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a Fun Mod! - "Fed2k Heroes"

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WormRider = TRUE

House = Fremen

Terrain = Sand, infrock

Cost = 150

Size = 3

Speed = 10.0 //game coord per update

TurnRate = 0.05  //radians per update

Armour = BPV

Health = 10000

//SoundSelected = Selected

//SoundOrdered = Ordered

ViewRange = 24

Resource = FRandrew

TurretAttach = WormRiderGun

ChaosEffect = LargeChaosFX

HawkEffect = LargeHawkFX

AiFoot = TRUE

CanBeDeviated = FALSE


AdvancedFremen = TRUE

House = Fremen

PrimaryBuilding = FRCamp

UnitGroup = FromFRCamp

UpgradedPrimaryRequired = TRUE

Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp

SpecialGround = Sand //only deploy thumper on sand

Cost = 600

BuildTime = 589

Stealthed = TRUE

Size = 1

Speed = 8.0 //game coord per update

TurnRate = 0.2  //radians per update

Armour = BPV, 50, InfRock

Health = 4000

Infantry = true

//SoundSelected = Selected

//SoundOrdered = Ordered

//SoundID = 47

ViewRange = 12

Aispecial = TRUE

TechLevel = 5

Resource = FRandrewworm

ObjectTypeWhenGone = WormSign0

ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX

HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX

TastyToWorms = True

WormAttraction = 0

Crushable = False

CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE

CrateGift = TRUE

CanBeDeviated = FALSE

AIThreat = 70

CanBeRepaired = FALSE


i need art apollyon and also in the ethan section in level 5 and 6 see them and quess it yourself *coughnoveterencylevelcough* ::)


thanks appollyn

if i have "2" units, does this mean you pay to create the first one and then to change into the other it costs money too? can the worm auto heal?



 Icon = "iconsAt_Minotaurus.tga"  

 IconGrey  = "iconsgrey_AT_Minotaurus.tga"  

 Xaf  = "AT_minotaurus"

 SideBarType = "Units"

 ClipSphere = 60


Icon = "iconsworm.tga"

IconGrey = "iconsGrey_worm.tga"

Xaf = "WORM"

SideBarType = "Infantry"

 CrapShadowSize = 0


 Icon = "iconsFR_ADVFremen.tga"  

 IconGrey  = "iconsgrey_FR_ADVFremen.tga"  

 Xaf  = "FR_ADVFremen"

 SideBarType = "Infantry"


thanks appollyn

if i have "2" units, does this mean you pay to create the first one and then to change into the other it costs money too? can the worm auto heal?

well the first unit, when deployed on sand will turn into the worm, then after a while the worm will turn back into the infantry unit. Then you can re-deploy it as you want.


go ahead and use it.

Do you mean where do you declare the weapon or put the actual coding?

if its the coding then just put it directly below where you put the unit.

If you meand declaring put it in the turrettypes bit in the new declaration section.





MissileTrailWiggleFreq = 100


MissileTrailLength = 15

MissileTrailDelta = 0.7

MaxRange = 14

ExplosionType = ShellHit

Debris = DebrisLarge

Damage = 750

BlastRadius = 96

Warhead = Howitzer_W

BlowUp = TRUE //infantry death anim

FriendlyDamageAmount = 50

antiair = true

speed = 40

This is just IMO, but if you're going to have an anti-aircraft weapon, you should at least make it homing. (Homing = TRUE) Unless the bullet is almost conceptual. :- Is 40 as fast as a bullet can go without being instant hit?


TurretMinXRotation = -80.0 // 90 degrees up...

TurretMaxXRotation = 30.0 // down

TurretXRotationAngle = 2.0

//TurretMinYRotation = -45

//TurretMaxYRotation = 180

//TurretYRotationAngle = 2.0

TurretMuzzleFlash = Muzzle3

Bullet = ATEthangun_B

ReloadCount = 120

That's the default reload count for the Minotaurus gun. Ethan said he wanted his unit to have a faster reload time.


Score = 5

House = Atreides

StormDamage=10 //only damages is never picked up

PrimaryBuilding = ATFactory //only built in ATFactory

UnitGroup = FromFactory

Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, Ramp

UpgradedPrimaryRequired = TRUE

Cost = 2500

BuildTime = 889

Size = 2

Speed = 8 //6.0 //3 //game coord per update

MechSpeed = 2

TurnRate = 0.15 //radians per update

Mech = 1

TurretAttach = ATethangun

Armour = Heavy

Health = 4500

//SoundSelected = Selected

//SoundOrdered = Ordered

//SoundID = 39

ExplosionType = Explosion

ViewRange = 4,8,InfRock

Debris = DebrisLarge


TechLevel = 5

Starportable = TRUE //order from starport (if atreides)

ReinforcementValue = 7

Crushes = TRUE

DamageEffect = MediumDamageFX

ChaosEffect = MediumChaosFX

HawkEffect = MediumHawkFX

TastyToWorms = True

WormAttraction = 7

HitSlowDownAmount = 50 // Percent (100 = complete stop)

