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Which House is Stronger?


Which House is Stronger?  

43 members have voted

  1. 1. Which House is Stronger?

    • Atreides
    • Harkonnen
    • Ordos

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yeah it's really funny when n00b's post in my threads like they are all bad or something LOL

as I said in my first post in this thread, the poll is indeed irrelevant. the reason is, because most people who post in this Forum are inexperienced with *real* Emperor and hence have a very limited and basic understanding of what Emperor gameplay actually is. Thus their opinions would not necessarily reflect an accurate portrayal of actual fact. However, that is also to say that the poll could easily have gone any of the three ways since it's simply a matter of what crop of n00bs got to the poll first.

While Hark is the strongest House, I do concur it's kind of a toss up between Hark and Ordos. Perhaps one thing that we can *all* agree on is that ATR is without a doubt the *weakest* House.

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yeah it's really funny when n00b's post in my threads like they are all bad or something LOL

as I said in my first post in this thread, the poll is indeed irrelevant. the reason is, because most people who post in this Forum are inexperienced with *real* Emperor and hence have a very limited and basic understanding of what Emperor gameplay actually is. Thus their opinions would not necessarily reflect an accurate portrayal of actual fact. However, that is also to say that the poll could easily have gone any of the three ways since it's simply a matter of what crop of n00bs got to the poll first.

While Hark is the strongest House, I do concur it's kind of a toss up between Hark and Ordos. Perhaps one thing that we can *all* agree on is that ATR is without a doubt the *weakest* House.

Atreides is the weakest house. If a hark opponent is even a little bit experienced, he'll crush the atrides player before they even have a chance to develop.

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Its impossible to decide which house is the strongest, cuz on maps with narrow passages ordos and atr suck but maps with a narrow base entrance atr rulez. And a lot of space is better for ordos, so it totally depends on the map.

But i still say hark cuz they have a rush for atr and the hanger for ordos.

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Atreides is the weakest house. If a hark opponent is even a little bit experienced, he'll crush the atrides player before they even have a chance to develop.

and if a hark is the least bit expirienced, atredies and ordos can easily crush them.

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This whole argument is really academic. I've seen months where almost the entire top ten of the QM ladder was dominated by Ordos and everyone was complaining about the Ordos rush. I've seen the top ten dominated by Ordos and Hark, and everyone was complaining that Atreides was just too slow and depended too much on long games, big maps and big money. Not too long ago, I was extremely suprised when the top ten of the ladder was actually dominated by Atreides. Maybe at that level it really does just come down to the players with the most skill and time to play PC games. I just know that I enjoy playing Harkonnen because I usually beat Hark (in Skirmish games), while Ordos is my weakness. Nav, on the other hand, has real problems with Hark, and he probably laughs at Ordos and can hold his own with Atreides. The top Atreides players, on the other hand, probably swear by Atreides' power. Perhaps the latest trend is Hark, but it'll swing back to another house again as long as people play this game.

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This whole argument is really academic. I've seen months where almost the entire top ten of the QM ladder was dominated by Ordos and everyone was complaining about the Ordos rush. I've seen the top ten dominated by Ordos and Hark, and everyone was complaining that Atreides was just too slow and depended too much on long games, big maps and big money. Not too long ago, I was extremely suprised when the top ten of the ladder was actually dominated by Atreides. Maybe at that level it really does just come down to the players with the most skill and time to play PC games. I just know that I enjoy playing Harkonnen because I usually beat Hark (in Skirmish games), while Ordos is my weakness. Nav, on the other hand, has real problems with Hark, and he probably laughs at Ordos and can hold his own with Atreides. The top Atreides players, on the other hand, probably swear by Atreides' power. Perhaps the latest trend is Hark, but it'll swing back to another house again as long as people play this game.

did you go to school at harvord or oxford? ;D you sound like a really smart guy, and probably are.
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If you ask me, the fact that the houses currently dominating the ladder are still always changing like trends shows that Emperor is truly a great game...

However, despite past evidence I do think the following is clear...

Atreides are the sneaky house, they have the most sneaky units and their two ''natural'' ( as in according to storyline and gameplay) sub houses are fremen and Ix which I think adds to the fact the Atreides tend to be the sneaky house

Ordos: Brute but not brainless force rushing house, I guess their two most probable allies are Saurdauker and Telaxue by story or Saurdauker and guild or fremen by gameplay...

Harkonnen: I guess this isn't totally clear... they're supposed to be the brutes but the devestators are just big tractors that don't function correctly and though their vehicle slike buzzsaws are bigger than say dustbikes or dustscouts, their are less of them...

Whether you agree with this or not, all the houses are totally balanced and take equal amounts of skill whilst still remaining totally different and fun to play, which I believe is the true beauty of Emperor that sets it aside from other RTS's... it's like what Warcraft3 could only hope to be...

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Well, Ethan, I'm not that smart, just older than most Emperor players. However, if Emperor took only brains, I guess I'd be a lot better at it. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of time and experience to get really good at any RTS game, and time is something I often lack. Also, for your information, I have a Masters degree in English, so I guess sometimes I come across as full of myself.

