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Ki is the Basis of Psychic Force, In The book (If you believe in magic) Ki Stimulates Magic.

And another thing. Ki doesnt just lower your temperature. In fact it can perform alot of things. In Karate they do use it. Your body becomes stronger when using Ki. I experienced this once. but i got Mental and Body stress afteri used Ki too much. Thats the risk of using to Much Ki.


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Dude I have taken Karate it does not use Qi, maybe a session or two talking about it, but not how to use it. Karate is for hard punches and kicks, not anything to do with Qi. Tai Qi masters could whoop the Karate masters.  :P

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Hitler was no innocent victim... in that case he would have simply gone utterly mad and people couldn't have even managed to communicate with him (mostly). But as you can see from his cold and calculated murders, he enjoyed it. He welcomed Satan into his soul.

That's what I believe, anyway. Enough about Hitler... Gunseng and Fedaykin are right.

Good and evil might be relative "to humankind", but as you can see from history people don't agree on who's "human" and who isn't. Try telling the KKK that killing blacks is bad. ::)

I know God killed a lot of people in the OT, but:

1. SOME of them deserved it (by no means all of them, I know).

2. It might have been necessary to prevent worse acts from happening.

3. If God caused any injustice on Earth, He can set it right in the afterlife! It's as simple as that!

There is always the danger of people like Bin Laden trying to convince others that their will is God's will. But it's easy to see through their lies. If God were to do something that contradicts His own rules (like ordering some people to be killed), He would give His prophet at least SOME miracle-working power. Bin Laden obviously has none.

And the Bible warned us about many fake Messiahs comming in the "end days"...

All our animal instincts are the side effects of our animal bodies. After the Fall, they turned into sources of temptation...

If you look at it, you'll notice that most (if not all) sins come from our animal side. God wants our human side to triumph. This reminds me of something:


As for God trying to explain... that's so amusing. You think you could explain nuclear physics to a chimpanzee? (assuming you could communicate)

Don't underestimate Jesus's sacrifice. True, some people have suffered more than Him, but as GOD he had never known pain "before" (notice that God is atemporal). Besides, I don't think He feels pain the way we do. It's probably a much worse experience for someone used to being perfect, ya know...

As for being "harder" not to believe, you'll be surprised at how many atheists lost their faith simply because they don't want the responsibility for their actions...


So if benefit WOULD have outweighed loss (if the nazis had won WW2), then by your logic they would have been good?

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> As for God trying to explain... that's so amusing. You

> think you could explain nuclear physics to a

> chimpanzee? (assuming you could communicate)

But doesnt it say in the bible that god created men like him?  Well, that cant refer to men's physical appearance, since god has no physical appearence.  So it must be our conscience.  And if we equal god in that, then we should be able to understand god's reasons.

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God can take on any appearence, maybe he looked like a man at that time... ;)

Seriously now, you're right. We have a conscience and, most importantly, we're a SENTIENT species. We have a special kind of mind that sets us apart from other lifeforms. However, being "in God's likeness" doesn't mean being equal to Him. That's not possible because He's omnipotent, omniscient, etc. There are things about Him that we can't understand simply because our minds don't have enough "processing power".

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Edric, you are making things up that you assume is correct, from deduction. You could be sent to Hell for doing this, you never know. And saying we couldn't ever understand him is just an excuse to put infront of a hole in the Bible. There are many like this, e.g. the Hebrew for God was literally Gods, plural. The Church saw this and said oh but wait there are actually the Holy Ghost and his Son, making 3 parts of him and thus plural.

And a thousand years from now I can bet you my right ear that humans, assuming alive, will look back at Christianity and all the others and look at them like we do to Greek Mythology. They would think it was outrageous, but interesting to study.

And I have a question:If religion died out and no one believed in God anymore, would God do anything? Or would he just let them all burn in hell. Would he send a messiah and make people believe again?

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Well, Acriku, are you saying that I shouldn't try doing even the most basic deductions? That's like saying that even though 1+1=2  I shouldn't conclude that 1+1+1=3... ::) Logic is only faulty if you don't have enough entry data!

Are you an expert in hebrew? Then you should know that God's "name" is YHWH and He is referred to in the Bible as "the Lord", because His name is considered too holy.

