2003 Posted June 30, 2003 The mobilized forces counted almost one quarter of the population, meaning half of the men population. - Here is the mobilisation list sir. - 2.350.000.000 men!?!?! - Yes, sir, everybody from 18 to 55 enlisted. They weren't forced, but as you see, they believe in you and their homeland. - We'll therefore win a land battle, but I don't think that we'll actually resist a blocade this close. - I know sir, we have to win the space battle!(OOC House Sarmizegetusa's home planet, Apulum, has a population of 10 billion people.)
GhostHunter Posted June 30, 2003 Posted June 30, 2003 "Engage the flagships!" So far Leto had refused to use the battle cruisers and carriers but he was soon realizing he would have to."Call in the reinforcements!" The message was relayed onto a group of waiting heighliners."Reinforcments in 10 minutes sir"
Davidu Posted June 30, 2003 Posted June 30, 2003 "Should I use the atomics onto the enemy reinforcements? Now?"The Sarmizgeteusan fleet suffered some losses, but it was still doing its duty."I'd rather be defeated by the machines, instead of House Vernius!"
GhostHunter Posted June 30, 2003 Posted June 30, 2003 The moniters flickered static in the Sarmizegetusa control rooms and everyone looked around in wonder, then a visual image came up...It was Leto Vernius."House Sarmizegetusa, further resistence is futile, my fleet shall crush your remaining fleet within minutes, your planet shall be decimated and your people annhilated by bombardment. I give you one chance, surrendur, rejoin the Imperium and live under Ixian control, I offer you the same freedoms you have currently but under my sactuary, if you fail to surrender your decimation is garunteed."
Inoculator9 Posted June 30, 2003 Posted June 30, 2003 Message To Earl Leto Vernius and House Sermizegetusa:We would like to offer to admit the defeated house as a protectorate of the Sardaukar. House Vernius, we respectfully ask that you stand down, and House Sermizegetusa we ask that you submit to us.
Davidu Posted June 30, 2003 Posted June 30, 2003 "Our fleet if forcing back you ships, as I see. And you won't be able to exterminate us. An anyway, I think that you will do just fine without one solar system."As the Lord transmitted, the machines enetered the battle, hitting both fleets. The machines were fast, precise - no shot missed its target. "We'd better unite our forces to defeat this intrusion. I fear this is just the spearhead."The fleet lost quite a few ships but still responded, and inflicted heavy damage on both attackers.The Soldiers stood ready to face any invasion, and the air force was ready to take off at any moment.The Lord ordered to break apart some ornis, to copy their pieces and to start producing their own ornis to face the enemy in greater numbers. Production started at once, as well as training new pilots.
Inoculator9 Posted June 30, 2003 Posted June 30, 2003 (OOC-you should perhaps reconsider after reading my post before yours...)
GhostHunter Posted June 30, 2003 Posted June 30, 2003 "Machines!" The hieghliners popped into the battle giving the heavy reinforcements. "Get us the hell out of here, I'm not here to fight TWO battles!" The ships retreated into the heighliners which folded into space, back to Arrakis.
Davidu Posted June 30, 2003 Posted June 30, 2003 Message to the Sardaukar:[hide]If we will stop fighting, we want to be trated as equals, not as some subjects to House Vernius.If House Vernius does not back off, then i hope we shall have a place in your history manuals, for having the courage to take on two enemies at once.It is almost impossible to resist both attacks. Fight the machines, that is our final word, if we'll die here now.[/hide]
Davidu Posted June 30, 2003 Posted June 30, 2003 The Vernius fleet left without saying a word, they'll be back? No one knew, and no one cared as Burebista truned his attantion towards the machines. His fleet was turning into stardust, while the machines had minimal casualties. - Commander, GIVE THE OREDER! - ... sir?! - Pulverize their fleet! ATOMIZE THE SHIPS OF THE THINKING MACHINES! - Some of our ships may be caught ino the blast as well. - Call them off, make the necesary manouvers to protect our fleet. - YES SIR!The atomic weapons blasted the machines fleet, spreading its dust into the space. The remaining eemies fough to the death as mindless machines that they were. The cripled Sarmizegetusan fleet, returned to Apulum to lick its wounds. - Sir, even more machines are aproaching! - They're aproaching us? - A small fleet, yes, the rest seem to be targeting planets all over the Empire. - God, help us!The military industry switched to ship producing.
