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Why Are U Against Pot??


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Well i know a lot of people smoke pot. I know a lot of people dont smoke pot, but have no problem with it(no need to use it themselves). Then i know some people who are against pot, they think it is wrong. Well i want to know why you think it is *wrong*.

Its Natural and all it does is relax you, so whats wrong with it??

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I'm not sure exactly what the negative effects of smoking pot are, but I'm sure that it does more than just relax you. It also can have a bad impact on your health, and you can become reliant on it to keep yourself relaxed, after the body develops a tolerance to it, you need to smoke more amounts of it to get the same effect. It isn't healthy, and I don't think people should waste their health on it.

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because smoking pot and toking out and getting stone reduce your capacity to reason and creates a foul odor that other people dont want to have to smell. If you want to waste yourself in your own home i dont care. people do all kinds of silly things to themselves, just dont make me smell that #$#$. it makes me nauseous

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The body will not get addicted to pot- you can get addicted to smoking, but not to marihuana. Of course you can get emotionally dependant on it.

But smoking pot brings significantly more risk on cancer then regular smoking, as well as heart deseases. If people smoke, pot or not, it's their business, but I don't want to have MY health damaged because of them.

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Marijuana is not addictive , it's habit forming. For example, some people who have formed a habit of smoking pot will get used to the fact that as soon as they get home from a stressful day at work they can "relax" by getting high. If someone does this consistently day after day , then they form a habit. If they are unable to keep up with this habit, they become irratable and grumpy. Don't misunderstand me. I'm not speaking out against pot. I'm actually all for people having the right to choose wether they smoke or not. I truly do not understand why ciggaretes are legal and marijuana is not.

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i hate cigarrettes as well. I find two things despicable: the loser that flings his #$#$ing lit ciggarette butt out his car (hey, if you dont want that #$#$Ing butt in your car, what makes you think we want it outside?), and having to smell that foul think fog of inhaled smoke and breathe it in against my will. They should make all that crap illegal in public. Smoke it in their home, but dont be forcing it on other people. It stinks, and it is bad for ur health. I dont like having to breathe in anyones noxious fumes when I'm in a public place. Theres enough pollution in the air already, I dont need to be sucking in someone's bad habbits.

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lemme tell you something, nothing is really illegal. No one cares about your health - its all about money. Cigarrettes are not illegal because of big tobacco companies funding politicians. What about the so-called "street drugs?" All of them are made by big drug companies and are available via prescription. Even heroin has legal medical uses. The only reason why they are illegal is because if you get them on the street, then the drug companies dont get any money from it. And big drug companies care about one thing and one thing only: getting your money. your health is a far, far distant second. This is why there will never be a cure for AIDS unless an independent scientist discovers one. If a drug company found a cure for AIDS, it would never be released because that would mean that all the BILLIONS of dollars they make per year for all those AIDS drug 'cocktails' that treat only symptoms would be lost. Ask yourself this question: what was the last CURE for something ever discovered? From now on, there will be no more cures for diseases discovered by drug companies. Only treatments.

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It was my understanding that pot is thought to be far less dangerous than cigarettes as it has almost no carcogens.

However research has shown that it can cause number of brain cells to decrease, but this is also unproven and merely popular speculation, altho probably very likely.

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Edric, if I was an author, I would write a killer novel about that. I think it would not only make #1, but be a major motion picture. Basic Plotline: scientist works for big drug company. One afternoon, while working on a routine batch of blood cells, he accidentally discovers cure for HIV/AIDS (or other fictional epidemic disease). In total shock, he immediately notifies a company executive. Suddenly, his laboratory is locked down, trapping him inside.

Not realizing what he had just done, this same drug company sells mega-expensive AIDS "cocktails" to treat symptoms, which are taken by HIV patients for the rest of their lives, making them billions of dollars per year. The implications are enormous: if this 'cure' gets out to the public, then no more need to treat of symptoms every month, hence no more billions of dollars. The scientist who makes the discovery is quickly assasinated (before he can even leave the building) by dark forces within the company and his research stored away in secret. The company begins a major cover-up to hide the information from the public. However, before he was killed, he manages to send an email via. cell phone telling one of his friends that he made a "major breakthrough". The friend, upon hearing of his buddies' mysterious death begins to wonder if there is a connection. Then as he sees his buddie's family members begin to vanish one-by-one, he becomes convinced that there is a horrible secret looming within the bowels of the drug company. Fearing he may be the next "loose end" to clean up, he embarks on a journey to unravel one of the most insidious plots in human history, whos implications and scope is far greater than a cure for just a single disease...

what a great novel eh?

dont be stealing this idea anyone!!! :-[

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lol, thats not my plot, and even if it was big deal. How many cop movies are out there? Cop busts drug ring. Probably about 1,000 at least. So if the best you could do to find a similar storyline is a black and white 30 minute TV show from 40 years ago, I'd say thats pretty darn good story then.

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