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Pound North Korea into oblivion

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I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I am not a Nazi. If you want to know what Nazis are like I know some you can go visit. See, I went to a Neo Nazi compound before, and I got in a fight for not sharing their beliefs, I have stood toe to toe with members of the Ku Klux Klan.

You haven't read my posts, that much is obvious. So once again I ask, if you wish to solve this with violence, since everyone knows diplomacy won't work, not that the US is even trying to resolve it with such, have you ever heard of assassination. It would be a quick and violent end to the problem.

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again, to some of you here who have bricks in your heads. i've been accused of repeating myself. well that is because none of you get what I am saying.

I am for diplomacy first. Diplomacy backed by threat of force where the threat is not a lie or a deception but a statement of truth.

This is the stance of South Korea, the US, and soon to be the UN.

Again, I ask those in here who support Adolph Hitler, I mean Nicolae Ceausescu...err. Kim Jong, I ask you again (since everyone ignored me):

We already know that South Korea said that NK producing a nuclear arsenal is not tolerable.

In the case that Adolph Hitler...I mean Kim Jong says NO to ALL diplomatic requests to stop making nukes, what do you do? Ask again for the next 10 years until he has 3,452 nuclear bombs and long range nuclear missles?

Emprworm, I suggest shooting darts at a picture of Kim Jong.

naa, I'll support South Korea and (soon to be) the United Nations in the immediate disarming of North Korea instead. A picture of Nicolae Ceausescu...i mean Kim Jong is not real. However the nuclear weapons that Adolph Hitler...errr... Kim Jong is making are real.

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Force should be the absolute last option. First should be diplomacy. If that fails, heavy sanctions of some sort. If that fails, clandestine action. And if that fails to reveal information, stop it at the source. Missle the plants, missle the mines, missle the reasearch labs and the construction sites. The UN would eventually back a NATO strike in NK. But the UN is not about force. They only believe in using force when it is used against them. Even UN peacekeepers can't use their weapons unless fired upon.

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i like what Ace said. Force is the last option, most definately, but it IS - AN - OPTION . If NK knows that tree-hugging Green Peace is doing the negotiating, they will laugh and all negotiating will fail. Threats of force cannot be lies and deception but must be statements of truth. Only when NK understands that we mean business, will the negotiations have any power to get anything done.

Like Ace said earlier, the plants can be precision destroyed without catostrophic nuclear consequences. He cited the instance of Isarael doing this and he is right. You can destroy a nuclear plant without having a chernobyl. Those plants do not belong to NK anyway. They abuse UN property, so they will either comply with UN demands, or forfeit the property. China would not be so stupid as to support NK and stand against the UN.

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lol listen to you talk as if you really care about people dying. YOU ARE THE SAME PEOPLE WHO WOULD RATHER HAVE HITLER BUILD UP A NUCLEAR ARSENAL.

LOL. Dont try to fool me into thinking you care about people dying.

South Korea said the situation is intolerable. So you are against them and for North Korea and you try to tell me that you dont want people to die? Please. You are begging for a nice little mushroom cloud hovering over Seoul. Population 10 million

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if North Korea understands that force WILL be used, and they refuse to comply, any deaths that occur are on their shoulders. Better a few thousand north korean deaths caused by North Korea then 10 million + south korean deaths caused by North Korea.

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if North Korea understands that force WILL be used, and they refuse to comply, any deaths that occur are on their shoulders. Better a few thousand north korean deaths caused by North Korea then 10 million + south korean deaths caused by North Korea.

They wouldn't nuke Seoul, they're not that stupid. They know that everyone will turn on them afterwards.

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yea right Vigil. You dont give a rip about SK. You already said so, or should I quote you again. I've already asked you three times I believe and you continually dodge my question. So will you dodge it a forth time? Lets see. Well here goes #4.

In the case that all diplomatic attempts to persuade North Korea to disarm their nuclear weapons program fails, then what?

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I already said "NOTHING", except warnings that if they decide to use those nukes, a full nuclear retaliation on them will follow. That is quite convincing.

oh yea, very convincing. First of all you give them a free pass to build up as large a nuclear force as their little hearts desire. This is diametrically opposed to South Korea's stance. So right off the bat, you are against SOuth Korea.

