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Say what you feel!

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I hate Battlefield 2 statistics signatures.

I also have a profound dislike for people who believe they are holier-than-thou. I find it sad how religon dictates the world we live in today. It saddens me when people take the 'Word of God' to be the Word of God and use it to justify their actions. I could take a quote from a book and live my life by it, but it wouldn't make it the Word of God. The Bible is nothing more than a elaborate story book.


This is just pathetic. How they can link religon and race in a single bill is rediculous. It's one thing to make fun of someone's physical appearance and features - it's another thing to make fun of someone's views which is all religon is. People do not have the right to not be offended. That being said, it is only right to hate a religon, rather than hate followers of a religon. To that extent, to hate a religon or view, is rather redundant. If you really want to weaken a religon, ignore it.

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I find it the highest hypocrisy of all to boast tolerance of all and love to everyone, and in reality hate and detest anything that goes against the holy book. Homosexuality, pagans, atheists, foreigners, scientists, etc. The people today make Christianity out to be a joke.

I also find it highly odd that people see homosexuality as a fad. That just screams hidden aggression towards homosexuality.

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I also find it highly odd that people see homosexuality as a fad. That just screams hidden aggression towards homosexuality.

Heh probably, but he's sorta right. I just don't watch TV anymore, unless its something interesting or boasts a high level of comedy. I liked Will & Grace but couldn't stand either Will or Grace. Jack and Karen were hilarious though. ;)

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Actually it can be a fad. You don't see straight people taking advantage of their sexuality in order to market a particular product or show. That and I've heard of straight girls kissing each other just to attract the men. Not to say that being gay is itself a fad, but that people, gays included, are definately using the growing acceptance to further their own ends.

Say what I think? Meh, might as well give a glimpse into the churning world that is my brain.

Most of the world's population serves no purpose, serves as competition, and are generally stupid. They would be more useful dead.

Democracy is nice in principle, but is inherently hypocritical and flawed.

Nobody is better than anybody else, but that doesn't really matter.

It is a human trait to subjugate members of one's own species.

There is no such thing as an absolute, even less so with morality.

Religion is a political tool, with no true meaning or value.

Everyone is a hypocrite, though some of us less so than others.

Politics would be much more effective if everyone told the truth. "We invaded Iraq for easy access to oil in order to make your lives easier and our lives richer. Also I'm banning elections and will rule as dictator for life, you can't do anything about it since I have the big red button. Nyah nyah." See? Things would get done *much* quicker.

Old Europe > USA.

The Dune prequels are the deluded ravings of a jealous moron.

Life would be much easier if I could kill people in my way.

Nobody should be treated differently for anything they have no control over. They should be treated differently for things they have control over. "Are you going to murder me because I'm black?" "No, I'm going to murder you because you killed my daughter's cat."

Hmm. Not as expressive as I might have liked, but it will do.

Its funny that all these "Say something controversial"  or "say how you feel" threads are popping up.  Cuz i always say controversial stuff and i always say what i feel.  Might as well call the threads  "Post like Gunwounds"

Except we don't leave bizarrely long spaces at the end of our posts for no apparant reason... Why do you do that anyway? And most of us employ a device known as 'tact.' I know it doesn't seem like it sometimes, but I'm actually quite reserved in what I write sometimes, compared to what I want to write.

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Why are people so obsessed with sex? Am I missing out on something because I just don't see what the big fuss about sex is. Anyone who has sex still with the delusion that it's going to be some amazing, life changing experience is going to be so disappointed. People please calm down with the sex, there are so many other better things to be doing with your time.

Thankyou TMA I think this is one of the greatest threads ever created.

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People who go on about smacking children, saying that it's wrong, need to shut the hell up.  So do all the people who are advocating 'positive' ways of disciplining the same kids.  It makes my blood boil to see little shits having tax-payer's money spent on them, running them through months of courses and outings and psychological sittings.  You know what works a lot better?  Giving them what my Dad would call a "hot backside" or "a good thrashing".

You misbehave?  Shouted at, threatened with smacking.  You really do something stupid?  You get what's coming to you.  It doesn't cost a bloody thing, it's quick, only hurts for a while, and it teaches you not to do it again.  What's a little shit going to think if he's taken on 'anger management' courses to some ranch full of aging hippies to spend time climbing hills and speaking to other little shits with the same interests?  "This rules, I'll smash more car windows when I get back because this place rocks".

The alternative?  Police bring little shit back to your door, tell you he's been caught smashing car windows.  Take him inside, apologise to police; once they're gone, give him the bollocking of his life and send him to his room with a hot arse.  Boot him up the stairs if you can.  He'll be so bloody terrified that he won't do it again.  Problem solved.