Inoculator9 Posted June 30, 2003 Posted June 30, 2003 The Sardaukar watched as the Vernius abondoned their front, and began moving in themselves, to stave off the machine onslaught.The two forces met, the machines warships slipping between formations, but the Sardaukar weapons were to powerful for the weaker armor of their opponents. The machines pressed the attack for near 12 minutes but did not stay passed that. They fled once again into the void, leaving the Sardaukar to Sermizegetusa...
Davidu Posted June 30, 2003 Posted June 30, 2003 (OOC: I'll be missin some time from now on, so let's pause the battle here, until I come back, ok?)
Inoculator9 Posted July 1, 2003 Posted July 1, 2003 Your inept. I already did that, and there's nothing left for you. So, I strongly suggest you delete that post.
Dante Posted July 1, 2003 Author Posted July 1, 2003 Same here. No unauthorised transport and the Guild has blockaded your planet. You can't get out, they can't get in. Thus, no reinforcements for House Sarmizgetusa from you.Oh, and atomics are banned. They cannot be manufactured, let alone deployed. The same was also true of thinking machines >:( but it seems that I'm too late to stop that so lets just keep it to a minimum. Message to Ixians:[hide] You still have a large supply of (expendable and replacable) Sardaukar gholas. Use them now?BG. [/hide]
Davidu Posted July 1, 2003 Posted July 1, 2003 (OOC: sorry about that... but a House HAS an atomic arsenal, and it is ist right to use it in self defence, right? about the machines... well, it's something new)The battle was won. Two fleets were now hovering the planet: the Lord's fleet and the Sardaukar fleet. The Sardaukar didn't seem to present any threat, so the Lord has invited the Sardaukar commander onto the planet. Also the Lord took notice of House's Cobra attampt to send them aid.To House Cobras:[hide]We thank you grately for your intention, though your fleet was blocaded at the fringe of your solar system.[/hide]The two ships arrived on Arrakis and quickly attacked one storage facility, looting as much as they could. The two ships full of spice then returned to Apulum, but the space blocade instituted by the Guild has destroyed one of the ships, so only one ship has reached Apulum with its precious cargo, enough to continue the research for the hyper drive. But even with the spice, the reasearch went slowly: it was hard to start from scratch.The space construction yards erected ships as fast as they could, bringing the House's resources near deplition. Fortunately the mines on Apulum II provided just enough raw material for the industry to survive. The population went back to their day-to-day activities, leaving the soldiers to worry about the war. Even so, no one was allowed to leave the army.The Thinking Machines rushed through the Empire scouting and observing, not engaging any ships.
GhostHunter Posted July 1, 2003 Posted July 1, 2003 "Get the whole fleet together, to every last ship, get every man and get the Fremen, I will NOT stand for this, the shall be annhililated now!" Leto screamed down the hallways as men frantickly ran around carrying out orders."The Sarmizgetusa shall not beat the full force of the Ixian militia now!" And with that the massing began...
Davidu Posted July 1, 2003 Posted July 1, 2003 The fleet has been repaired and some new light ships joined the fleet, just leaving the construction yards.The EMP weapons have enetered mass production and now equip most of the ships. The new weapons now can diable larger ships, not only fighters or corvettes."This way, we'll capture their ships, instead of destroying them. We won't need to detroy them, or to produce so many ships."The atomic silos were 45% armed.Message to the ixians:[hide]God damn it! You really want to exterminate me? If I die, then you'll go down with me![/hide]The Lord was angry that the Ixians hated him so much for daring to be free. So, he started to build a large ship which he designed himself. It was to be the Nemesis.
