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Why Are U Against Pot??


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Acriku, I don't buy pot to start off with and secondly you have contracted a severe case of conclusion jumping. A dose of intelligence is the only thing that can cure your ailment. I went from buying a 20$ bag to financing the purchase of illegal firearms to being responsible for other peoples addictions. I won't tease you too much for your immature views as you are smart enough to see religion for what it really is and that is something that the world is only just beginning to be able to do. :-

If you actually read my post you will see that you'll be needing to modify your post. You are under the impression that i said that a good parent promotes drug use. Go back and you'll see that i said a good parent teachs the children one simple thing, Moderation. I didn't have that advice on drugs from my parents and I believe as a result a few members of my family now have a drug problem.

So in answer to your question, Yes i occasionally smoke usually about 1 - 3 times every 3 months. I drink even less, probably once every 3 months. My point is that it is not a problem until you stop consuming drugs in moderation. The only reason you are against pot is because you buy into the properganda from the environment around you. The properganda is against pot becuase it is deemed to be illegal by the government. If you knew the real reason why pot was illegal you would have a different point of view. Even at its worst heavy cannabis use is no where near as bad as heavy alcohol use.

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If you don't buy it, could you inform me how you get your pot? It might help the thread :)

I know why it isn't legal, because the government can't make money from it - so why should it legalize it? (Rhetorical)

And yes, reading the "Moderation" part of your post (which I confusingly thought that was your sig or something) would have helped me understand it better. :) And smoking anything, or just breathing it is harmful - my parents wouldn't dream of teaching me I could smoke even in moderation. I will never smoke, so I don't seriously care if it's legal or not. I am just seeing what people think of what I think.

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Acriku, I don't scab so through deduction i think yo can work it out where i get it from.

It will be legalised throughout the world slowly but surely as governments are constantly looking to employ new ways of creating revenue. This can only be done when human freedom becomes more prevalent allowing people to do what they like with their own bodies.

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Let's see I smoke, never, drink, never. I have done pot or any other illegal drug, never. I have used narcotics with a prescription, so it was legal. I have passed all five of my drug pee tests I have taken in my lifetime. Just in case you all were wondering.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just happend to bumb into this...

I went to a party, Mom

You told me not to drink, Mom

so I had a sprite instead.

I felt proud of myself, Mom

the way you said I would,

that I didn't drink and drive, Mom

though some friends said I should.

I made a healthy choice, Mom

and your advice to me was right

as the party finally ended, Mom

and the kids drove out of sight.

I got into my car, Mom

sure to get home in one piece,

I never knew what was coming, Mom

something I expected least.

Now I'm lying on the pavement, Mom

And I hear the policeman say,

The kid that caused this wreck was drunk,"

Mom, His voice seems far away.

My own blood's all around me, Mom

as I try hard not to cry.

I can hear the paramedic say, Mom

This girl is going to die."

I'm sure the guy had no idea, Mom

while he was flying high,

because he chose to drink and drive, Mom

now I would have to die.

So why do people do it, Mom

Knowing that it ruins lives?

And now the pain is cutting me, Mom

like a hundred stabbing knives.

Tell sister not to be afraid, Mom

tell daddy to be brave,

and when I go to heaven, Mom

put "Daddy's Girl" on my grave.

Someone should have taught him, Mom

that its wrong to drink and drive.

Maybe if his parents had, Mom

I'd still be alive.

My breath is getting shorter, Mom

I'm getting really scared.

These are my final moments, Mom

and I'm so unprepared.

I wish that you could hold me Mom,

as I lie here and die.

I wish that I could say I love you, Mom

So I love you and good-bye.

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Edric, reading that note has no use WHATSOEVER unless you have no idea what drinking and driving can do ::) So yes, it is unnecessarily sad. This may throw you off, so to clarify I mean that putting this out into circulation is unnecessary, as there is no effect from it except sadness - and I don't like being sad when I don't have to. People die, I get over it, I got over both grandfathers, a few uncles, and probably others that I can't think of.

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