What pisses me off is that people actually believe that this will harm a child mentally, even though this is the practice we've adopted for thousands of years prior to these wankers coming along and saying "Children have rights, too!!"


Then they can be subject to the same responsibilities as well.  Jail / Young Offender's Institute and/or community service, forced upon them.

"Oh, but they're just children!"


Hypocritical gits, the lot of them.  Any move to ban smacking in Scotland will be met (at least on my part) with a firm STFU.  So far, they say it's illegal to physically punish a child with any tool (such as cane or a slipper), or hard enough to leave a mark.  They can go suck a cactus for all I care.  I don't care what any stupid damned law says; if I ever have kids, they're going to be loved and treated perfectly fine, but they're also going to be fearful of breaking the law, lying, stealing or anything else that shouldn't be done.  I was raised that way, but my parents slowly stopped smacking as my siblings were born and raised.  The result?  I was the good child, my younger brother was a trouble-maker, my brother younger than that still is and my sister (the youngest) is a complete b

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DK has been reading some of Maddox's advice me thinks.  But yeah, he's right. What also annoys me is the so called attention deficit disorder.

Basically, its the result of a naughty child and crap parenting.  You don't need to stuff the child full of drugs so you can line the pockets of the fat pharmaceutical CEOs' all you need to do is to give your child some discipline!

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Children misbehave?  Smack them.  Because that's the way things really work.

It's not that simple. Children are as different from each other as are adults. For some, smacking will have positive results. For others it will have negative results. The biggest mistake parents can make is believing that it is possible to educate any and all children with the same one-size-fits-all formula.

Also, beware of arbitrary punishment. If the punishment is not given fairly and in proportion to the "crime" - for example if you smack children for anything - then you will only encourage disrespect towards the "law". After all, why follow a rule if you are likely to get punished regardless of whether or not you actually broke it? And if you are likely to get the same punishment for a lesser violation of the law as for a greater violation, then you have no incentive to stop once you've started breaking the rules ("I'll get punished anyway, so I might as well go as far as I can").

Too many parents act like whimsical dictators towards their children. If I were a parent, I would institute rule of law based on a social contract. I have a right to set rules for my children because, in a "state of nature" (that is, in the absence of any rules), they would not be able to survive. Thus they must give up some of their liberties to the state (me) in exchange for protection and guidance. I would make a point of explaining to my children the reasons for every rule as soon as they are old enough to understand them, so that they do not think I am making up unnecessary rules for my own pleasure. I would also specify exactly what the punishments are for every kind of misbehaviour and stick to them, so that nothing is arbitrary. Finally, I would encourage my children to present evidence and argue on their own behalf when they are accused of doing something wrong. This is another key element of justice, and it would stimulate the development of their critical thinking skills and logical reasoning as well.

Oh, and, of course, once the children reach adulthood, "government authority" is no longer needed and can wither away. ;)

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DK has been reading some of Maddox's advice me thinks.  But yeah, he's right. What also annoys me is the so called attention deficit disorder.

Basically, its the result of a naughty child and crap parenting.  You don't need to stuff the child full of drugs so you can line the pockets of the fat pharmaceutical CEOs' all you need to do is to give your child some discipline!

I work with children, and while a lot of annoying kids would have been better with proper parenting, that doesn't help as much as it does with ADD kids. ADD also causes concentration problems and if it weren't for ritalin a lot of ADD sufferers would drop out of school because of horrorible performance.

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I work with children, and while a lot of annoying kids would have been better with proper parenting, that doesn't help as much as it does with ADD kids. ADD also causes concentration problems and if it weren't for ritalin a lot of ADD sufferers would drop out of school because of horrorible performance.


No, you see. Here's the problem. You don't know the history of psychiatry. I do.

- Tom Cruise

He's hilarious.

Ritalin does help people, but its sad when the kids sell the ritalin. It's pretty rampant here, and profitable. But then without their ritalin they are unstable, which doesn't help the problem.

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About the whole Muslim cartoon thing.

Militants surround EU offices in Gaza, threaten to take hostages because of cartoon drawing of Muhammad

Some people are stupid.

I think this only encourages people to spread the cartoon because it is true for certain members of the religion.

Oh no! a cartoon! I'm gonna blow your family up!

Sometimes I think they are still in the stone age. And they don't seem to do anything about these extremists that give them all a bad name.