Now, back on topic. I think that Ordos and Guild can be a very deadly, very fast combination, complementing each other very well. Ordos lasertanks and Guild Niabs are both quick-strike, self-healing units that can really lay waste to groups of minos. A group of Guild mixed with a group of Dust Scouts can be so deadly. And when they are hurt, the whole group can just back off and heal.

Hark and Fremen go very well together because Fedaykin are very effective against marching Minos or any Ordos Mech unit. Ix projectors projecting lots of missile tanks and sending them all to the enemy spice with buzzsaws can really turn a game around.

As for Atreides, they have a lot of power, so they need some speed, so maybe Guild for them, too, especially against an Atreides opponent. I like to use Fremen and Sards with Atreides because it offers a very nice balance of infantry units to fight the other two houses--Sard Elites work so well against Hark, while Fremen AND Sards are both effective against Ordos.

Just my opinions, since there are a lot of superior Emperor players.

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If you ask me, the fact that the houses currently dominating the ladder are still always changing like trends shows that Emperor is truly a great game...

However, despite past evidence I do think the following is clear...

Atreides are the sneaky house, they have the most sneaky units and their two ''natural'' ( as in according to storyline and gameplay) sub houses are fremen and Ix which I think adds to the fact the Atreides tend to be the sneaky house

Ordos: Brute but not brainless force rushing house, I guess their two most probable allies are Saurdauker and Telaxue by story or Saurdauker and guild or fremen by gameplay...

Harkonnen: I guess this isn't totally clear... they're supposed to be the brutes but the devestators are just big tractors that don't function correctly and though their vehicle slike buzzsaws are bigger than say dustbikes or dustscouts, their are less of them...

Whether you agree with this or not, all the houses are totally balanced and take equal amounts of skill whilst still remaining totally different and fun to play, which I believe is the true beauty of Emperor that sets it aside from other RTS's... it's like what Warcraft3 could only hope to be...

Actually, no one ever used adjectives like "sneaky" to discribe Atreides. They are honorable, arrogant and they are extremely patriotic. They would die for their country rather than surrender.

Ordos are the sneaky ones. They are the masters of deciet and treachery. They use forbidden technology, far advanced beyond other races, but their units lack brute force. Ordos are the only race that uses shields in Emperor.

Harkonnen, contrary to popular opinion, nt always use brute force to solve military conflicts. As in Dune: House Atreides, they have used invisible ship to start a war between the Atreides and the Tleilaxu. They are also treacherous and have some of the most powerful weapons in the game.

Harkonnen in the storyline would allie themselves with Sardaukar and Ix, but when I play I prefer Sardaukar and Fremen, cause fremen work great against minos.

Atreides would allie with Fremen and Ix.

Ordos would allie with Ix and Tleilaxu.

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Atreides aint that weak, when playing against lets say Harkonnen, you'd be surprised how much damage Mongooses and Sandbikes mixed with Fremen can do.

I'm an Atreides Believer, and the point at wich Atreides are most vulnerable, is in the beginning of the game. If I survive the first 5-10 mins of the game, you will have a very hard time killing me, and that will go for any good Atreides player. You can only kill Atreides when you catch them at a point when the are not yet built up. I'm talkin decent Atreides players here, not 30k mino pumpers ;)

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but maps with a narrow base entrance atr rulez. And a lot of space is better for ordos, so it totally depends on the map.

translation: Atreides only have a hope in Hell of winning against ***GOOD*** Hark or Ordos players if the pathfinding bugs that prevent you from being able to control your harvesting like the *****1.09 PROMISED TO LET YOU DO via Ref Waypoints {!!!!!!!!!!!!!!} {{{WHICH DO NOT WORK, OF COURSE!}}}***** do not come into play because the base is so small.

Atreides' lack of speed combined with the harvesting and pathfinding bugs and INABILITY TO CONTROL THE GAMEPLAY AS THE DEVELOPER *INTENDED* YOU TO BE ABLE TO means Atreides gets royally shafted BIG TIME on most maps, and is therefore, the weakest House.

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Atreides are best. With the combenation of sandbikes,mino's and sards in like unbeateble, u can't really attack atreides by air, unless it's an atreides newb, cause atreides have moongoose and drones.By ground is pretty impossible cause they have mino's and such.. if the atreides goes mino's All the way, he is a newb no doubt, but if he mixed them with moongoose, sand bikes and sards.. well then it's over, goodbye hark goodbye ordos..

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Vigil you are the stupidist mother fucker I have seen, D3k for example, could take any fuckin Ordos or Hark player down, you dont know what your talkin bout, and Hark is the strongest, Atreides has best combos and ordos........

I've never called you names. What makes yu think you can curse at me, you stupid bastard?

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I have a feeling that certain people are about to get banned. You guys learned nothing from Nav's ban?

I never said anything that would make one so mad to call me "the stupidest motherfucker". I don't like being cursed at for no reason. But anyway, I delete my post.

as i see it, you are being very cocky and ignorant. but that is no reason to get cussed out, i agree. :-
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Vigil you are the stupidist mother fucker I have seen, D3k for example, could take any fuckin Ordos or Hark player down, you dont know what your talkin bout, and Hark is the strongest, Atreides has best combos and ordos...

Vilgent don't push your luck. And pick ONE nickname to post with or have you not read the rules lately?

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