HitSlowDownDuration = 100 // ticks

Roofheight = 44

AIThreat = 90

// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 20 // Score required

ExtraArmour = 50

ExtraDamage = 50 // 50% more damage - applied to all weapons

canselfrepair = 1

// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 38

ExtraArmour = 75

// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 60

ExtraDamage = 75

// LEVEL 4 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 90

ExtraDamage = 50

canselfrepair = 2

// LEVEL 5 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 120

StealthedWhenStill = TRUE

// LEVEL 6 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 160

stealthed = true

This unit is starportable? :O If Ethan's unit is starportable, then all the other heroes should be starportable as well, IMO, since it would allow the unit to be built/created too quickly through the starport, which would defeat the purpose of build times, and probably unbalance the game. :(


After you've put the turret and bullet names in their appropriate declaration sections, you should add the turret and bullet attributes to the their appropriate declaration sections as well. Turret attributes will go under the 'turret attributes section' and bullet attributes will go under the 'bullet attributes section'. Make sure you get the names correct as well, if there are spelling errors and the turrets/bullets don't match their names in the declaration section, then it won't work. (Sorry, I know this might be a bit unclear, but I don't have time to get a really detailed explanation right now. This is just in a nutshell.) :P :-



Score = 2

DustScout = TRUE

House = Ordos

StormDamage=10 //only damages is never picked up

PrimaryBuilding = ORFactory //only built in ORFactory

UnitGroup = FromFactory

Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, Ramp, DustBowl

Cost = 1350

BuildTime = 150 //was 260

Size = 2

Speed = 18.2 //game coord per update

TurnRate = 1.3 //0.05  //radians per update

Armour = Light

Health = 2800 //was 900

StealthedWhenStill = TRUE

TurretAttach = ORDustGun

SpecialGround = DustBowl  //should be DustBowl

CanSelfRepair = 3  //per model tick

//SoundSelected = Selected

//SoundOrdered = Ordered

ExplosionType = SmExplosion

ViewRange = 16,8,InfRock

Debris = DebrisSmall

AiTank = TRUE

TechLevel = 2

Starportable = TRUE //order from starport (if ordos)

ReinforcementValue = 5

crushes = TRUE

DamageEffect = MediumDamageFX

ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX

HawkEffect = MediumHawkFX

TastyToWorms = True

WormAttraction = 4

CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE

UnstealthRange = 7

HitSlowDownAmount = 87  // Percent (100 = complete stop)

HitSlowDownDuration = 40 // ticks

GetsHeightAdvantage = FALSE

Roofheight = 10

AIThreat = 50

// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 8  // Score required

ExtraArmour = 50 // Takes 50% less damage

// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 20

ExtraArmour = 75 // Takes 75% less damage

// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 40

ExtraDamage = 50 // 50% more damage - applied to all weapons

ExtraRange = 50 // 50% extra range

I decided to keep the gun, just modify it slightly. This is because I can alter anything I like in Emperor, but if I invent anything, anything at all, it refuses to run. I tested this in game, so it works. but I don't know how to make sure there's only one of them. You might have to do that yourself.






Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp





Armour=None, 50, InfRock




ViewRange = 7


















Bullet = UBULLET001

ReloadCount = 40

; Clone of IXPlasma_B


Trajectory = true

MaxRange = 255

Debris = DebrisSmall

Damage = 3000

Warhead = Flame_W

BlowUp = TRUE

BlastRadius = 160

ReduceDamageWithDistance = False

FriendlyDamageAmount = 50


uh, dustscout, you will need to have the buildtime slower among other things. otherwise, they will just pump dusties and always win.


Either some kind of atreides god like infantry that shoots laser out of his eyes and hurls balls of fire from his ass or...

some kind of elite atreides inf...maybe Sadukaur...or freman

but atreides..

if not them sadukaur

if not them freman


ok alpha i need you to make a new (working) model coz i maked some model but it dosent work for my bad luck... any one can help?


uh, dustscout, you will need to have the buildtime slower among other things. otherwise, they will just pump dusties and always win.

I made it fast because I believed that the mod would have only one of each of us. Therefore it can be built fast but not again.

And I forgot something...


TurretMuzzleFlash  = Muzzle1

Bullet = MMG_B

ReloadCount = 50

[MMG_B]//Data taken from straight bomb

Speed = -1 // Conceptual (was 20)

MaxRange = 9

Debris = DebrisSmall

Damage = 700 //was 313

Warhead = LMG_W

ExplosionType = mghit

Shot = TRUE //infantry death anim


None = 100

Earplugs = 100

BPV = 790

Light = 320

Medium = 300

Heavy = 700

Concrete = 100

Walls = 120

Building = 20 //was 20

CY = 15 //was 15

Harvester = 25 //was 25

Invulnerable = 1

Aircraft = 800

Is that alright?


news: i changed that the computer will now on use pink (yes you can now use red in skirmish) and till alpha model wont be finished the mod progress is stuck.. come on guys im not the only 1 here who can make models plz help..

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