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Well everyone knows this game is the best game ever

this is the only computer game i play

the reason why is that just look at the graphics even if u put them on low man there great,aslo the people are waht make the game

man everyone has a way diffrent attitude towards the game

some are cocky somr are nice some are quite and some just dont give ashit but in all this game is ths SHIT so anyone want to reply just write back

and my clanname is bum marcel so just so u know

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I agree: This game IS the best RTS on the market even after almost a year and a half. Generals will probably beat it, but since it came out it's been the best-kept secret in PC gaming. Really a shame, when you think about that. I've been addicted to it since it came out. I've played through Max Payne, No One Lives Forever, Dungeon Siege and Warcraft III--all awesome games. But when I need an RTS fix, Emperor is always close at hand and extremely enjoyable. Nice, positive post, Mordus--we need more positive posts like yours. Thanks.

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Well everyone knows this game is the best game ever

this is the only computer game i play

the reason why is that just look at the graphics even if u put them on low man there great,aslo the people are waht make the game

man everyone has a way diffrent attitude towards the game

some are cocky somr are nice some are quite and some just dont give ashit but in all this game is ths SHIT so anyone want to reply just write back

and my clanname is bum marcel so just so u know

was my first game online, but i have others games and its is the best!!! only Final Fantasy s

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Well, when Generals comes out, Emperor will still be our favorite RTS game unless we get good at Generals. When Emperor first came out, I preferred Red Alert 2 because I knew how to play the game and I knew what every unit did. Generals will get a fair trial from me, and I'm assuming that it will probably be better than Emperor. Will it be good enough to take me away from Emperor completely like Emperor took me away from RA2? Time will tell.

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Thats not true, warcraft3 is a game that is way more advanced then emperor; more game types (like 20) more players allowed in a game, more units etc........ so i doubt emp would be better if they both had the same amount of players..



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Well, when Generals comes out, Emperor will still be our favorite RTS game unless we get good at Generals. When Emperor first came out, I preferred Red Alert 2 because I knew how to play the game and I knew what every unit did. Generals will get a fair trial from me, and I'm assuming that it will probably be better than Emperor. Will it be good enough to take me away from Emperor completely like Emperor took me away from RA2? Time will tell.

U know if CG ill have a good RTS system? ( i hope same or better if possible )

Ppl say in RA have a lot of players using TRAINER what dont work in EMPEROR.

Some1 know if in CG will be possible? and any cheat like Galact battle grounds and AoE?

I saw Delph report but my low english dont help me.

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Well thank u all for replying on my post was kind of my first one so thanks anyways i think we should stick to emperor type games rather than wc3 totally diff games and yes it is likley that some will choose over ebfd but who knows so keep replying and i will chat more


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hey razor did u retire from wc3? or just playing that fps.

dont worry cerb, I'll be back. I'm just playing Unreal Tournament 2003 for now. When I yern for something different I'll get back to WC3. ;) You should really try ut2k3...amazing game.

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IMO wc3 is better than emperor...but I've given up arguing it, since this IS an emperor forum, and everyone seams to have their minds set in one direction 8)

Isn't it kind of hypocritical that you hate Emporer so much, but you have a page devoted to it?

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IMO wc3 is better than emperor...but I've given up arguing it, since this IS an emperor forum, and everyone seams to have their minds set in one direction 8)

Isn't it kind of hypocritical that you hate Emporer so much, but you have a page devoted to it?

Duke, if you can find me one place on this forum where i say i hate emperor, i might see where you're coming from. But apparently you're up to your old "twisting the truth" stunts again, because I never said EVER i hate emperor - why don't you follow your own advice and "think before you post" ::)

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From what i read and saw Battlefield 1942 is gonna whoop the asses of all games. Damn sweet playin with ur mates in WW2.

And ofcourse the Uber classic, brought back to life Doom3, those 2 im planning to buy.

Now i still play emp, and whenever theres no bc or qm, i play wc3 and sof2.

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