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I've watched ROTK at an advanced screening at our place and I was wishing that the "simultaneous release" idea went to this movie than *Gollum*Matrix*Gollum*Revolutions*Gollum*.

If you're lucky enough to watch this thing this December, you will not be dissapointed. ;)

I'm just pissed on behalf of the other people who have to watch it on January 9 (The regular release) over here in the Philippines... >:(

Right balance of action, humor, some scary and emotional scenes. A worthy movie classic...this is the cream of the epic movie crop. :)

Don't worry Scy, I won't spoil the details...too beautiful or too cool to spoil...hehe. :P

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I have to say it was satisfing to watch, I agree it is rather long at a certain point. Peter Jackson did an excellant job in the realization of LOTR in a cinematic form. This maybe the only time we see a series that is truly complete as we have seen in the past certain movie series are less than sepectaular "Star Wars" cough,cough. Maybe someone is paying attention on how to make a movie series.

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I've just seen ROTK! It's really good - brilliant, in fact!

There are two main things I don't like about it. (You may not want to read on if you haven't seen the movie yet.) [hide]Firstly, the end is too drawn out, and too trivial. Secondly, and the next is a big spoiler, I don't like Aragorn's ghost army - they mopped up everything too quickly. I think they should have come alive and then died again afterwards, or something like that. I've only read the first book, FOTR, but the person I know who's read all three says he can't remember the ghost army being in the third book (though he read them a very long time ago).[/hide]

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Great movie.

Maybe the disappointment we have is that it is the last in the series, nothing to look forward to next year!

Sven what was that in hidden text couldn't read it? ??? Maybe that was the intention ;D

I've been to most of the sights in the movie, some have been doctored a little but fantastic vistas anyway

Hope "Heavy J" gets the recognition he well deserves.

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whatcha talkin about... i read the books and the ghost army was in the books...

My 'pig latin' message was about not giving too much of the movie away.

Anyway, I have to say I prefer the fight scenes in The Two Towers. Still, the three LOTR movies are the best movies ever made (except perhaps for The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi - I haven't decided yet).

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[hide]Now we're getting somewhere! So the ghost army is in the books. How is it described in the book? I expected it to come alive and then die again. I was very disappointed when it just 'rushed over' everything.[/hide]

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[hide] in the books the gost army was feared by all the humans, no one from Rohan dared come near.

The ghost army however was actually an old civilization that would not go untill the king of Gondor (in this case thus Aragorn) would say that they have payed their debt and that they can go to whatever.... (heaven?) . This service that Aragorn asked for them was to assist them in the fight against mordor around Gondor... and they did. [/hide]

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Man I just saw ROTK tonight and all I can say is...wow....

It was amazing , the battle scenes were great and it just all got rapped up good....

Although I did have a few issues....

One it was really really long and in my opinion a movie that I cant sit through without going to the bathroom is really long. But I suppose they had to make it that long to fit everything in.

Two, that orc army was hugeeee and they just raced in there on horses and took them out in like five minutes....

And there were so many orcs there and than after they were all gone there was another huge ass army in mordor.....

I dunno there were some points that dident exactally click but alltogether I loved it!

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