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I think it's great that a jordan tabloid are now also showing the drawings of mohammed with the text "moslems wake up - what is worse for islam, these drawings or the pictures of a hostage getting his throat cut or a suicide bomb at a wedding in Amman?"

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Yes, other religions get upset when someone pokes fun at them or has different views. But they tend to not go around taking hostages or blowing up stuff.

Of course the abortion clinic bombers/killers are an exception. Then again in Ireland they had the 2 sides fighting for decades, but it seems to have eased (not sure why they were fighting anyway, more than likely religion at fault)

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I feel angry when people pick on walmart customers instead of walmart itself. It is a store full of cheap items! people who do not make as much are going to shop there! I just want to yell at all of those elitist bastards who call walmart shoppers white trash.

and no, I dont shop at walmart, because it is so irritating to navigate the ultra small walkways and they have a horrible electronics department.

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i cannot stand idiots who misquote holy books and make out of context comparisons to support totally false statements along with quasi definitions to make a false point.  People mistake Christian intolerance of sin for intolerance towards people.  hate the sin ...not the sinner.  Is that so hard to comprehend?

I love having long spaces at the end of my posts cuz it makes me feel unique.  What is really annoying is annoying people who write in F'n ILLOGICAL colors that are impossibel to read..  LISTEN PEOPLE DONT USE PURPLE OR DARK BLUE FONTS IT MAKES PEOPLE HAVE TO HIGHLIGHT YOUR TEXT TO BE ABLE TO READ IT...

OMG... why do people use those font colors???... why are they even available on the forums??  I love to type in caps sometimes becuz it makes me feel good to shout.

I cant stand people who dont build their own F'n computers.... they abosolutely get raped on labor fees and then end up looking like jackasses who paid too much talking about their "state of the art" computer.

I absolutely hate it when i type "ti" instead of "it" and  when i type "teh" instead of "the"

I cant stand people who lurk in forums.... post you freaking worms.

I hate the letter Q

Teenagers need to be slapped everyday atleast once to ensure they dont become soft hippy crybaby liberals.

People love my analogies but are too stupid to understand them.

Why do people eat lots of fast food and complain when they get fat.... STOP EATING YOU FAT WHORE YOU ARE ONLY FEEDING THE FIRE.

Chuck Norris is so cool when he knits sweaters.  And by knit i mean kicks. And by sweaters i mean babies.

All humans are evil and tainted and need their entire life to change....deny this and you are a hypocritical moron.

White webpages hurt my eyes.

Sometimes when no one is looking i bare my teeth.

I love hotsauce... i can drink it out of the bottle... people say ewww gross.. but they are wimps.

I do not like rasberry flavored blue types of candy... its freaking gross.

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I absolutely hate it when i type "ti" instead of "it" and  when i type "teh" instead of "the"

I hate making teh spelling mistake of teh as well. I end up making posts and having to go back and editing them once or twice within seconds of posting it.

Thankfully, I set up Miranda IM to autocorrect it when I mispell that word when chatting to people.

I hate black licorice flavored candy.

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I hate people who ignore the logical fallacies in their arguments and keep on pushing that their arguments are sound like a brutish gorilla. I hate more when other people who similarly commit the same crimes of argument post "I agree" or "you're so right, how can the other guy not see it." If you don't have a thing to post of your own, go sit in the background and bend over like cheerleaders would.

People who shop at wal-mart are some of the most ghetto people I've seen. I'm not blaming the store for that (although they have many things to be blamed for), because the store gives the ghetto people what they want. And when the ghetto people come into my store (Publix) trying to scam us three different ways, I hate them even more. But I always smile and say have a wonderful night  ::)

I hate customers.

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Glad we don't got a ghetto in Charlottetown that I know of.

Although high school kids threatened an oriental restaurant.

Teen mobs disrupting lunchtimes

On March 16, Tommy Ko says hundreds of snowballs started flying into his plate glass windows, disturbing lunch customers. When customers tried to stop them, the kids verbally threatened them.

And that is why people should be allowed to kick their asses. They won't do it again afterwards.

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I hate black licorice flavored candy.

I hate black licorice FLAVOURED candy more. Pffft and you call yourself a Canadian... (right..? :O)

Why are people so obsessed with sex? Am I missing out on something because I just don't see what the big fuss about sex is. Anyone who has sex still with the delusion that it's going to be some amazing, life changing experience is going to be so disappointed. People please calm down with the sex, there are so many other better things to be doing with your time.

Thankyou TMA I think this is one of the greatest threads ever created.

Awww poor Khan. :( :( :( :(

I think this thread would be perfect if it was exempt from dungeonisation, then I could REALLY express how I feel. :-X

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