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Pound North Korea into oblivion

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The world must not tolerate NK mass producing nuclear weapons. China can say whatever it wants, but they are not that stupid to stand against the whole world. The US is not alone in its outrage against North Korea. People like Duke Leto and Edric are weak. They bend their knees to China in full submission.

"Ooooh, CHINA might get mad. WE musn't let that happen. Just let the Dictator make all the nukes he wants. Don't worry, he's trustworthy!"

That kind of attitude is sickening. China does not control the world. If China is going to be that STUPID and stand against the world in this matter, then its better to have a tiny nuclear holocaust then a big one. China Vs. World will NOT result in a nuclear holocaust.

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China Vs. World will NOT result in a nuclear holocaust.

Wanna bet? It will take at LEAST half an hour for our missile to reach China. By then, they could launch every missile in the ocuntry! You have NO idea how far a single nuclear missile can spread radiation, do you? ::)

And there's a difference between being "weak" and showing forethought. ::)

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China Vs. World will NOT result in a nuclear holocaust.

Neither will N. Korea vs. World.

but I would trust him with 10 nukes

lol. Another person in the forums who just cant wait until a nuclear holocaust.

Stop taking things out of context, Emprworm. What I said was:

but I would trust him with 10 nukes before I trust YOU with a single one.

Emprworm, you are a very violent person. You lack patience and foresight. Problems don't get solved by madly charging them head-on...

Learn self-control and diplomacy.

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learn diplomacy? With a dictator? With Duke Leto, I am not surprised, all he sees are politics. But with you I am. You are arming Nicolae Ceausescu ...errr...I mean Kim Jong with nuclear weapons and you see this as tolerable? You think the world should just sit around and talk while Hitler...I mean Nicolae Ceausescu....errr...pardon me, I mean Kim Jong builds a nuclear arsenal? And lets suppose, that when you politely ask Nicolae Ceausescu...I mean Kim Jong, "Please don't make any nukes" and he says "Uhh, no." THEN WHAT DO YOU DO? Do you sit around and just tolerate it? Are you going to allow adolph hitler to mass produce nuclear weapons when you have the power to stop him?

How many millions of people must die before you learn that diplomacy does not work with Adolph Hitler, wait, I meant Nicolae Ceausescu, err...Kim Jong.

Neither will N. Korea vs. World.

tell that barbaric nonsense to south korea. nice to know whos side you are on eh?

The world WILL act against North Korea. I am not a minority opinion. This situation is intolerable. Will you support the ACTION of the UN in this matter, even if it results in an assault on North Korea? Or will you continue to proclaim how we should all just trust the cute little dictator?

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Problems don't get solved by madly charging them head-on

thats exactly how they are solved. burying problems by shoving your head in the sand and pretending they don't exist I can guarantee you will do nothing, except perhaps to condemn the generations to follow you by passing on to them an even bigger problem. but by then, solving it with minimal loss of life will be too late. Again, I ask you: what do you propose then? Are you content to Allow Nicolae Ceausescu to make a nuclear arsenal? Are you going to sit around and talk and talk until he has 10 nukes? 100 nukes? You put your faith in dictators, and millions will die. Must you live under another dictator before you learn this? A dictator should not even be RECOGNIZED by the rest of the world. They are an abomination to human morality and no amount of diplomacy will change that.

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Empr give it up man, many, many, many countries have nukes, so many have nukes that we don't even know about. North Korea having them is truley inevitable, so your saying is we should start another Korean war to get rid of their nukes right? What about the other countries with nukes in the middle East and ALL over, do we just go and take them out of power?

Vilgents estimate: America vs 123 lol

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so easy for you to say 'give it up' since you don't live in Seoul do you? You just toss your hands in the air and let north korea make nukes when you have the POWER TO STOP IT? Just let anyone and everyone make nukes! Yippeee! Hurraay! Give that dictator another Nuke!!! COOL!

Well again like I said earlier, nuclear holocaust is going to happen, and you all just can't wait. Maybe if you are lucky, it will happen in your life time.

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Emp---r.....NK will not use their nukes, as Britian, Libia, Germany, Russia have not used theirs......We cannot go stopping everyone that has nukes or else the American forces would fall......Remember what happened in Vietnam? Well imagine 100 Vietnams and you wanna go gainst them? Ah the average republican everyone! ::)

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were not talking invasion here, jsut 2 precision bombs that destroy North Korea's 2 nuclear plants. thats it. so very simple. minimal casualties. alternative is a nuclear arsenal in the hands of a dictator: an unacceptable situation.

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so easy for you to say 'give it up' since you don't live in Seoul do you?

North Korea is NOT GOING TO NUKE SEOUL!!! It's less than 100 miles from their borders! Learn something about nuclear physics, and THEN present your argument! >:(

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more garbage from duke leeeto. 100 miles is a long long way from a detonation site. if prevailing winds are blowing south, nuking seoul would pose virtually zero risk to north korea. Many nuclear bombs have been detonated in this world. The US detonated several nuclear bombs in the Arizona desert less than 100 miles away from cities- and?

