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Build Order?

Imperial Sardaukar

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All of my allies complain that the reason I can't ever win, is because I have a terrible build order... but I honestly have no build order, when I feel like it's time for a factory or a refinery, I build one! But, I do understand it's holding me back, I'm a Harkonnen player btw, and while giving me a good build order, could you give me the time frame I should be building what units when.

This is for online play, I just need some tips and tricks to get me started again. ;)

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there are probably " thousands " of building orders.

You could try Barr,fac,ref----and so on.

or experiment on your own.

You should build a few scouts,regular infantry,buzzsaws------etc...

you should also try to check out the strategies given in the strategy topic.


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One thing that I've been doing lately is expermenting with a slower BO's.  I was recently told that I was doing too much "base building".  and I was getting beat by people that had one fac/bar/ref.  While I might have had fac/bar/ref/sard/fac built when the rush came...  Well those two extra buildings cost me a bunch of money that could have been used for units.  (Ever hear "insufficent funds" early in a game?)

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yes, ps, you are talking about you strategy which is aimed at the longer term game, and thier "rush" strat. You would probably have more refs then them as well. It the classic problem of balancing between early rushes and longer term dominance...

You might try to do the slower bo's and find someone does what you used to do, and if you dont rush him (other player) you will lose advantage. Just like they would lose to you the advantage if they didnt rush you.

Anyway, I usually use the stock bo, which is Windtrap (:P), barracks, refinery, factory, refinery. Always producing units when you can. I upgrade refs as I go along, and before the second one is built, the first is fully upgraded. You have to watch your money, and ride the 200 credits (solaris ?) mark. Avoid hitting

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All of my allies complain that the reason I can't ever win, is because I have a terrible build order... but I honestly have no build order, when I feel like it's time for a factory or a refinery, I build one! But, I do understand it's holding me back, I'm a Harkonnen player btw, and while giving me a good build order, could you give me the time frame I should be building what units when.

This is for online play, I just need some tips and tricks to get me started again. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

All of my allies complain that the reason I can't ever win, is because I have a terrible build order...

It sounds like you're not too worried about playing 1 on 1 games. The best thing you can do when deciding on a build order when playing teams is to discuss the game plan with your partner before you start the game. You can decide what it is you want to do as a team, and assign responsibilities before you begin. For instance you may want to do a combination Buzz Saw and Chemical Trooper rush with your Ordos partner. If this is this case let them know you will be making a factory first and they will need to scout for the attack. Keep in mind this in no way assures you of a victory. No matter what you plan on doing, your opponents are always going to have something to say about it.

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  • 11 months later...

One thing that I've been doing lately is expermenting with a slower BO's.  I was recently told that I was doing too much "base building".  and I was getting beat by people that had one fac/bar/ref.  While I might have had fac/bar/ref/sard/fac built when the rush came...  Well those two extra buildings cost me a bunch of money that could have been used for units.  (Ever hear "insufficent funds" early in a game?)

even with thos buildings u should still have sufficient units as hark to hold old any early attack in ur own base . ur problem is definatly not lack of units but rather lack of knowing how to attack/defend a bigger enemy

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even with thos buildings u should still have sufficient units as hark to hold old any early attack in ur own base . ur problem is definatly not lack of units but rather lack of knowing how to attack/defend a bigger enemy

I'd not debate that.  My Micro always sucked; well and that it always took too many Ordos Gas to take down that Mino :) I was actually toying with re-installing the game on the new PC...  though I'd prob get kicked for being a "new noob" lol.

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I think some players confuse always keep building and over-building too. Overbuilding can kill you very fast also, and example I think would be trying for 3 conns right off the bat or trying to tech up too fast while the other guy making just sards n buzz has a nice beefy army ready to smack you down while your cash was spent hoping for 3 silo's, conn's,facts,etc.

For me, I like to kick ass first, tech up later. Although, I used to always want to go silo as fast as possible for some stupid reason.  :)

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Thats true, if you are next to the guy and mess up a bit, it can mean losing the upper hand. If you are far away, you can messup more and get away with, opposition  cannot exploit it from far away.

PS501dude, go for the reinstall, we wont say nothing bad ! :P

We always welcome fresh meat...erm...players. ;)

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but erjin has a knack for reading my mind sometimes... its like he knows when i will do crazy and when i will go normal.... i think he has video surveillance in my comp room.  Either that or his ally always scouts good  ;)

btw is anyone playing emp today.. i was gonna play BF2 ... but if people wana get some emp games going lets do it.

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Thats true, if you are next to the guy and mess up a bit, it can mean losing the upper hand. If you are far away, you can messup more and get away with, opposition  cannot exploit it from far away.

PS501dude, go for the reinstall, we wont say nothing bad ! :P

We always welcome fresh meat...erm...players. ;)

Well as long as scouting with your MCV, and wall building is still the way to go, then I think I'll be back in my old form in no time.  ;D    (That was so funny, I recall once with a game against Apollyon and Mr Dozy, Apollyon actually did scout with his MCV.  He (I think) was in the corner on fishers, I was in the 2nd "power rock" on the top center.  just after I completed my factory, here is Apollyon's MCV in my base.  Completely funny.  *sigh* some good times were had by many.)  It will probaby be a month or more before I have the chance to reinstall.  I'm still in one my rental homes waiting for my new house to be complete; and a such I have absolutely no idea where my install CD is.

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  • 4 years later...

I believe that you need a strong defense in order to successfully win an Atreides game in multiplayer and/or skirmish. Here is how to set one up:

*I will not include building wind traps. Wind traps should be built every time energy is too low.

First of all, deploy your MCV right away and build a wind trap.

Then build your barracks and THEN a refinery. While the refinery is being built, train three snipers, five light infantry and a scout. send the scout to explore the map and the enemy base(s).

Once the refinery is done, wait for the spice harvester to unload the first time, as it will give you 700 Solaris. With that money, build a machinegun post close to you construction yard. That will keep it safe from enemy engineers and saboteurs for now. Then fully upgrade your refinery.

Find the entrance(s) to your base and distribute the snipers and infantry among them.

After you have around 3000 Solaris, build a factory and start producing Mongoose.

After you have around five Mongoose, distribute those five and upgrade your factory.

When the upgrade is done, make as many Minotaur as there are entrances to your base.

Make five Kindjal for every entrance to your base.

Now, place those Kindjals to key positions along the entrances and deploy them so that they will use their RPG instead of their pistol, which is much more effective, obviously.

Place walls reaching from your con-yard to each entrance so that you can build turrets there.

After the walls are built, build an outpost. 

Put two m-gun turrets and two rocket turrets at each entrance.

Now make an extra refinery and fully upgrade it.

Spice and cash should be flowing in now.

This is how you set up a basic defense when fighting with the Atreides. If you think I am wrong, please contact me at EmperorBlog@aol.com .

From here on you can go in any order you

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sniper -- have you ever actually played online?

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

No he has not and with that bo he wont last more than 3 minutes online,also the solaris on emperor is 800 solaris not 700 solaris,that strategy will only work against A1  ;) ;) ;)

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