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NOD vs GDI war


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I thought the Core Defender didn't had any AA weapons. And I thought that was one of its weak spots. I used many Orca Bombers/Banshees against it, while it was walking towards my army, and it didn't fire at them...

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Westwood has always made aircraft almost useless in their games. They are something just to irriatate your enemy, they can be merely used to blow small buildings or defences. In Red Alert you needed almost 20 migs to do something sensible.

Kirov Airship was hella powerful in RA2, though.

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Westwood has always made aircraft almost useless in their games. They are something just to irriatate your enemy, they can be merely used to blow small buildings or defences. In Red Alert you needed almost 20 migs to do something sensible.

Kirov Airship was hella powerful in RA2, though.

I used to capture GDI yards to use helicopters against enemies in TD and must say it's a devastating tactics. If you take that only capable units against them are rocket infantry and MRLS, which can be shot down quickly.

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Westwood has always made aircraft almost useless in their games. They are something just to irriatate your enemy, they can be merely used to blow small buildings or defences. In Red Alert you needed almost 20 migs to do something sensible.

Kirov Airship was hella powerful in RA2, though.

I disagree. While the YaK was a piece of sh*t, the MiG was pretty powerful (although it's price may have compensated it). I believe 5 MiG's could take out a War Factory, 6 for a Construction Yard. With two you can take out a turret, and since they reload insanely fast you can do a great deal of damage (also to tanks) with just 2 MiG's.

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In C&C: Generals: Zero Hour, the USA Air Force General's King Raptors are an awesome weapon. I've played entire games with the Air Force General without ever building a war factory. So, while aircraft may have been useless in RA or Tiberain Sun, EA/Westwood got their acts together and made some seriously decent air units. All I need are 12 King Raptros, and I can commit to solid base defense or assaults. That, and I get paratroopers (20 men per drop), MOABs, carpet bombings, spectre gunship strikes, or A-10 strikes if I wanted...

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What about the A-10 in TD?

It wasn't buildable, just a time-lapse ability like the hunter seeker, Multi-missile, ion cannon, etc.

Didn't play RA2 much so I don't know and it has been ages since I played RA1 so I don't really care for both.

WW didn't actually introduce Air-to-air battles, that's what I hated with their "Can-only-hit-land-targets" air units. The air battles in Real War: Air/Land/Sea really were realistic. You can make your planes dodge missile and rockets, release flares and there are also ATA weapons suited for attacking other air units, all in a cool and realistic manner.

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yeah, but air to air battles in any of the c&c games is useless. It just doesn't work. Because planes have to reload, they're only in the air for a short while.

The fist game to realy good introduce air to air battles was Total Annihilation. That game has excellent air to air fights. Dogfights etc.

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Oh, and yet about the aircrafts in Westwood games. Why do they fly so low? In Tiberium Dawn it was realistic that the A-10a flied just a bit overhead the buildings, but I guess Migs could radar-track their target from the sky oh so high...

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I'll leave you to wonder for while ;)

WTF!!?? If I see one of those I will die due to the extremely laugh I would have, even if this thing is 1Km away.  It looks  more like a yuri weird tank, than a cabal one.

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