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old fights, renewed friends, and old stomping grounds

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hello, all.  some of you may remember me, as yoshi13, or as r4dic4l3dw4rd13, whatever... (that l33t is crap, can't beleive i ever did that...) 

    anyhooo, I cannot seem to access my very archaic account, as I have forgotten my password and old email adress.  now, this isn't an introduction page or anything, but I cannot recognise any of the old people that I knew on these boards,  and I wish to contact ye desperately.  I don't know if he still roams here, but has ex changed his name, or can I still find him here under his old sn?  and how have things changed over the years?  I reread the rules, but I'm talking more about general attitudes, taboo topics and people, etc..  can any of the old members help me get reaquainted with the tango that is fed2k?  I would appreciate some help whilst I browse...

Oh, and ex and I have made amends, or so it would seem.  we have come to realize the fallacy in our old perspectives, and are now happily talking to each other, so don't expect the old wars to be reignited.    :)

  much love,

          jamin "the jet" deal  ;D

(okay, my nickname is jam...  I don't like it much, but, eh...)


I have absolutly no idea who you are, but hey welcome back

He's Yoshi13/gilamobster(Maybe,or maybe I'm just thinking of someone else) one of the in/famous members of the Fed2k about 2/3 years ago. Ex's arch-rival, as most of the veterans here know, although I haven't been here enough to actually see him as active as he is reputed to be.  :)

EDIT: They're rivals no more, I just forgot to add that :).


welcome back Yoshi13, or Naoki. :)

Kind of strange you are looking for Ex online, if I remember correctly you don't live that far appart. Even go to the same school as I recall. Anyways. Think I still remember you. ;)


You! It was you who ruined my timetravel fic. Grrrr!

Anyway, welcome back...

We need to get you in the same anger management class as Gob...he hasn't eaten anyone in hours now.


We need to get you in the same anger management class as Gob...he hasn't eaten anyone in hours now.

Well, thats what YOU think! *Looks at bite-shaped hole in arm*


kiora mateys!! i forgot about the gilamobster thing, i was him too.  anyhoo, i might have signed on in 2003 once, but i dont think i was even active then...  it's been a looong loong time, my friends.  I've noticed you newbies are abandoning the fan fiction section, most notably the war threads.  YOU blastherds!!  that was a truly epic section, possibly even comparable to the great daggoth ur!  what doth of fodder you must be to let such a section go stagnant!  a new war thread must be ignited, you people must see the passion, the energy, the exitement of guiding the mighty hammer of your armada down to decimate the ranks of your enemy, writing out the epic details of the mighty struggle!!  where has your spark of creative passion gone?! 

    ah, but i digress.  it is good to be back, and i sincerely hope you younglings decide to reignite the war threads...


It's been tired...Arrakis factions is pretty close, though i dont touch fan fic that often anymore with my cs addiction, and gf and stuff,  i miss it :(

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