Then, when they build up 1000, 2000, 3000 maybe 10,000 nukes (while the rest of the world, including the US and Russia has a limited number of nukes they can have by treaty), the dictators meanwhile say "F YOU" to treaties and make 5, 10, 20 times the amount of nukes as the rest of the world. Then they start making biological weapons. Anthrax, Ebola, Recombinant DNA, Small Pox, and various new and unknown diseases. In addition they stockpile VX and Nerve gas weapons that are banned via treaty by the rest of the world. but because dictators say "F YOU" to treaties, they make them anyway.

And there you are, Vigil and apathetic friends giving him a free ride to do whatever the #$#$ he wants. All the internationally banned weapons he so desires. You allow this under the "mask" of caring about people, when in reality your view of the human race is equal to cockroach excrement.

So while Vigil gives the free pass, soon the dictators have more nuclear, biological, and chemical power than all the superpowers of the world combined. Then who makes the demands? Vigil will then bend his knees to Hitler...and related dictators while in full salute, else he will be executed. This is the ultimate end that is inevitable when your apathetic and repulsive philosophy of "lets just let the dictators build up endless nukes to no end" is put in play.

I know you are so eager for that holocaust. But please consider putting it on hold at least a few more years?

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You are the one eager for the holocaust. Your idea leads right to it.

What you just said is just a bunch of bs

1. NK can never develop that many nuclear weapons, because of their economic troubles and because they have very limited uranium. Also their bombs will be weak, since they do not have the technology and knowledge to develop thermonuclear weapons (hydrogen bombs). Also, they do not have ICBM's and they have very few ways of delivering those nuclear weapons anywhere. Their technology is far from advanced.

2. Many countries have biological weapons and you won't stop NK from developing them by blowing up plants, lol. That is a completely different topic. They wouldn't use them anyway, cause in the end the disease will go back to them.

They do not have the knowledge of genetic engineering either.

3. Developing many nukes won't help anyone, cause they will still die if they try to launch them.

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no, your PHILOSOPHY of allowing Dictators free reign to stockpile all the nuclear, biological, chemical weapons that they desire without interferrence WILL lead the the total destruction of the human race. We are way beyond N Korea now, we are talking about your apathetic philosophy: Leave the Dictators alone.

Even with an arsenal of 100 nukes, North korea could start making demands under threat of Nuking South Korea. Then there you will be caving in to their every whim. And the moment you dont cave in, millions upon millions of people die. Deaths that could have been prevented had you the decency to prevent them from having nukes to begin with.

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READ MY POSTS! A country cannot make demands just because they have nukes, because no one will listen. If they launch them - they die no questions asked.

A country cannot hold anyone hostage with nukes - only an individual can(terrorist), because if he blows it up, the country he has just blown up will not have anyone to retaliate against.

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and you are completely wrong about NK's capabilities:

At the heart of the problem is the North Korean nuclear reactor complex capable of producing weapons-grade plutonium. The North Koreans already have tested long-range ballistic missiles capable of delivering a nuclear warhead. And they're working on longer-range missiles that potentially could hit the U.S. mainland.
A country cannot make demands just because they have nukes, because no one will listen. If they launch them - they die no questions asked.

yes they can.

Nuclear Armed North Korea: "You will give us X million barrels of oil per month or we will First strike South Korea with nuclear weapons. These deaths will be the US's fault for not doing what we ask."

Vigil: "YOU MUST do what NK asks. Needless deaths will occur and the US WILL BE TO BLAME for it! How could you ignore this simple request? If the US does not comply with NK's demands, they will be responsible for a nuclear holocaust!!! THOSE EVIL US IMPERIALISTS. Do whatever NK asks. We MUST save lives!!"

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You're a moron to write what you think I would say.

Here's is what I and anyone sane would say(I'm not including you for the obvious reason concerning sanity):

Vigil: We do not negotiate with terrorists. If you launch missiles at South Korea, we shall retaliate with a complete evaporation of your major cities.

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Toleration until the threat of a strike

by then it is too late. maximum damage will occur.

i will side with SOuth Korea on this. MInimal damage will occur.

Thena it looks like your alone, prepare to be squashe by all the other people in this thread.

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Thena it looks like your alone, prepare to be squashe by all the other people in this thread

oh thats fine. everyone is always against me. I'm with South Korea and the UN on this one.

nukes in North Korea is an intolerable situation and I have plenty of world-wide support. I'm not worried about the apathy on this board.

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