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Where'd you get your nick?

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Where did you guys get your screen names? (That is, if you dare to reveal such sensitive information.)

A bit of a frivolous question, but that's me: the purveyor of frivolity.

My middle name is Sven, or, rather, part of it. Curious? Reply to find out more!


I renamed my online self in sympathy with the Titans of the BH-KJA prequels. I loathe the books, but have a penchant for irony. Also I happened to rather like the characters, despite them being treated abominably and being about as appropriate to Dune as a Death Star.


When I joined the BBS over on "Dumb Novels", I wanted a username evocative of both <i>Dune</i> and ... a biting pest. "SandFlea" didn't have the right pizzazz. In Ohio we have little mites called chiggers that can be a pain in summer, so I put that together with sand and checked around. There was already another "SandChigger" out there (he's actually into gaming), but it seemed he had disappeared when I was checking (turns out he was just dormant), so I went with the name anyway. :)

(I've since been told that "chigger" has a racist meaning for some. I wouldn't know anything about that, because it doesn't/never has for me. And I'm not concerned enough to change it after all this time.)


I have my nickname rather long and not just here. Obviously (or not?) it's the first 3 letters of my first name written backwards. Now that's imaginative  :P

I did go by another nicknames about a decade ago and used for maybe 2 years while I was playing counterstrike tournaments and leagues. But after I was starting to see that nickname being used by more and more new players I decided to chose another nick.


One of my favourite PlayStation RPGs of all time, but one that never reached the degree of fame that the Final Fantasy series attained: The Legend of Dragoon.

Wikipedia Entry

Always loved the storyline, the music and the gameplay.  The idea of the characters and their powers was also exceptionally cool compared to anything I'd played before, and so I named myself after one.  The name just sort of stuck after that.


My nick of Tatar_Khan is just the combination of the my ethnic group the Tatars and the title that the higher levels of nobility held. The reason for that being the fact that I do have nobility and aristocracy left on both sides of my family, however the Russian Revolution wiped out the exact titles.


My middle name is double-barreled, i.e. Sven-SOMETHING - I'm not giving everything away!

The weirdest Scandinavian name I ever heard of was that of the first European documented to have been born in North America over 1000 years ago. The father's name was Thorfinn Karlsefni. The kid's first name was Snorri.

By the Viking naming practices, the kid's name would be Snorri Karlsefnisson. I doubt your RL name is any odder than that. ;)

The name I use here was taken from the historical Hypatia of Alexandria, who was a scholar, researcher, and teacher in Alexandria. She was a martyr to the cause of Reason when the religious fanatics destroyed the Library, its contents, and murdered as many of the scholars and workers there as they could.


Thorfinn Thordarson Karlsefni's son was actually called Snorri Thorfinnsson, but, yes, the Old Norse names were rather odd.

My nick of Tatar_Khan is just the combination of the my ethnic group the Tatars and the title that the higher levels of nobility held. The reason for that being the fact that I do have nobility and aristocracy left on both sides of my family, however the Russian Revolution wiped out the exact titles.

Sad that the Russian Revolution destroyed so much tradition. Of course, some traditions should be destroyed, but not in such a violent manner.


Thorfinn Thordarson Karlsefni's son was actually called Snorri Thorfinnsson, but, yes, the Old Norse names were rather odd.

You're right, my mistake.  :-[ I thought that looked odd as I typed it, but it's 6 a.m. here and way past time to get a bit of sleep... :(


That's alright - I was being a bit picky (something I don't like but can't always avoid). Interestingly, Thorfinn Thordarson was the father's real name - he was nicknamed Karlsefni.


Nick is short for nickname (I don't know how common this abbreviation is), i.e. the screen name you use in this forum.

You were born with the name Gryphon? It's a cool name.


My nickname was the first alias I ever created to play a game online. I was registering a Westwood Online Account (WOL for short) in order to play the game 'Emperor: Battle for Dune' online.

Having read some of the Dune books, I came to subscribe to the philosophy of the Ixians. I wanted a nickname that not only related to the Ixians in some way, but that also meshed something advanced and something primitive together and was nine characters in total.


We had a thread like this some time back.

gunner is just a generic name that part came from the Minigunner from the first C&C game. 154 was thrown in because it was the number of the most familiar bus service at the time.

I first used the name on WOL for Red Alert. Gee, that was a long time ago.

We had a thread like this some time back.

Oh, I didn't know that. How long ago?

gunner is just a generic name that part came from the Minigunner from the first C&C game. 154 was thrown in because it was the number of the most familiar bus service at the time.

The most familiar bus service? What do you mean? Where in Singapore did it operate? (Excuse all the nosy questions.)


I got the name Cyborg from when I played a lot of computer games in my younger days. I became better than my friends at most games, usually because we were at my place, and played the games I practiced every day.

Once, in a random Micro Machines mini championship between me and a few friends, I was accused of being a cyborg because I allegedly had superhuman skills.

Later, after getting Internet access and getting into Internet play, I found out that Cyborg was used by a lot of people, and had to find a different name. After a while, I settled with the name William Cain. This was fitting, because I played a lot of medieval RTS games at the time.

The latest name change, adopted about one and a half years ago, is Skaggir. I was preparing for Age of Conan, and needed a name to go with the theme. Giving it some thought, I liked the idea of "Jernskjegg" (Norwegian for "iron beard"). It's J

Back in 2002.Topic link

Oops! Well, that was a long time ago, so I think quite a few people have joined since then.

The latest name change, adopted about one and a half years ago, is Skaggir. I was preparing for Age of Conan, and needed a name to go with the theme. Giving it some thought, I liked the idea of "Jernskjegg" (Norwegian for "iron beard").

That would be "J

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