You seem to think that one nuclear detonation is going to destroy the entire world! Lol. O please. But then again this is coming from a guy who blames all the worlds evil on republicans. rofl

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But then again this is coming from a guy who blames all the worlds evil on republicans. rofl

The same d*mn Republicans that subsidise oil companies? The same d*mn Republicans that dodge the draft by paying their way into the National Guard? The same d*mn Republicans that want to drill for oil in the ALaskan wilderness? The same d*mn Republicans that beligerantly attack anyone that they SUSPECT has nuclear weapons? The same d*mn Republicans that rig the elections? The same d*mn Republicans that arrest thousands of innocent people simply because they LOOK ARAB? >:( >:( >:( >:( Nope, no evil there. ::)

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vigil, there were several bombs detonated above ground, not just in the US but also in russia. surely you knew this? There is little, if no effect at 100 miles. The risk to North Korea is virtually zero if they wanted to bomb Seoul.

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must edric use chernoble again? the radiation was off the limits in burachrest and in beluars. radition threads.

You dont live in han-gook either. so dont use that as a excuse. your sitting in your nice comfy chair with no threat of nuke atack. so dont compare your self to han-gook!

you dont get what i said by 30 million screeming chinease do you?

We had the north koreans wipped pushed them back to the yallow river.

We got slaughterd at the battle of . they pushed us back to the 38th paralell whare it became a push and shove match.

We cant fight iraq, china, north korea, burma,vietnam, and the rest of the comunist world at the same time.

bush needs to be stoped. the UN will not let him do that.

its real easy isnt emp. flying across the most heavily defended boarder in history, not getting shot down, blowing up probebly heavly defend power plants, flying out.

oh but north korea wont retailiate they wont dare ::)

but how would you feel if a canadian air fleet came down and bombed cook nuke plant. would you not want to go bomb the hell out dem canucks?

you lie if you say you dont.

if we do that

korea will retailiate

china will get in the war.

and world war three will begin.

you dont understand that do you?

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lol, ex atreides that was a nice little diatribe. funny too. althouth it is not grounded in reality. It would be a cinch to destroy north korea's reactors. Heck they don't even own them anyway. They are property of the UN. China would NOT get involved. You really think they are that stupid? The UN is behind me in this. I stand along side the UN. What North Korea did is unacceptable. You are now against the UN in your opinion if you think it is OK to let them do this. You are also no different than a nazi, btw, if you find it acceptable for them to make a nuclear arsenal. If North Korea retaliates, o well, they get destroyed. Who's fault is that? Theirs. Welcome to the world. Idiots who are called dictators often strike against other countries and people die. Hussein did it to Kuwait. And if it wasn't for US troops in South Korea, then North Korea would do the same to SK.

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I now want to seperate the nazi's from the upstanding humans.

North Korea Moving Fuel Rods to Reactor

Thu Dec 26, 9:25 AM ET


SEOUL, South Korea - South Korea's president said Thursday that his nation would never tolerate North Korea's efforts to develop nuclear weapons, as the communist nation began moving fresh fuel rods to a mothballed nuclear reactor.

"We can never go along with North Korea's nuclear weapons development," Kim said in remarks released to the press by his spokeswoman, Park Sun-sook. "We must closely cooperate with the United States, Japan and other friendly countries to prevent the situation from further deteriorating into a crisis

U.S. and IAEA officials say that the 8,000 spent fuel rods hold enough weapons-grade plutonium to make several nuclear bombs. North Korea is suspected of already having at least one atomic bomb.

Now that we know South Korea will NOT TOLERATE North Korean nuclear arsenal, who's side are you people on? Are you on the side of the ruthless dictator like Duke Leeto, or are you on the side of South Korea a free and peaceful democracy?

South Korea is DEMANDING that NK nuclear arms production cease and is willing to use force if necessary. Who will speak out against South Korea in here? Who in here would condemn South Korea for agreeing with me? Who here condemns the United Nations for also agreeing with me that a North Korean nuclear arsenal is intolerable situation that must not be allowed...PERIOD. (like duh! what does the word "intolerable" mean?)

I want to know who the nazi's are in this forum. Are you for the Dictator or are you for South Korea?

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Empr this isn't about democracy.......Truth be told their is no doubt SK has had Nukes in their possession at some time and most likely they still do and are acting all good to the super powers.

And just because you doesn't mean we should go blowing up nuclear reactors killing many innocent and then blowing up countries in the middle east and all around the world with them. If we did that there'd be no military forces left of the UN and many of the countries carrying nukes would still be active.

We must also look at the facts, what happens IF America COULD get past the most heavily defended boarder in the world and blow up the plants without consideration of the innocents? Why the Middle East would turn against the USA even more and a Sept 11. might come again even sooner or something even worse, Empr your not thinkin straight....

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south korea has no nukes. So you are dodging the question are you Atreides? South Korea has said the situtation of North Korea having nukes is intolerable. What part of "intolerable" do you not understand? You are the one that doesn't get it.

Score another point for the dictator.

So far, 2 responses and 2 people are on the side of Adolph Hitler er...Kim Jong.

Wow, what a noble room this is.

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Lol, emprworm. Even if you destroy the plants and kill all those people, NK will still have lots of weapons grade uranium to make their bombs (I'm sure the nuclear plants are already missing a large part of theirs). And then they would certainly fire those nukes at US for killing all their innocent civilians.

Here's a tip for you, empr.


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