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Quiting Smoking....


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What you the non smoker and the smoker have to accept is that smoking is an addiction. Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances on the planet, it is also a dealy toxin.

The hardest thing about giving up is the culture/mythos of/and surrounding smoking. The negative reinforcement by the media and the manafactuer.

And back when i started smoking cigs were dirt cheap unlike todays prices and like all smoker i didn't start out of 40 a day. way back then i smoked 40 a week max.

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Its amazing how many people have told me they are not addicted to smoking...granted, some of them didnt actually smoke :) but of those that did, there was still such a high percentage of people who were adamant that they were not addicted and could give up whenever they wanted.

Its just that they never wanted... ::)

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@ erjin: yes I know those people too who tell you they can stop whenever they want - 98% of them can't. but there are also those 2% who really can. I also know people - including myself - who really did it. said they could stop whenever they wanted and really could. but it also depends on how much a day you have been smoking and how long I guess.

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It usually takes something more than wanting to quit for someone to quit. Such as a family member dieing of cancer, or inhaling smoke in a burning building. I saw someone through a pack of cigs out a car window saying he was gonna go "cold turkey". It didn't last long.

Also the fact that people can quit for medical reasons (surgery etc), then a month after the medical procedure start smoking again because they can...

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Most smokers want to quit (secretly)or at least cut down. They recognise the dangers inherent in smoking, most wouldn't want their kids to start, i know i didn't.

I've seen family members and friends die of cancer but that didn't deter me nor did the cost.

I finally recognised from others stopping and from reading Alan Carr's book that the truth was that i was addicted/caught in the nicotine trap and that all the reasons i smoked were rubbish/excuses for that addiction.

The media brainwash into believing it is hard to stop smoking and that we will fail without support, giving up isn't like coming of hard drugs with physical pain or the shakes.

It is more a physiological feeling of loss, like a bereavement of a close friend rather than a mortal enemy.

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Also the fact that people can quit for medical reasons (surgery etc), then a month after the medical procedure start smoking again because they can...

I have a relative who has had major heart surgery and instead of quitting (I know he only started becuase of peer pressure) he carried on smoking, despite doctors advice. Addiction for him now, of course.

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The media brainwash into believing it is hard to stop smoking and that we will fail without support, giving up isn't like coming of hard drugs with physical pain or the shakes.

Oh yes, the media does that all the time for some weird reason. Maybe they collude...

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All you people are going about this the wrong way! The most effective method to quit smoking is to replace the crave for smoke with a crave for something else. Some people use cheese or crackers or coffee. However, all these people are idiots. The only effective thing to replace your tobacco addiction is meth! Every time you feel like lighting up a joint or a fag or a lesbian or whatever you call them, get Mr. Needly out! After a few months, you'll be in psychosis from lack of sleep and be lying in bed, hooked up to a tube, or brain-dead! Woohooo! And then you can brag in Heaven about how you were a tweaker.  :) Try it!

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You got to have a lot of motivation in order to quit smoking. My grandfather used to smoke too, but started smoking again after quiting once. He said he didn't even use a tactic to help him quit, he just said one day to himself that he'll never smoke. Doubt that's a good advise, but anyway...My dad smokes too and he tryes to quit by eating... don't laugh, bombons! And it sort of helps, he likes to play chess, and that's how he gets his mind off it. I suppose you need some sort hobby to keep you busy from wanting to smoke. Best of luck to all that wanna quit! :) 

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I can tell you how addictive they are. Once while I had a hospital stay and of course smoking is a no-no in the hospitals, I asked my doctor if I could have a nicotine patch. He said,"sure". after I tried it on my arm for a bit I actually took it off and started licking the damn thing...true story. And the sad part is, I enjoyed it lol.

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Methadone is used as a substitute for those addicted to heroine, so they can get off. It obvioiusly has strong effects and some try to get some for other reasons than getting off heroine.

alchemi, from this whole thread what I retain is that you are oooooold ;D

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Go to a hospital and talk to the guys who have cancers becuz of smoking..thats going to change you.

Watching family members die of cancer works better :)

There's the slow cancer that puts you in a hospital for a year or two gradually taking quality of life away, and there's the cancer that kills you within a month of being diagnosed (which is more shocking to the family than the long term one as they can not plan the death as well). Also fun to see cancer cause a hemorrhage in the brain (after the person battles cancer for a year) and the person becomes a "Terri Schiavo" for a month in the hospital then finally dies.

Pick your choice :-[

Had another one die of Cancer today. Another one will probably die in a couple months (we hope he goes quick, wake should have 2-3% of province visit :o, even had the provincial Liberal leader visit with a certificate for being such a good liberal).

Cancer is very predominant in the family. But then Islanders are family oriented with large family ties so everyone knows everyone here. Listening to the death announcements on the radio is a must in case you know someone, then it's off to the funeral home.

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Old for this sites average age  ::) :'( but if you visited some of The Settlers sites i would be considered young or maybe middle aged.

Had a number of relatives die of cancer over the years some smokers, some none smokers, it never really put me off smoking, you always believe it won't happen to you. criminals wouldn't commit crimes if they knew they would definitely be caught and punished. ;)

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Don't worry alchemi, "old" is never more than the number of winters and summers someone saw. We could also look base ourselves on something kind of random like this, such as the number of 20$ bills with a number 4 in the serial number you touched up to now.

You're a Settlers player? How rare :) I tested once and found it frankly interesting; they might produce another one, given that Firaxis tend to redo their old successes one after another.

I know someone who quit smoking after he got interested in his cardio and other physical capacities. So it can also affect someone by STOPPING him from doing a healthy sport which would help all the rest.

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