Dante Posted July 1, 2003 Author Posted July 1, 2003 The atomic silos were 45% armed. How many times must I repeat myself? NO ATOMICS!
Davidu Posted July 1, 2003 Posted July 1, 2003 OOC: jeez!!! if a House has an atomic aresnal what is it supposed to do with it? To place it in the plaza and make it a tourist attraction?
cobrajc Posted July 2, 2003 Posted July 2, 2003 i half agree but what do i know? im just a little house that has just had the crap beaten out of it for no reason.look the reason im putting up so much of a fight is i would like to stay in this thread ok!look just leave me my home planet and an asteroid base and then ill surrender but i just want to keep playing ok people?
Dante Posted July 2, 2003 Author Posted July 2, 2003 I thought it would be acceptable to have atomics to use as a threat only. Since that does not appear to be an option they are banned completely from this thread.And nobody wants you to stop playing Clanner, just try to keep it reasonable. Since you have been under embargo for some time your people are currently undergoing severe spice withdrawal symptoms, and don't say that they don't need spice because they do. Your attempt to break embargo has been noted by the Guild, and they warn you not to try again.Message to House Cobras;[hide] Lets try to be sensible about this, yes? How are you supposed to gain any help at all when no ships can reah you and you cannot reach us?BG. [/hide]
cobrajc Posted July 2, 2003 Posted July 2, 2003 To the Bene Gesserit,[hide] Maybe thats the answer. No ships can go in and out but No-ships can! I happen to have one...just one unfortunately.I am in desparate need of spice. My people are beginning to back my sister adn if that happens then the Cobras Protectorate will collapse into civil war.Please help me!I'll do anything! Give you anythingLisa couldn't believe it, everything was falling into place. She was still in shock from how her stupid brother declared them independent from the rest of the Imperium. She was preparing to declare Alpha Beta idependent from the Protectorate, a Protectorate that couldn't even protect its people! What a laugh. Soon her secret battle fleet would be ready. Her asteroid mining facilities, located in the resource rich asteroid belt between Alpha Beta and Alpha Prime, were churning out more and more resources to be used in the construction of her battlefleets. She knew that Alpha Beta's people were backing her, Alpha Secondary and Alpha Tertiary would follow anyone who supplied them with resources and Alpha Prime was brimmng with anger from spice withdrawl. All it needed now was a spark to ignite into a planetary civil war. She would providethat spark. With the loss of Alpha Beta's farmlands and food factories Alpha Prime would erupt into conflict. THer brother would have his hands full trying to keep the civil unrest under control and then she would come in like a guardian angel to the people, oust her brother from power, reestablish the Cobras family's power within the Alpha system and then ask to be reinstated within the Imperium. Independence was not working out for them and it was not needed! Her aide walked up to her and tapped her on the shoulder."Mi lady.""Yes Grec? What is it?""Mi lady we just got word from Commander Hutchinson of the Pride of Cobras.""My brother's flagship? What do they have to say?""They wish to join what they called the 'true House Cobras'."Lisa smiled. The most powerful warship in Cobras posession and it was hers now."Agreed. Tell the Commander that I wish to speak with him as soon as he can."She stared at the Cobras banner hanging from her ceiling. The striking ice-blue and black cobra curled around an ice crysta diamond. Her House had fallen on hard times and,if her brother was not stopped, it would soon be destroyed. The time had come to change all of that."Send a message to the nearest Guild Heighliner. In less than two weeks the Alpha system will be plunged into civil war and they should not interfer. This is an internal House poitical issue that will soon be resolved.Also ask if it would be ok for House Cobras to be readmited to the Imperium under "new" leadership."
Dunenewt Posted July 2, 2003 Posted July 2, 2003 Well. Clanner i made i side just before Dust closed the thread so I'll come and help you
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