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Why Are U Against Pot??


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Aikuru, I think you are confusing stealing the *specifics* of a plot with the concept. Plot concepts cannot be copywritten. Did you not read my specifics? I dont think that the Outer Limits had the same specifics as I had, only the similarity of a scientist being killed for discovering the cure of all diseases. (which I didnt know anyway, so thanks) My plot has a specific sequence of events that I mentioned. Thats what I'm asking for no one to steal. And fortunately, I didnt give away the big ending because the truth that would be revealed in my novel is much larger than a cure for AIDS. I'm just not a great story teller, but I think it really would make a great book- outer limits or no outer limits. I appreciate the notice about the Outer Limits though. I am just asking no one steal the specifics of my plot is all. Of course, I couldnt stop you if you did.

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Another similar story, I remember seeing some movie about a guy who invents fusion power, wich doesn't pollute. He was going to make the knowledge required public (as it should be) but his lab was blown up by saboteurs working for an eastern oil company.

I don't remember how the movie was called- I saw it when I was a little kid.

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I'll say something for the smokers among us (like me)..

Those of you who say that smokers should only smoke at home are not right IMO. I do smoke, but take others in consideration. I always ask if it's okay to smoke, no matter where I am. If I'm surrounded by some non smokers, I always make sure that I do not bother them when I smoke (stepping away from them when I smoke). When I can't put my cig out in an ashtray, or something meant for it, I always take it away and throw it away where it's supposed to go. It's total utter crap to say that all smokers give non smokers bad health.

If you people are so concerned with your health, think about other stuff that damages your health AND the enviorment (like CO2, ect, ect). Not everyone who smokes is "bad", so please keep that in mind when you discuss things like smoking.

As for the topic, I'm against pot, due to personal reasons. I think that some people can get into it over their heads and it may lead to other drugs uses too. I do think that it shouldn't be so easy to get (meaning here in Holland). This because with some people it can lead to use of other drugs as well. IF there is a punishment, it should be severe.

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Well then if my "drug" story isn't original enough, then I have a second one I thought of:

Tell me if theres an outer limits episode for this idea.

(this novel would be in-lieu of the cure for AIDS novel)

Scientist (Dr. Braer) working for a small drug company genetically alters a lab mouse while performing expiriments in cell transplantation. The mouse is labeled #7163 and is in a cage amonst hundreds of other cages and mice. 2 weeks later the scientist is in a car accident and dies, his mouse is "forgotten" amongst all the other mice. The lab technicians simply feed the mice every day as usual, and no one notices mouse #7163.

Some time later, the small drug company goes bankrupt and is bought out by a giant conglomerate. All of its assets, including living assets are taken by the big company. While taking an inventory of their new assests, the scientists in charge of cataloging all of the lab mice types away at her keyboard routinely verifying/checking all of the expirements. When she comes accross a mouse labeled #7163, she cant find any record of it in the database. She is puzzled. Its a cute litle mouse. Very healthy and lively- it looks quite friendly. Scampering around the lab, and after much research, she opens up a file cabinet and finds the logs for Dr. Braer who performed work on mouse #7163. Routine work, nothing major. She is almost ready to close the file, but then almost in afterthought, she looks at the date- it was 3 years ago!!

"what in the world?" she thinks. Mice rarely live for so long- and this particular mouse looks exceedingly young.

Turns out, Dr. Braer accidentally and unknowingly found a way to stop the "aging" gene. All aging in the mouse has stopped.

Corporate executives in the conglomerate quickly get wind of this and immediately classify the experiments. Over the next few years, they develop a "treatment" that renders humans impervious to aging. They call it immortality because once treated, your appearance will never change and you will remain the same age forever. For obvious reasons, this treatment is highly controlled. Only the "very important" people in society are "treated". Treating everyone would quickly result in mass overpopulation. Society becomes divided into two parts: the mortals and the "immortals". But when a very imporant immortal is killed via a gunshot by an angry mortal, there is great panic in the immortal realm, because even though they never age, they still are made of flesh and bone, and still vulnerable to bodily injury and death. When an immortal dies, it is a great trajedy because that person could have lived millions of years. Those who are destined to die, angry at the immortals who rule society, form splinter groups to rise up and seize power from those who think they can live forever, and in the process one of them discovers the cruel and horrible evil truth: the "treatment" that stops genes from aging must be repeated every 30 years. And for every treatment that adds to your life, another life is taken away.

ya ya i know i have too much spare time on my hands. why do you think i play EBFD so much?

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Step into a room dense with CO2 :)

And Empr, jesus dude lighten up. I was just commenting and you go all out trying to come out as the winner of this argument. It was on Outer Limits, your story is just like it minus a few details, who cares.

And Nyar, good points, however if I can help the amount of harmful materials I inhale, I would. I.E. get the smokers out of my face.

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winners don't use drugs.

that makes you and all of endo/PIG (how pathetic you and your BB xvayne must be to name your clan after a drug ) complete losers

{TO THOSE WHO DON'T KNOW: elite47's clan is named after a drug}

people who use drugs are sad, pathetic, mentally-challenged losers. abusing your own body is just plain retarded and if you think it's worth it because you are too shallow and mentally incompetent to get your jollies from anything constructive in life instead, you're a loser

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Mahdi I know my response was extreme, but please remember that the original poster was asking why people don't approve of pathetic junkie drug habits so natually people will give their answers to his sad, pathetic Q. if he wants to promote illegal drug use then the normal ppl should be able to answer his Q

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Acriku, in a room filled with CO2 you would die, but not because of poisoning. If you fall in a swimming pool with concrete shoes and you die, that doesn't mean water is poisonous ;).

Emprworm, people start to use drugs when they are depressed, bored or because a friend does. Once you are addicted you cannot just quit.

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CO2 can't kill you normally, but in smoke are much poisonous exhalates. Smoker resist them better than non-smoker, so life of non-smoker with a smoker is more dangerous for innocent healthy person. If someone can't solve his problems without drugs or depends on primitive caste of narcomans, he's weak.

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i have no idea why someone would toke out on drugs that they have no medical reason to be using.

i can probably say what ever i want, but u still wouldnt understand me.

I know drugz are bad but what the fuck isnt?? I started smokin cigs around 16 or so before that i hated smokin and i hated smokerz.

But i think my attitude changed, i just do drugz becuz i like it and i know my limits. I dont need it or anything i just take em whenever i feel like it.

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of course your attitude changed because you are addicted. and now that you are polluting your body with chemicals that do not belong there, you are slowly poisoning yourself. As you suck up smoke in your lungs, you will be physically weaker. Even taking a simple 3 mile hike in the mountains would leave you wheezing and exhausted worse than a fat man, while coughing up balls of yellow phlegm. All your brain thinks about is getting that next toke and you have very little self control to resist the urge to poison yourself.

That is why your attitude changed, because you changed.

15-16 year old kids start puffing on ciggz cuz its so Ko0l and L33t and all da Ko0l L33t kids do it.

its pure stupidity cuz those same kids have no physical endurance. Get them out on a basketball court and see how fast these smoke-puffing "L33t" kidz cough, whine, wheez and spew slimy loogie curds. Ever wonder why athletes do not smoke?

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