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We can still speculate about the reasons until The Butlerian Jihad series hits the shelves.

Then you'll only need to stop if you consider Anderson and Herberts books canon, adn there awre wwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy to many continuity flaws for me to consider them canon.

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Well, what do a know?  That was my 200th regestered post.  I can only imagine how many I'd have if  I hadn'y posted as a guest for two years...  

btw, anyone knw the correct spelling of politicians?

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O.k. back to the subject. No, Mahdi I agree with you about the prequels continuity with the rest of the Dune series. I do not consider them canon either but I love Dune. What is a fanatic to do?

Signed a very frustrated Fedaykin

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Yeah Herbert/Anderson do not have the writing style of Herbert Senior but they do ask to see it from their point of view. I look forward to the Butlerian Jihad and all that could be involed in the series. I mean like the beginings of the Three Schools after the "thinking machines" destruction by the jihad. The creation of the Guild and maybe the beginings of spice additiction in the imperium?

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Well... the only thing relevant is the very curse of House Atreus, which was (we think) lifted when Orestes killed Clytemnestra and Aegisthus. But it's not certain.

As to the final suggestion, it seems that this has happened a lot in the Dune Universe (eg Salusa Secundus), so I wouldn't be surprised.

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Just some comments about earth in the Dune books ;

doesn't the Benne Gesserit have a Van Goch in one of the rooms, I belive it was the room of Darwi ( or Dar&Tar ) in Chapterhouse. It was enhanced with a sensor from Ix in the left lower corner.

And in God Emperor of Dune their ar as I recall two clear reflections to earth, or as Leto II sometimes calls it "old Terra". ( don't they use that in Chapterhouse as well ? )

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Jet even more remarks ?!

In God Emperor of Dune Leto II tries to say that the Atreides in some way originate from earth.

Just as in P.131 in God emperor of Dune, in all the books you can see that some people know stories from and about earth but they ( the perones who "know" earth ) also make verry clear that other people don't know this ( importand ) place.

( just as background info about myself, I'm a university student in philosophy, and not a lot of professors like this, but I have an interrest in the ( fictive ) God Emperor. That's to explain my enthousiasme at answering,... . )

Cheers,  :) :) :) :)

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Yeah, (and I'm pretty sure I'm repeating people when I say this) Leto II and Paul, I think, knows about Earth's history, e.g. Hitler.

And I think that they mention other things about Earth that haven't happened yet, that is, past 2001.

Just a comment...

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maybe when he said the world was destroyed, he meant the world AS IT WAS.  maybe that is why they call earth as WE KNOW IT old terra, because dune is what could be called new terra, while still being the same planet, so it would still be terra, just completely different. get it?

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