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World War 11, Jacob? God, I hope not... ;D

Neither of the 2 World Wars was about religion. WW1 was the last breath of a few dying Empires that wanted to go out with a bang. It was started by a domino effect. WW2 was all about racism and nationalism... and Evil.

Acriku, so if I have no moral code, that means I'm justified to kill and plunder?

Besides, the Roman religion DID give them a moral code. If they followed it Pluto (Hades) would allow them in the Elysian (sp?) Fields. However, this code was very different from ours...

Nema, as you can plainly see from failed "experiments" like communism, the "common good" simply DOES NOT appeal to humans. Why work together so we're all happy when you can make others work for you? Why earn when you can steal?

^That's how we humans generally think.

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I'm not saying that if you have no code you can do anything you want, I am saying if you DO have a code to do good and all that, and you murder people in wars, THEN you should be criticized. The ends do not always justify the means. A person killed during the Crusades could have helped the world TREMENDOUSLY. You just never know, and we will never know now.

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Communism has never been 'tried out' properly. Not recently, anyway. The USSR was full of corruption, and its leaders (or those true communists among them) never believed they'd managed to get to real communism. Furthermore, Russia had for years been under the Tsar's Orthodox church which had indoctrinated generations with personal greed - this was never fully tackled by the reds, because they thought they coould use this to their advantage.

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Does anyone remember the story in the bible, I can't remember it exactly but it went something like this.

Some guy walking into a town. I believe his name started with an 'S', was harrassed by a large group of kids who yelled at him and threw rocks at him, and possibly did other things. Then he prayed to god, and God sent a hungry pack of wolves/bears down and they ripped the kids limb from limb. How is this a loving god?

When I find the exact scripture I will post it.

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hmmmmm trh I see your point but the guy who got harrased was probably satisfied.

As for communism, well In my opinion it wont work, we are to greedy for a system like that to function. The leaders will always try to get more power for them self and make their lives as good as possoble.

If you look at all the countries that have tried communism, you will see that they all have corrupt leaders and that's a major flaw with communism, it's easy for them to be corrupt.

I think that communism is a great idea but in my opinion a utopia.

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Yes Acriku, but the romans DID have a code. And anyway, this moral code issue is irrelevant. If you claim to be fair you've got to judge everyone equally.

I see your point, but on the other hand a person killed in the Crusades could have been the ancestor of some russian or american leader who would push the "nuclear button"...

Nema, communism has been tried by many countries, not just the USSR and its satellites. And it failed miserabely EVERYWHERE.

Oh, so now it's the Church's fault, huh? Poor Stalin, I guess he was actually a nice and kind person... ::)

You still failed to explain how can Christianity promote one of the 7 deadly sins, which it constantly fights against... I haven't seen a single Christian who was greedy about going to heaven. And I still can't imagine how that would work.

Jacob, I know that story, but what's the connection with racism?

God IS all-loving, but like I said, He knows a lot more than you do. You simply can't question the actions of an omnipotent being, because you can't possibly know all the "what-if"s. Like Acriku said, a single feather could change history completely... Maybe He did certain things only because it was necessary to have them written down in the Bible in order to influence a certain person in the future...

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"Poor Stalin, I guess he was actually a nice and kind person... "

It was people like Stalin that caused the eventual downfall of communism.

China and N Korea are some examples of communism not failing. Even so, they're not examples of what I mean - they are still aimed at personal gain.

What I mean requires all to accept that a good deed is good because it benefits all, not just that either they get paid more money, or are rewarded in heaven or whatever.

I'm not claiming that all christians are greedy about heaven and such, but remember Pascale's wager (you brought it up)? People may think 'well, if i go to church and everything, I'll get into heaven, and be happy for eternity'. That's personal greed.

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I don't think china has a real communist regime more a mixture of liberalism and communism. And I don't believe communism well ever prevail, as I said there will always be greedy people, it's in our nature.

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Hoo boy.... look peeps, I won't be posting much because my family is going through some money trouble and we're gonna hafta get the phone cut off. Anyway.

How about someone here who LIKES communism travel to a Communist country for a week or three, eh? Read the book Mind Seige, it'll set you straight.

By the way, what the heck is TRUE communism??? I sure as heck don't wanna see how bad IT is compared to the rest!

Huggles an' kishes peeps!

Ja matta! ^_~

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In the words of Frank Zappa: "Communism will never work because people like to own things"

But back to topic; Purgatory is the Catholic Holy Half-Way House (or Limbo to some) were those who were niether good or bad stay for until it is time to be passed for judgement. This idea makes sense since its kinda like spending time in hell with out the brutal torture.

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"Nema, communism has been tried by many countries, not just the USSR and its satellites. And it failed miserabely EVERYWHERE."

Ouch Edric I must shoot you down.  We did the communism arguement on another board I was once on and what I am about to type will probably settle it.  

Communism as envisioned by Karl Marx has never existed.  You see all the "Communist" countries are actually a highly organized form of Socialism (precursor to communism).  As mentioned before greed and such is common reson for that.

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Both the Wars is just targetted upon World Domination. Just like every Sick master mind plans, (Hitler Stalin etc)

And a thing about war, It may look cool.

War is Crueller then Mother Nature itself. If you watch the Picture's taken from the Photographer's from the war.

Thousands of people laying death on the ground. Some of their limbs and vital part's are Ripped off/out.

They even said alot of the Soldier's called their mom's when they fought. Well i can imagine that. Hundreds of bullets whizzing near your body. You can die at every moment of the ticking seconds by Mortar fire. Even by friendly fire. WWII Is just one Crazy Blood bath.

And Evilbaronatreides. What do you mean with the Pillars of Islam, explain thyself :P

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Whoever said war looked cool? If someone thinks it does, they should go onto the battlefield, then come back and say so. But back to topic...

And Edric, just to let you know, while you prolly already know,  many people still are selfless, the soldiers for example, they fight and risk their lives and that is the highest selfless act in my opinion.

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*Shrugs* Anyways, If you saw the Movie Saving Private ryan's, Just imagine that Movie as a real WW2 Battle.

Maybe it was even worser.

Okay back to Religion.

Allah is the same as god i know. But still the Culture and Style of the Muslim's is still different. Thats what i think then.   :-X

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