As for your bet: You're on! Since I believe in our immortal souls, I also believe we'll still be around 1000 years from now. In heaven or hell... And I'll come and remind you of this little bet.

You ask what if nobody would believe in God any more? This (nearly) happened once before... that's why God made the Flood. If it happened again I'm sure He'd just bring about the Apocalypse. Assuming we don't bring it about ourselves in our great stupidity, of course...

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1. I thought understanding God was too complicated for us to understand? How is 1+1=2 that complicated?

2. I am not an expert in Hebrew, I never said I was, but I do know that many times in the Bible they talk about more than one God:

"Now I know that the LORD is greater than all gods: for in the thing wherein they dealt proudly he was above them." (Exodus 18:11)

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me." (Exodus 20:3)

"Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;" (Exodus 20:5)

And the original testament did have the word for God misinterpreted as singular, where as it was plural.

And I would challenge you on my left ear that the Apocalypse will not come. Not in a thousand years or a million. This "justly" God killing all unbelievers just because of the fact that they do not believe, which is prejudice anyways. And if He is prejudice, how can he be perfect?

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By the way good Spoken edric. Show those Pathethic Science Humpers some Godly stuff.

Yeah hell nazi's are realllllyyyyy good. Yes indeed. They murderd millions of Jew's. Some Germans refused to kill Jews though but most of them just Had pleasure with it.

Yeah they must be the Angel's themselfes those Nazi's Coming down from the heaven's and bless the children of the Religions by killing the Weak and Poor.

*Grins at Nema*

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Kirov are you drunk?

I never said I was the expert, on anything! Good for you that you studied Qi for however amount of time, but from my experience in karate and Tai Qi, I can say that karate does not focus on Qi, cultivating it or replenishing it. Jeez lay off.

I could say some nasty stuff about people who believe in God, but I don't, you know why? Because I wouldn't mean it and I have respect for people (unlike some here). So please don't insult people on this board. Thank you.

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Same here for the other people that likes other stuff, I could insults them too. But i dont do that simple no?

Anyways enough about the "Martial arts" :P

Ordos if you Watch Discovery channel about the Nazi's. You really Disgusting things. Millions of body's getting piled up and buried some of them even get burned. And They even maked Decoration's of their "Skins"

And as for the Baby's and children, They threw them out of the window and Bajonetted them. I mean the Germans are really sick in WW2 , If somebody thinks they did good stuff. The one needs to get their Brain fixed  by a Surgeon. Almost everybody hates Hitler for that Matter, I saw some forums of other websites, They were "Nazi's Board's" i forgot the Url though

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I don't get it... Kirov, who are you arguing with? We all agree with you about the evil nazis. Like I said, I'm convined Hitler was the right hand of Satan.

But do you have to explain in *detail*? It makes me sick... :-/

Ordos45, you too... :-/


1. I get the feeling we're talking about different things. Please tell me what you were reffering to when you said I shouldn't make deductions.

2. Of course there are more gods... It's just that all of them (except God) happen to be imaginary. ;) Notice that it's mentioned repeteadly that the Lord is the only "living God". Daniel exposes the truth behind a statue of Baal who was supposedly eating the food offerings, for example (corrupt priests...). Also, the Bible talks about people "making gods".

How do you know the original text had the word for God in plural? YHWH stands for "I am who I am", not "We are who we are". And show me some proof that the hebrew word for "the Lord" actually means "the Lords". I'm no expert in hebrew either, but you must have got this information from somewhere. And they'd better have more than a hypothesis...

You wouldn't want to lose both ears, would you? :)

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1. In hopes of making it more clear:

You said you deducted such things, e.g. he is out of time, since he made it, now wouldn't that call for an understanding of God and what he did to deduct that? That is what I am wondering.

2. I see your point about that, but as someone has said before, not that I believe it, to say something as if it existed means you believe in it. Also, I did get it from a website, which might be biased I wouldn't know, but I can't find it again. I'll look for it, but it do remember what it said: in the very first verses of the Bible, the Hebrew was Elohim, not El! Elohim is "gods" while El is "god". And I checked this with a local priest and he said this was true, and the Elohim meant the Holy Spirit, God, and his son.

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